I meant to show you all the photos in one go yesterday but we had both our Mums for tea last night and they arrived half way through my typing so I had to break off.
So, I'll finish them off today and then it'll be crafting from now on, I promise.
The first one is the view from our hotel window. We didn't have a balcony but our windows opened wide and we had a beautiful view, much better than a lot of people who had paid extra for a balcony so we were very lucky.

This lovely animal is a Marmot and they are wild and live high up in the mountains. On our Glossglockner trip Freya counted 19 and if you were quiet they came very close. They look really cuddly.

Of course, I had to find some flowers and this was someone's garden high above the lake. I just wish I could grow a Brugmansia as good at this one. I just get leaves and no flowers. How they manage to keep them through the winter is a complete mystery. It must be taken indoors but I would think it would have to have a room to itself, it was huge!!!!

Half way up Krimml waterfalls, the highest in Europe. Another hard climb but well worth it, the views were stunning and the spray kept you nice and cool on a very hot day.

The mountains appearing out of the clouds. It was amazing being higher than the clouds and standing on the ground.

And last but not least one of our afternoon cakes. The hotel provided afternoon cake everyday and they were always different and always delicious. The interesting thing was that none of them were sweet so you didn't feel they were too naughty!!!!

Thank you for visiting and being patient and for your lovely comments as always .
I hope you are enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend and the weather is better than it is here-Guess what it's raining again. Oh Well, more crafting time.