Morning lovely Crafters and WOYWWer's. Here we are again at another mid point of the week and a beautiful sunny one it is too. I know some of you haven't been so lucky this week but for once we've had a lovely week of mild temperatures and sunshine, perfect for half term.
I've had a busy few days having some lovely trips out and then grabbing a few hours in my craft room doing DT work for the launch of a new set of gorgeous stamps from the lovely Sheena Douglass on Create and Craft next Sunday 30th October.
More of that later but in the meantime, as the cards are now parcelled up to be sent off to Douglass Towers this morning, there is nothing, not a jot, on my desk as I tidied up and put everything away ready for the next project.

Doesn't look tidy to me I hear you cry. Well, when I went up to take my photos late last night I'd forgotten I'd got a load of papers out looking for my MOT and Insurance documents to tax my car today. Don't you just love having to do these jobs.

Just to give you a glimpse of the other side of my desk, the one I normally keep hidden, you can see the organised chaos. I like to keep all my Nesties and embossing folders close to hand so they sit in a basket on my desk all mixed up with my cake decorating bits and bobs and other crafty things.

My ribbon stash is also outgrowing it's space, can you ever have enough ribbons?
If you have something interesting happening on your desk today or just want to share your crafty space then pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia
HERE and share it all with us.
Now, back to Sheena's gorgeous new stamps. These have been right up my street. Those of you who know me well know of my love of The Lake District so when these little beauties fell through my letterbox I was thrilled to discover they are all Lakeland inspired. I feel like I've been travelling sitting at my desk.

Here's a Sneaky Peek of one of the samples I made. The sets all combine beautifully to build up scenes but I love these rowing boats so I decided to keep them simple and just used Vintage Photo Distress Ink for it all.
The rest of the team have produced some gorgeous creations and you can see more by popping over to
Sheena's blog.I will share some more with you tomorrow.
Well, better go and get the car taxed and then I think we are going into Leeds for some lunch and a look round the big shops, now there's an adventure for you. I used to work in Leeds every day but now we go once in a blue moon so it really does feel like an adventure.
Thanks for stopping by.