This weather is certainly perfect for crafting and not a lot else, although we did have a lovely morning shopping in
Harrogate yesterday.
Lots of little bits of secret Santa shopping needed doing so plenty of sneaking into shops while creating a diversion was going on. Freya is very good, we can get away with buying things when she's with us and saying it's being sent away to Santa, although she will be getting plenty of surprises so don't worry!
It was thick fog and drizzly rain while we were out and by the time we got home the wind had got up and it was pouring. A perfect excuse for a crafting afternoon.
Freya and I had a play with alcohol inks, her results were better than mine, I was too heavy handed so I did them all again. Fancy being shown up by an 8 year old. Anyway this was all in aid of Frankie's Tag It On Challenge which was to use alcohol inks and faces. I have made my tag but you'll have to wait to see that one 'cos I had so many bits of inked paper left I decided to make a card and while I was putting it together realised it fitted the
Tuesday Taggers challenge this week of red, gold and green. I have to confess to having to think hard how to get the green in but if you look closely you'll see the little green gems!!!

We made the background by putting the alcohol ink onto a craft mat and squirting it liberally with blending solution and then twisting some
cheapy photo paper around in it and just kept going until we had something we liked. The gold ink was added in the same way at the very ink. I think I used Cranberry and Denim Blue for the card.
The Crafty Individual ladies were stamped in Brilliance Crimson and the background was a script stamp also from Crafty Individuals which was stamped several times and gold embossed. I gold embossed the chipboard swirls to match.

I was also honoured by receiving this lovely award from the very talented
Rhonda who lives in beautiful Vancouver and makes gorgeous tags.
Apparently, I have to tell you 5 interesting facts about myself, how hard is that!!!!
Well here goes-
I'm very grumpy first thing in the morning until I've had my first cup of tea, which my lovely hubby brings me in bed every day, how lucky am I!!!!
I love to be outside in the sunshine, it just makes me so happy, which is why Spring and Summer are my favourite months.
I can't understand people with a handbag and shoe fetish, I only have one bag and a couple of pairs of shoes for Winter and Summer, but I absolutely love buying plants and craft stash instead.
I love my music. Music of all kinds, I don't really have a favourite. Some music makes me happy and want to dance (not very well I hasten to add) and some just makes me want to sit and listen. But I have music on all day!
I adore silly American dramas like
Everwood, Brothers and Sisters and ER and cannot miss them, yes I know ER has finished now. I shall be in mourning for ever. If I'm going to miss an episode I'll go to any lengths to see it!!! Sad I know.
Blimey that was a struggle.
I don't normally pass awards on, it's so hard to choose but because I'm nosey and some blogs especially make me smile I'd like to pass this award to the following.
Jill (Mrs Stampman)Sarah (In The Zone)PollyKathyand
Ei for her wonderful e-mails.
and everyone else who'd like it.
Well I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. I'll be back soon with that tag. I think I've wittered on enough for one day.
Thank you for stopping by.