I fire up my computer on a cold, dark, damp January afternoon and log onto Blogland and the warmth that comes out of my screen from all you lovely Bloggers is amazing. I know I say it often but it doesn't matter how I feel when I arrive, I always leave with a big smile and thoughts of just how nice this crafting world is that I joined almost a year ago. I just wish I'd done it sooner.
The marmalade recipe for those of you who are interested, and I promise it's not complicated or hard is from Delia Smith and it works every time. This makes six 1lb jars.
2lb Seville oranges
4 pints of water
1 lemon
4lb caster sugar
-Put the water in a very large pan.
-Cut the oranges & lemon in half and squeeze, adding the juice to the water.
-Cut each orange into quarters and thinly slice the skins adding them to the water. Wrap any pith, pips and leftovers in a muslin bag, tie up with string and hang over the side of the pan to release the pectin from it.
-Simmer gently for 2 hours or until the skin is soft. Remove the muslin bag, leave to cool and then squeeze well over a basin to get all the goo out and add this to the pan stirring well. It will help in the setting.
-Add the sugar and heat gently until it is all dissolved. Check the back of your wooden spoon, there should be no grains visible.
-Put a saucer in your fridge/freezer.
-When the sugar is dissolved bring the mixture up to a rolling boil and time for 15 mins.
-When the time is up place a dribble on the cold plate and leave to cool slightly. If it wrinkles when you push it, it's ready. If not continue boiling and re test.
-Leave the marmalade to cool for 20 mins before pouring into sterilised jars. ( Sterilise by putting in a warm oven for 30 mins)
Now down to crafty matters.
I was visiting my blogging buddy
Sarah recently, who is a dedicated Scrapper and creates beautiful work and she has done a layout which almost mirrors one I did a couple of years ago. We'd even used the same photo of ourselves reflected in a Christmas bauble. It struck me as strange how people who don't know one another, who have never met and who have completely different types of lives can create such similar pieces of craft!!

This is mine and it was done after a particularly difficult year and I just wanted to remind myself that even when times are tough, there are still plenty of things that can bring joy.

Apologies if I've waffled on a bit today. I'll end as I started as what I said at the beginning reflects perfectly with this layout. Check out Sarah if you've got a minute. Her blog is well worth a visit.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday has gone well.