Wednesday, 25 November 2015


Morning dear WOYWW friends. Can you believe that it's Wednesday again? I shall be all confused this week as I'm working different days so excuse me if I'm slow visiting you but I will get there!!

Anyway, here is my desk this morning.

I decided last night whilst Hubby was watching his nightly dose of Star Trek....don't ask....that I'd go and have a play in my craft room but I didn't want to start anything messy so decided to do some colouring with my pencils, something I need some practise at. This then lead to organising my pencil tins into colour order and then I decided to do colour swatches for each tin, so not much colouring got done but I enjoyed myself immensely. Probably says a lot doesn't it?  Talk about OCD!!!!

I did do a bit of colouring and have done a bit more this morning but now I need to go to work!!!

You can also spot my guilty pleasure, I love Country music and it's always my choice of listening when crafting. I sing very loudly, not pretty! What music do you listen too?

Last week some of you spotted some painted hearts I had on my desk. Well, they've found themselves on cards now and here is the result.

I was just about to post this and looked out of the window and wow, just look at the sunrise this morning!

So, that's me this week. If you want to share your desk with the world then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends.

Enjoy your Wednesday and Happy Crafting!!

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Morning dear WOYWW friends. I hope you are keeping well this Wednesday morning. It's certainly been a wild week of weather here in Yorkshire, but today, although windy seems a little drier thank goodness.

Here's my desk yesterday afternoon. It was only about 2.30pm but I needed to have the light on it was such a dismal day.

I'm starting to make some Christmas presents, well it has to be done doesn't it?!! I made some coasters a while a go as a DT sample and had so many comments about them I decided to make them as presents so I'm just starting to cover some coasters I bought recently ready for painting.

This is what they should look like once finished.

Now back to the wild weather. We live not far from the River Wharfe which is usually very pretty but this is what it looked like on Sunday morning.

I had walked down the path that normally runs along that fence in the top photo the day before, but would need a snorkel on Sunday. Thankfully, it's all back to normal now although DD got a day off school on Monday as the road to the school was still flooded on Sunday night.

I hope where ever you are you are safe and sound and if you want to share your desk with us then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.

Enjoy your Wednesday and Happy Crafting!

Thursday, 12 November 2015

A Floral Sneeky Peek

Afternoon lovely crafty friends. Two posts in two days, now there's a novelty!!!!!

I've just come in from the garden as the rain has finally stopped and I've managed to get outside for an hour or two, pure bliss, so I thought I'd give you a sneaky peek of some gorgeous new flower dies and matching stamps that the very talented Sheena Douglass is launching as a 4DD on Create and Craft next Monday at 9am.

Being a flower nut, these have been a complete joy to work with.

I've painted the flowers with H20's but the background is Spiced Marmalade and Dusty Concord Distress Inks that have been faux bleached.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting!   

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


Morning dear WOYWWer's. Sorry I've been absent for a couple of weeks. Firstly it was half term and we were out and about and then last week I was locked away with lots of DT work but I'm free now and glad to be back amongst you all again, especially as it's such a  special day being Armistice Day. I carry a poppy with me all year round on my key ring. I think it's important to remember all the time, not just once a year, but I always feel 11th November is a special day.

Well, here's my desk this morning.

Not very interesting really.  I'm prepping for my Craft Club on Thursday night. This week we are making a box card and I am in the middle of cutting all the bits out and putting them in packs. It makes it easier on the night and hopefully means everyone has enough time to complete their project, although we often over run our two hours, perhaps we need to do more crafting and less chatting!!!!

This is what they should send up with.

While I've been off doing other things I was truly surprised and delighted to be the winner of LLJ's old bag draw and here it is in all it's glory.

I love it and it's going to be very useful to put all my shopping in now that we don't get bags with any shopping any more. I've always taken bags food shopping but I hadn't realised that one carrier is not enough when clothes shopping, lol.

Thanks so much Jan, you are very kind.

Well, that's me this week. If you want to share your desk with us then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.

Happy a great Wednesday and Happy Crafting!