The sun has been shining here today from first light until dusk in a clear blue sky, absolutely glorious and I've had a heavenly day at the Papercraft show in Harrogate.
I dithered all week whether to go or not. As many of you know I've been trying to have a "not buying new stash" year with limited success and I knew if I went I'd end up being tempted by lots of lovely things. In the end I decided to go, just for a couple of hours you understand, with my crafty sister, it was an excuse for an outing with her if nothing else.
Well, what a day we've had. There was so much wonderful shopping to be done and yes we did plenty, lots of inspiration to be had and on top of everything I've met lots of my lovely blogging friends into the bargain which was an added bonus and a wonderful surprise. It's been so nice to put a face to names. My poor sister couldn't understand what all the fuss was about so I've been busy working on her on the way home to start her own blog. She makes wonderful cards and they deserve to be admired and it's just fantastic to belong to such a friendly, encouraging community where everyone produces such lovely craft.
I shall be going to bed with a warm glow ready to start creating with my new things tomorrow and as I don't like blogging without a photo I thought I'd share this picture of a lovely Dahlia that flowered until nearly Christmas last year and makes me think of the sunshine today.
Wishing you all a Happy Sunday.
or lisa im so sorry if i embarassed you .my ears just pricked up when i heard Otley!!!It was so wierd i think it was meant to happen!!But it was so lovely to put a face to your name.You leave such lovely comments.Jill and I really wanted to meet you.
Glad you enjoyed your day.Hope you didnt spend too much.Yes and tell your sister to blog!!!think she thought i was crazy!!
debbie xxx
Glad you enjoyed your day, lovely dahlia photo, captures the light well, doesn't it?
Glad to hear you enjoyed your day Lisa, as Debbie said it was lovely to finally meet you! Have a wonderful time playing with your new goodies tomorrow.
Jill x
It was so lovely to meet you today, and you are right, it was a glorious day. We ate our lunch out in the sunshine and yes, I spent far too much! I think you saw me getting all of a flutter over a martha stewart punch! I'm sat here surrounded by goodies, and I'm not sure where to start!
Hi Lisa,
I can only echo what Sally said - how nice it was to meet you, and what a lovely day we had too. A spot of retail therapy on such a gorgeous day - wonderful. Like Sally, I'm just busy sorting out all my purchases & trying to decide which to try out first! Oh happy decisions!
Lovely seeing you at Harrogate Lisa, I am back and blogging finally! Love all your stuff
Megz x
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