
Wednesday 22 January 2014


Morning crafters and lovely WOYWW friends. Is it that time of the week again??

Here's my desk this morning, yes still at the dining table. My craft room is still full of DT stuff which needs to be in the post tomorrow so I've been spending as much time as possible in there but on an evening it's lovely to get back to my Project Life for a bit of relaxation when my creativity has maxed out.

The photos are printed out and I have a pile of notes that need to be journalled properly so it just needs putting together.

I would like to point out that Toblerone in the background isn't mine if you were wondering. I'm trying to be really good and have even given up sugar in my tea, not sure what I think to it at the minute but I'm into my second week with only the odd lapse so will try and stick it out.

I also finished the 12x12 scrapbook layout I'd started last week if you want to have a look.

Well, that's me this week. If you want to join in WOYWW and share your desk with lots of lovely people, then pop over to see Julia, HERE.

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you at a desk near you later in the day.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Oh, I like that LO very much indeed! The photos are a clever way of showing how mush your girl has shot up! The colours are so pretty too, a reminder that Spring is on its way. You are very clever! Hope all the DT work has gone well too :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xx

  2. Hi Lisa. That LO is really gorgeous :-)
    Annie x # 39

  3. ah, Lisa, love the pickies of your daughters growth how proud and tall she stands in the second one.. :D

    Am wondering if you have given up all sugar or just sugar in tea... and to be honest not sure could craft with a Toblerone in front of me and not nibble who was tempting you :D mean...
    Wish could send you our beachy place too Shaz in oz.x #7

  4. That is such a beautiful scrapbook page Lisa. Not sure I could resit that Toblerone if it was within grabbing distance. Well I know I couldn't. I'm trying to be good too. I switched to sweeteners in the 70's when there was a sugar shortage (honestly!) and never went back to sugar. I can manage a coffee without sweetener sometimes - but not tea. Have a great week. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labours in the craft room.
    Beryl xx

  5. I like the scrapbook page, well laid out and so pretty. Keep it up with the sugar, you will find it much easier as it goes on. I gave up years ago, mainly because I kept forgetting to take sugar into work with me and had to drink unsweetened tea. Now I can smell if its been in my cup - yuk.
    Thanks for visiting already.
    Ann B

  6. Hello Lisa. Don't know why, but don't seem to have visited your blog before - have had a real good nosey!! Lovely things on your desk - I like the page with your favourite walk and height measuring on the stone wall.
    Well done. Hope you get the design work all done.
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #7

  7. Such a beautiful layout.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Zoe #32

  8. Gorgeous scrapbook Lisa, absolutely love it! Jill x

  9. Hi Lisa, your dining table is looking very busy and productive so I can only assume your desk looks the same!

    Love your scrapbook LO - what a lovely page and such a great idea too - your daughter has certainly shot up!

    Thanks for your visit. Have a creative week. MMx #37

  10. It's all looking fab. I'm doing PL this year and enjoying it which reminds me I need to finish last week!! Take care Zo xx 59

  11. Great layout Lisa - I love the background! She has grown some hasn't she?! The papers I've been using are Daily Grind by Simple Stories with lots of cut apart sheets and Snap cards etc.

  12. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do want to look at your layout. Nicely done, I love the torn paper look. Why do I never remember to do that. Glad I popped by. Susanne #66

  13. WOW! Your scrapbook layout is so gorgeous! Bright and vivid. Have fun playing when you can manage the time. No sugar, eh? Wow!

  14. Thanks for swinging by my blog earlier. I doubt very much if your DD would like the snow comes with a -15 temperature, which trust me is unpleasant! Today is is relatively warm at -5 :) I love your layout and I like the look of the Project life page that you are starting to put together. I miss Toblerone..send it to me :) Cx #18

  15. love the project life stuff you have going on, the scrapbook lo is lovely too Lx

  16. Wow Lisa. You have done a great job on that layout. Love it. The design is great.
    Well done on the old sugar thing. Boy you have it strong though! I have mine black though since I went on the antibs I have been unable to drink more than one in the morning so have been sticking to herbal teas.
    Good luck

  17. That is such a lovely LO. The table looks very busy and creative.
    Happy very belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #14

  18. That is such a lovely LO. The table looks very busy and creative.
    Happy very belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #14


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