Here's my workspace this Wednesday still with lots of Christmas cards on the go. I've spent the day Slicing snowflakes!!!! and staring out of the window while the machine was doing its stuff watching the weather changing down the valley. One minute gorgeous sunshine, the next rain.

I also thought I'd share the view I have out of the window and the reason why today has been a very frustrating Wednesday. Yesterday two lovely Gas men arrived to dig this hole at the bottom of our drive to repair a gas leak. They had to turn our gas supply off but promised at 4pm yesterday afternoon it would be back on within 4 hours!!!!! At 4pm today I was making my 3rd phone call to see where the engineer was and when the gas would be back on. Having no hot water for 24 hours is not funny!! Happily he arrived at 5pm and we are now fighting for the shower and have had a lovely cooked dinner. No spinny dinner tonight.
Lots of lovely WOYWW's have asked for some piccies of my cakes so here are a few. They are all Wedding cakes apart from the large flower which was DD's 7th birthday cake.

I hope I haven't bored you to death with them all and if you are wondering who these mystery WOYWW's are then you need to pop over to Julia's blog and all will become clear.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of the week.
Tidy desk, love the look of that slice machine! Gorgeous cakes you have there. nnalorac.xx 62
Wow! Your cakes are amazing! Really stunning, thanks so much for sharing them with us nosey parkers!
How do you find the Slice? Always been curious about them
Happy Wednesday
What fabulous cakes!!! Absolutly fantastic :) And I just love your stool, which has the butterflies on, so sweet!
Such a tidy desk Lisa, but onto the cakes - they are totally fabulous and absolutely gorgeous!! You are so talented. Can't wait to see my FIL's 100th cake in a few weeks time.
Hugs, Sylvia xxx
Hi ya
lovely tidy desk, wow those cakes are something else, beautiful,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (2)
Flippin heck Lisa, those cakes are just amazing!
We have a girl who uses a slice at the crop and it works well, but I think I'll stick to my Expression!! You are obviously a tidy worker looking at your desk!
I suppose getting the kettle on for shower isn't an option?
Jill x
Fab cakes, what a talent.
Oh my goodness ... How clever are you ... those cakes are amazing!
Linky #27
Hi Lisa, you already know I think your cakes are gorgeous. I love the one with all the daisies on.
Lots of nice light onto your desk and your stool is lovely. Did you decorate it?
Sympathise over the no hot water situation as my boiler (which is only 2 years old) keeps playing up and it's driving me mad!
Lesley Xx
Fab stool - and truly amazing cakes...my mum does them too and I know how much work they are! They're really great - oodles of talent!
Sarah sasa 18
Beautiful cake. Too lovely to eat.
Thanks for sharing your work.
Hi Lisa
Still rain at this end, when it starts in tghe Fens it never knows when to stop.
Beautiful sugarcraft, especially love those roses. How I wish I still had the dexterity to do them, I used to so enjoy it. But seeing your lovely creations are the next best thing.
B x
Wow Lisa you are one very talented lady.
Not only do you make gorgeous paper creations you make fantastic cakes too. I love the pink roses!!!
Just one quick question .. .. is that basket under your super organised desk an empty ironing basket? LOL!!!
Love Jules xx
OMG!! I am so impressed with your cakes. They are gorgeous. You do great work. When I think of decorating cakes, I think of putting cake frosting in a bag and squeezing it out to make squiggles. Since I have arthritis, I have never had any grip. Now I might actually be able to decorate a cake at least ONCE in my life. Happy WOYWW (#1)
They are all stunning Lisa - I do love the big flower....and I bet they taste as good as they look - masterpieces! Cheers Claire x
Gorgeous cakes....love all the little flowers on the first one
xoxo Sioux
Oh my goodness Lisa those cakes are gorgeous!! What I want to know is where's my piece of cake got to then??? xx
Fun seeing your workspace! Delightful cakes!
What gorgeous cakes! Love your work stool with the butterflies too!
Katie (138)
Wow those cakes are stunning!
What a tidy workspace - wish I could keep mine like that while I'm working.
OMG Lisa what stunning cakes - I adore the daisy one!
Love Lynda xxx
Lisa, your cakes are fantastic. The daisy one is my favourite, but Freya's flower is beautiful too. It amazes me how realistic your roses are. You must have endless patience.
Lynne xx
totally amazing cakes....I hope you enjoyed your shower.
Sue xx 88
Lovely organised workspace. The cakes look fabulous.
I haven't even started making any Christmas cards yet! You're very organised.
Your cakes are stunning - especially the one with roses on the top.
Thanks for the snoop!
Sherry (117)
OM gosh those cakes are absolutely amazing!!
Those pink roses look fantastic
My first time on WOYWW
See you again
mandi xx
Oh fabulous Lisa - no wonder you're so busy - those cakes are a dream - bet the couples were overjoyed.
Amazing cakes, Lisa!
Sorry to hear the annoying workmen ruined your day. Though it is hard to call them "work" men as they seem to spend more time staring into the hole than actually working in them!!
Hi Lisa, catching up at last with some blog-hopping and I find some gorgeous cakes to make me go wow!. They really are fab - what a clever bunny you are.
Grrrr about the gas men - I hope by now everything is fixed and the hole is all filled in.
We had a wonderful week in Yorks - we were soooo lucky with the weather - mind you we did have torrential rain, bright, warm sunshine and then a hailstone storm - all in the space of a bout three hours one day!
catch you again soon
Hi Lisa - thank you so much for visiting - I know I've been very remiss over the last few months. Been very busy with the house and garden but once he weather changes and I'm stuck indoors I hope to get back into it again. I love your garden and cake photos and I don't mind seeing your stool again at all. It's fab and I'd love one just like it.
Beryl xx
wowsers! what beautiful cakes! You are clearly very talented!
Wow what a talented lady you are. Gorgeous cards and wonderful cakes, just love them.
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