I love this week full of preparation and expectation, it's my favourite time. Lots of cooking and wrapping with Christmas songs on the radio and of course food shopping, not looking forward to that bit.
Here's my desk today with those last minute pressies still being made. I can't tell you who the box is for but I can tell you it started life as a persil tablet box!! I've got some lovely goodies to put inside.
I was lucky enough to be the very happy recipient of some of Lunch Lady Jan's Christmas bunting and here it is gracing my Craft Room. I can't get in there to craft at the minute, it seems to have been taken over by Santa!! but I love seeing the bunting hanging there.

And this last photo is for Jozarty. She asked what our favourite traditions are and one of ours is putting all the baubles we have collected and made over the years on the tree. A lot of them are handmade by both Grandma and DD and they all find a space. We also buy a new decoration each every year so as you can see it's very full but I absolutely love seeing it twinkling in the corner and especially love how the lights shine on the wall behind. Magic!!
I would just like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a very Peaceful and Healthy New Year and special wishes to Julia, the lady who brings us altogether on a Wednesday and who we have to thank for many new friendships.
Hello Lisa
Just popping in to wish you and yours a Very Happy Christmas. And to thank you for your blogland friedship in 2011 which I really do appreciate.
B x
And a very happy Christmas and New Year to you too Lisa!. Absolutely love your tree, its the best I have seen this year!! Jill x
Hi Lisa!!
What a gorgeous tree and like you, we also have a tree full of ornaments bought over the years, each one of them holding very special memories! :)
Thank you for all your support and all your lovely comments throughout 2011!! You've been an amazing blogging buddy and a good friend ~ I really appreciate it all!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy 2012!
Love and hugs, Emma xxx
I love your tree, Lisa - it looks huge! How tall is it?? But you are in the same decorating mould as I am - no square inch will be left bare!! Is there such a thing as too much sparkle...oh no, there isn't...:)
I added a couple more baubles this year, they are red glass and gorgeous. Then Morti made me this rasta beaded bauble which is very funky, so I've done well!
Without wanting to sound cheesy, I really appreciate all the kindness you've extended to me this year. May 2012 be a fab year for you all, happy, healthy and full of excitement.
With love, LLJ #43 xx
Lol, that bunting of LLJ's is getting everywhere! Love your tree, it looks stunning.
Happy Christmas.
What a great creative craft space! Beautiful things are being made there and I love your Christmas tree :). Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas to you and yours! :), Joanna #81
Have a wonderful christmas and thanks for the beautiful card. Love that mistletoe stamp x
Looks like lots of activity in your place. Great tree!
Merry Christmas! Tango #84
Hi there Lisa - I do love popping over to your blog such a friendly little spot and love the pickies too and well done on scoring LLJ bunting good job that one and looks so good too! And think Jo will love the tree awesome one and we too have hand made ones that get a lace of prominence on the tree. Happy WOYWW! and thanks for being a blessing to me through 2011.
All the blessings of the season as we celebrate the birth of the dear Lord Jesus and the greatest Gift of all, love Shaz in oz. x #20
Your tree looks beautiful Lisa, I think it’s so special when you have decoration that mean so much to you.
My tree too is full of decoration that I’ve collected on my travels around the world over the years and like you I always buy at least one new one each year, the trouble is it’s not going to be long before I need a bigger tree!
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas.
Hi Lisa,
Oh I love your Christmas Tree - so pretty and sparkly. I do the same thing - get a new decoration every year, although this year as I have only put my little tree up they were not tree decs!! Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year and I look forward to catching up with you in 2012 xxx
Looks and sounds really wonderful down your way1 Thanks for sharing in such a busy week! Hope you have a very festive and wonderfully merry time - see you in 2012! Sarah at 11.
What a beautiful tree, I too put lots of decs on the tree you can't help it can you! Merry Christmas, Hugs May x x x x x
wow it looks really festive - your tree is gorgeous
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas
Lisa xx
Love that sparkly Christmas tree Lisa, and the bunting too, I was also lucky in that regard! Hope you get your last minute things done. We're food shopping tomorrow too, hopefully it'll be smooth! Have a great Christmas.
Brenda 71
Hello, Lisa! I'm dropping by to greet you and your loved ones a joyful and blessed Christmas season! That box is so pretty and you have a lovely tree!
Thanks for sharing your life and projects with us in your blog!
peggy aplSEEDS
Hello Lisa, just dropping in late again but wanted to say I've really enjoyed visiting your blog, and admiring your handiwork throughout the year. It's been fun getting to know you, virtually that is :) I love LLJ's bunting - I've hung mine in the lounge and your tree is gorgeous - decorating the tree is probably my favourite part of the pre-Christmas preparations too. Here's wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Elizabeth x #46
Hi Lisa, Happy Christmas to you and your family:0) What a magnificent tree:0) I've loved visiting you and enjoyed getting to know you, such a sweet lady! I hope that 2012 brings lots of happiness your way, hugs Gay xxx
Hi Lisa. Hope you have had a great Christmas. Things got a bit hectic but now I can sit back with a glass and fly around blogland playing catchup. Love that bunting. I have some in my room too from LLJ. We should form a club - LLJ Bunting Club! Haa Haa.
Love your tree. See you tomorrow - the last WOYWW before 2012! Yikes! Thanks for being my blogging buddy. :-)
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