
Wednesday 15 January 2014


Morning dear crafters and lovely WOYWW friends. Here we are at Wednesday again. These new year weeks are flying as quickly as the old ones!!!

My desk this morning, yes it's a dark one as you can see, is not very active I'm afraid. You catch me as things are starting to happen.

I have printed out a couple of photos of DD ready for a scrapbook LO I have planned. My Mum has leant me her Inkadinkadoo gears system so I'm going to have a play on this layout. Hopefully by next week I'll be able to share the finished page.

The scrapbook magazine is also one I've borrowed from Mum and it's sitting there so I don't forget to give it her back.

There is a note of things I want to include in my next Project Life page and the Bathroom catalogues are sitting there as I've been writing up the scribbled notes I made when we choose what we wanted for our new bathroom over the Christmas holidays. We have to go and have it planned out now and I thought I'd better look effecient rather than take a load of scribbled bits of paper!!

That's it this week although after looking at this photo I am ashamed at the state of that green mat. I have a glass one I use in my craft room and usually bring downstairs when I decamp to the dining table but DT work is happening in there at the moment so I'm using it!!

If you want to share your desk then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.

I hope your Wednesday goes well and I'll be round after work to see what you've been up to.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting.


  1. Hi Lisa, back after a longer break then I expected. Will post some pics of holiday. How exciting to get a new bathroom and pick out fittings. I look forward to seeing how your LO progresses. I shudder to think what my green mat looks like under the mess.
    Sandra @28

  2. Oooh, a new bathroom..I'm jealous! I was hoping to redo ours this year but re-pointing and weatherproofing the complete gable end of our house has to take precedence..sigh......
    And the green mat is fine - it shows just how much crafting you've done. It bears the battle scars. lol!!
    hugs. LLJ 45 xx

  3. Looks like the start of something interesting. It must be great sharing with your mum and hope you get together for crafty sessions
    Have a great day
    Daisy #63

  4. Dont be ashamed of the mat that means you have been productive and playing and this is good. Great to have you share your desk with us this week thanks for the peek.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 32

  5. Although your desk looks quite neat, you've got a LOT going on! Happy creating and I hope the bathroom remodel goes smoothly. :-)

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #13

  6. How exciting?! A new bathroom?! I love planing things like that. Not heart of that inky system, what does it do? #41

  7. Hi Lisa,

    I found another video on youtube that has a totally different way of knitting the ruffle scarves. I might buy another skein and see what the final product comes out based on her directions. If I find the youtube video I will let you know. It looks like it would be much faster. Also, reading the directions that came with the yarn it looks as if she modified the "crochet" directions for knitting.

    It looks like your Project Life is coming along nicely. I want to do that but haven't gotten started yet. It definitely would be fun!

    Thank you for visiting me already!

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (3)

  8. Your green mat is just well loved is all! Don't fret about it. So many nice little bits out and about to inspire you so. I get exhausting just thinking about painting the bathroom let alone remodeling it. Oh my! Good luck with that.

  9. fun to be included in the beginning moments.
    You'll show us what comes next!
    Thanks for visiting and the snoop around.
    Robyn 5

  10. I would like to know who keeps their mats clean....LOL I have tried for many, many years and probably only get to week two before I get it inky, or paintie or glue somewhere.

    Sounds like you are multi tasking, even if your desk says your quiet.

    Thanks for the earlier visit, and wonderful comment.
    Krisha #26

  11. Love the 2 photos and how great to have a mum who shares your hobby. Thanks for the visit BJ#2

  12. Oh blogger is have trouble with your page today, or I am having trouble as it couldn't post my comment so I lost it :(
    As I was saying I love your photos and I was lucky with this weeks DLP prompt as I had a decorated envelope from a swap last year and from the same person as mu dinky diary I am using so I chopped it into 3 and popped it in (it needs a bit of decorating before I show it though) Thanks for the visit BJ#2

  13. Nothing wrong with the green mat. It just shows how creative you have been :)
    Thanks for stopping by earlier,
    RosA # 1

  14. Thanks for swinging by my blog earlier Lisa, your desk is rather tidy. We loved our new London bathroom when it was done and now we are in NYC I miss my enormous bath...Cx #25

  15. Hi Lisa. At least your desk is looking as if you mean to do something!! Not sure mine does, just never get the time at the moment! If it stopped raining for a minute I might be able to get some garden tidying done, but everywhere is very squelchy! Jill x

  16. Aw choosing a new bathroom must be fun. I've never done that! Looks fun & fab and I hope you enjoy those gears, they do look great to use. Take care Zo xx 56

  17. Lucky you - a new bathroom. Hope we get to see some piccies of that when it's finished.
    Beryl xx

  18. Gosh you are busy as usual Lisa. Nice photos of DD. How long is the gap?
    I see we buy jars from the same shop, though I have just cleared four large ones of those and given them away before I refill them! I am hoping that by putting things together it saves me searching time! Haa Haa!

  19. Oh a desk poised ready for action!

    I note that you do Project Life, I have been thinking of starting one as I find I tend to over complicate scrapbook layouts and they takes me days to make so Project Live seems to be the answer!
    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    kyla #30

  20. Wow you are organised with your bathroom notes and ideas. I just winged it without one word written down. Oh well too late now ;D
    Your green mat has just seen some action that's all and isn't that a good thing. It has stories to tell.
    Good luck with the bathroom. I'd love to see the outcome with just on the finishing touches of mine.
    Just in case I've missed anything hehe
    Have a great week and enjoy desk hopping :D
    Neesie #54

  21. Looking very organised this week. good luck with the bathroom refit
    have a great week
    janet #18

  22. You look very organized. A new bathroom is very exciting.
    Happy very belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #77


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