
Wednesday 8 January 2014


Morning lovely crafters and dear WOYWW friends. It's been a while but I'm back now for good. Happy New Year to all you desk visitors and I hope if you are suffering the Arctic weather in the USA you are managing to keep warm and if you are being battered here at home, you are all safe and warm too. What a winter we are having one way or another.

I have sunshine on my desk, which admittedly was taken yesterday afternoon just before I packed it up for tea. I'm back on the dining table as my craft room was given over to Santa's elves before Christmas and is only just beginning to become organised again.

Santa brought me a Project Life Binder and some page inserts and I'm really loving this more relaxed way of scrapbooking. It makes you print out all those photos that are just sitting on the computer and actually look at them. I am also using lots of unloved stamps again as they are perfect, like that set of alphabet stamps. I also have my jar of ribbon bits out and have been using so of them up.

This is the page I am working on. The photos are of our road wearing it's autumn colours. The title card is going in that blank hole!!! I have to say thank you to one WOYWWer, sorry I can't remember who it was now, who advised me to make my own journalling cards. What brilliant advice it was and so much more fun to create your own. I have also found lots of free ones to download and print out too.

Don't forget to pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE if you want to join in WOYWW desk hopping.

Well, that's me for today so thanks for stopping by and I'll see you at a desk near you very soon.

Happy Crafting


  1. Hi Lisa
    Can you help I am trying to join in WOYWW and all the peoples links take me to a post Julia did yesterday and it is now for todays WOYWW and there is no link to join in today?
    Thanks Ria

  2. I'm so out of touch with all that's going on with everyone so have called by for a catch sort of got in the way for a few weeks :-) I love what you're working on.
    Lets hope we can all have a fun creative 2014 :-)
    Annie x # 10

  3. I saw those books on C&C - great idea but I'm not a scrapbooker (too lazy). Looks like you live somewhere with amazing views.
    Beryl xx

  4. Hi Lisa
    I am back with you but to comment on your desk this time. Thank you for getting back to me earlier I just could not find Julia's correct bit with the link.
    I love the pieces you are working on and I can imagine that it is a little less daunting than trying to do 12x12 scrapbooks as you are able to work on small pieces. I hope you really enjoy working on it.
    Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #6

  5. Happy New Year Lisa, good to see you back! I love the pics in your Project Life journal, great shots and a super prezzy :-). We've had a glimmer of sun today but it has been horrible, hasn't it? But we are lucky compared to some, poor old USA, it must be awful....
    Really hoping you can make it to the crop this year!
    Hugs, LLJ 2 xx

  6. I absolutely LOVE your autumn page!!! I so miss the fall colors as there are no trees like that in the desert southwest of the U.S. Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #67

  7. I have been collecting project life stash for ages, but I have not started doing anything with it yet, hopefully soon. Love the page you are working on.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #50

  8. Loving your PL, I used a Smash book last year & managed to record every week. This year I'm going to use my PL bundle I bought. It's fun and free. Love your photos, mine tend to be of Baxter the dog and what random patterned PJs I'm wearing!! Take care. Zo xx 90

  9. Great to see you doing project life I agree I think it takes some of the strain away and you print more of your photos
    Jackie 7

  10. Its great to see you back blogging and sharing some PL pages. I've got the same folder! I love making my own journalling cards as well as mixing it up with premade ones.

  11. Those autumn colours are stunning! And they make great photos for your project.
    Thanks for dropping by and have a good week!
    RosA # 29

  12. Love the PL binder and page. I really need to get on with my scrapping! 6 months behind, had planned to do it over the Christmas break but hurt my back so didn't do it. Thanks for the visit yesterday BJ#21

  13. Hi Lisa. Loving those autumn colours - everything is looking so drab and grey at the moment that it's nice to be reminded of nature's party clothes. Have fun with your PL project - home made journal cards - the best! Thanks for your visit MMx #56

  14. Hi Lisa,

    Isn't it nice when we get crafty goodness as gifts! Your page looks beautiful. I love the colors of your road.

    Thank you for visiting me already. I'm slowly making my around.

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (42)

  15. Great scrapping photos that is for sure Lisa..

    ...thanks for popping over yes we lose touch as things get too busy and still that way, and love the fact a WOYWWer helped on your cards...

    Happy WOYWW, love Shaz in oz.x #26

  16. I can see a trend happening...there are a lot of people doing the project life now and I think I have been left behind..heehee
    Hope you get your craft room back soon.

  17. Hi Lisa

    I hope you are well.

    Your work desks always look so "interesting" with projects I would never even dare to attempt! LOL!!!

    I hope you had a good Christmas and wish you and your family all the best for 2014.

    Love Jules xx

  18. How brilliant for you that the project life thing is getting you to revisit your supplies and play with the a new. I need to pull out some old stuff and play.

    Thank you for stopping by and for your encouragement.
    Happy WOYWW
    Love Rachel #8

  19. Great to see you at WOYWW, Lisa! Christmas does tend to just take over every available bit of space, doesn't it? Your Project Life page is fantastic! How blessed to live on a road that turns that beautiful in the fall!! Happy Belated WOYWW and thanks for coming by to visit me! Enjoy the rest of the week! Hugs, Darnell #12


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