It's half term for us this week and as I said last week that means decorating. We are getting on well and the new floor is going down today but because of all the stuff we've had to move out of our room this is as near as I can get to my workdesk at the moment so not a lot happening on it this week. Anyway, I thought I'd still share the general chaos with you for WOYWW. The wardrobes all this came out of are up against our bed so we are having to do acrobatics to get into each night which is causing great hilarity. We're not as bendy as we used to be!!

If you want to share your desk this week, pop over to Julia's blog to see what it's all about.
Because very little crafting has been going on I thought I'd share with you some photos of our trip out on Monday. It was one of those stunning days when the sky is amazingly blue, although cold. We went to have a look at a new installation ( I think that is probably the best way to describe it, or maybe Sculpture) that has just opened on the moors near where we live. It is to celebrate the highest quarry in England and is called The Coldstones Cut. They have built a street with lots of streets going off leading to viewing towers over the quarry one way and then out over the moors the other. You have to walk over the moor to it so it's quite strange to suddenly come upon "a street".

It was incredibly high up and very very cold but well worth it. The views were spectacular. We worked out we could see Ferrybridge power station which is about 50 miles away! The viewing area is circular and all the way round is a chart that shows you where places are around the world and how far they are away. We thoroughly enjoyed it and it's well worth a visit for all you Yorkshire Ladies, although you need a good pair of walking boots and to be well wrapped up!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of the week.
Uuups where is your desk ???
So busy that I can not see your desk ;)
Happy crafting.
Looks as if you are in a bit of a mess then Lisa!! Ha! at this moment in time (and it won't last) we aren't too bad now, just a few things to do on the decorating to finish!
Gorgeous pictures! I love those cold dry days for walking, perfect! Jill x
Wow, good luck climbing over that lot into bed! Love your photos, it looks wonderful!
Looking crazy - hope you get sorted soon - great photos and blue sky!
sasa 28
Oh your hosue sounds just liek ours, we decide to move something in one room, then all teh others have chaos for a week or two! lol
Agree very odd lookign street hehe
happy WOYWW
mandi xx
WOW, amazing photos. It looked like a fabulous day, perfect for a walk in them there hills, if you're dressed for it!
Chrissie #9
Not even a passageway has been left to your desk - bet you will be glad to get back to normal. Love the view over the dales - gorgeous. Elizabeth #51
will put that beauty spot on my list - looks fab! Love your desk shot, looks like my room lol
All progress comes at the expense of a little inconvenience. Hope you can get to your desk sooner rather than latter. S #84
I think that would be a climb too far for me lol but it does look stunning! As for the decorating - hope it all goes well for you - we're going to start our next lot at the weekend hopefully but I'm not really looking forward to it. The crafting always has to suffer doesn't it?
Love Lynda xxx
Ya see Lisa, this is real honest crafter life - none of the celebrity nonsense about 50 foot size white rooms filled with beauty and endless time off from the five kids to craft. Just think how lovely it will be to move back into your bedroom and not have to be bendy! Fantastic 'installation' - what a great idea. Love the pics - you're so right about the sky blue. It is a colour reserved for cold, huh!!
Oh heck! Glad I am not you although I will want to be you when it is all finished.
Thanks for the tour of the moor. #46
Great looking wall...certainly an interesting concept! I know how you feel after all our roof work we are finally getting some order back(5 months later....) I even have a new work desk - which is pretty cool. Cheers Claire x
I'm sure it'll be worth all the hassle when it's done though. I agree, very odd to find a street, complete with bollards, yellow lines and what looks like a sleeping policeman in the middle of a moor!
Brenda 89
Good luck getting all that sorted out! Love the pictures!
I am so pleased I'm not the only one in uproar. We too are having a new wood floor laid, utility room right through the hall and into the dining room, so furniture everywhere, not to mention the dust.
Some super pictures, looks like your weather is a bit kinder than here, we had so much rain this week, although a glimmer of sunshine this afternoon.
B x
First of all, thank you so much for sharing your pictures as I will probably never make it to your little part of the world. And as far as the mess in concerned, this to shall pass and you will love the room.
hope you findyour desk again soon, lol. caroline #14
hope you findyour desk again soon, lol. caroline #14
Thanks for popping in...yep...have no idea when we'll see them again, stillwe had them for just under two weeks and it was fab!
I'm only half way round and very late with my woywwer comments!! Great pictures!! and a very full crafty place!
Wow! the installation on the moors is fantastic. It probably encouraged so many people to get out there and enjoy such a beautiful place, who wouldn't have bothered if the art wasn't there.
It was like that with the Dream in St Helen's that I posted around May.
Love the state of your desk!
Jo x
I bet you will be so glad when it is all done!
Hope you can see your desk by the time you are reading this and your decorating is finished. I'm about to start on the Kitchen!!!
Lovely Pics. Have a great weekend.
Hi Lisa
Looks like a bit of tidying up is need in that craft room LOL!!!
Can't even see the ironing basket this week!!!
Love Jules xx
I think I would have gone out for a walk too judging by the state of your room. Still, it will be fab once finished and you can craft again. whoopee!
Luv Joanne xx
ok I guess the desk is under all the stuff that is piled on top. The trouble with decorating is you have to move everything and then put it back.....sounds like hard work
Ooo, that place looks interesting. We often head over to Swinsty & Fewston reservoirs for walks with the dog so we could easily head up there.
How rubbish to have your craft room taken over with clothes! Still, I'm sure your new bedroom will be worth it.
Ellie had been out leaf collecting again today, this time at Hardcastle Crags in Hebden Bridge. It was gorgeous with all the turning leaves.
Hey Lisa. Great to have you back!! Believe me I know all about mess and chaos as for the last year we've been living with it ourselves thanks to the extension we've been doing to our house plus the re-wiring and plumbing!! xx
ohhhh looks like you're having lots of fun this week! Hope it's all done soon and you get your craft space back. Wow, that quarry/sculpture/thingummy looks amazing - I've just been checking out some links to find out more about it.
Thanks so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog last Wednesday. I’m still moving slowly, but trying to start visiting people who visited me. I know how unsettling remodels can be. I hope you will have something to show next week. But in the meantime, I'm really loving all the outdoor shots and the moors. You have very lovely landscapes, so totally different from mine. I'm so glad you shared these photos of a place I'll probably never visit. Happy very belated WOYWW (# 15).
Lisa, hope the decorating has come along this week. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 24)
Hi Lisa, many thanks for responding to my Poppy Tag post - it's much appreciated. Thanks also for the tip about putting leaves through the Cuttlebug with cartridge paper - I will give that a try sometime. I'll publish a post about the leaves project soon. Regards, Elizabeth
Ha Ha! Small price to pay for a re-do. Just think how wonderful it will be when it's done. Love the photos as well - what a beautiful place!
Very busy room you have there! hope you are soon finished with the decorating so that you can get back to your craft desk! Thanks for sharing and commenting on my blog.
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