Wednesday, 21 March 2018


Morning lovely WOYWW friends. I hope I find you well this Wednesday morning. At least the sun is shining and the snow has gone again here.

Here's my desk as of yesterday.

It's been a bit chilly in my craft room so I'm back on the dining table in the warm and doing some scrapbooking. I took this photo of my DD during the first cold spell when she helped me walk through the snow to do my Mum's shopping and I liked it so much it just needed to be scrapped. I'm just procrastinating on what to put as a title. Always the bit I struggle with as it needs to be right.

Here's the finished page so you can see what I settled on!!

Well, that's about it for this week. I just thought I'd leave you with another picture of the snow, this time from last Sunday when we braved the cold to go for a walk and take some photos.

Let's hope that's the last of it for this winter. I'm desperate for some warm spring weather now!

If you want to share your desk with us this week, then pop over to see Julia and join up with WOYWW.

Right, I'm off to make a cuppa and then I'll be round to see what you've all been up to.

Have a great Wednesday and Happy Crafting!

Wednesday, 14 March 2018


Morning all lovely WOYWW friends. Wow, it's soooooo  good to be able to join you again this week. I've actually managed a bit of crafting so here's my desk as of yesterday afternoon. Look at that lovely sunshine.

I bought a couple of new Pixie Powder colours last weekend so sat down after work yesterday to have a look at how the colours looked when sprayed with water and ended up having a lovely couple of hours just playing and I ended up with a journal page. Don't you love when art just happens when you least expect it.

Here's the finished page.

And because I didn't see you during the big freeze, here's a photo I took in the blizzard while walking down to visit my Mum.

We had another surprise snow day last Thursday when nothing and no one got out until lunchtime as the snow fell on a thick layer of ice. Thankfully, when the sun came out there was a quick thaw but this was our road at 8am.

If you want to share your desk with a lovely bunch of crafters, then pop over to see Julia and join in with the WOYWW fun.

Right, I'm off to make a fresh cuppa and then I'll be round to catch up with what you've all been up to.

Have a lovely Wednesday and Happy Crafting!!

Wednesday, 10 January 2018


Happy Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Birthday dear WOYWW deskers. That should cover everything I've missed since I last joined in with the gentle desk hop.

It's been a bit of a time here at The Craft Garden. Surfice to say Life through us a curve ball mid November, my general fit and healthy 81 year old Mum suddenly became seriously unwell and off to hospital she was taken. Pneumonia was diagnosed but after responding to treatment we then had to break her out of hospital nearly 3 weeks later. I thought they were short of beds!!!!! I won't moan but she was desperate to get home and really depressed at being kept in but tests that were scheduled kept being postponed even though she was medically fit to be discharged. So, she discharged herself and is now going to do the tests as an outpatient. She is recovering slowly, good days and bad days but is glad to be in her own home with her friends popping in and out and my sister and I keeping a very close eye on her
So....... I have a bit of a desk to share with you at long last.

I took this last night hence the poor light although it was so dark all day I don't think it would have made much difference! A bit of gentle scrapbooking to try and get the old mojo kick started again.
I'm just playing with sprays and inks and seeing what evolves.

The last time I was with you I was making some scrapbooks for Christmas presents, which did get finished. Here are the end results and some pictures on the insides. There are lots of tutorials on line for these if anyone is interested.

Well, that's me this week. If you want to share your desk with us, then pop over to WOYWW and see the lovely Julia.

Have a great Wednesday whatever you are up too and Happy Crafting!