
Monday 20 August 2012

Back To The Rain

Morning lovely Crafting friends. I hope I find you well this Monday morning.

I'm just popping by to say Hello and sorry to have been absent for a while. We've been on our holidays to beautiful Austria for the last two weeks but are now back to reality and the rain!!!!!!!

We had heard reports that the Austrian weather was rainy too before we went but were delighted to find the sunshine when we stepped off the plane at Innsbruck Airport and it stayed with us for the whole two weeks and just got hotter and hotter. We left cloudless blue skies and 35oC on Saturday and of course it's done nothing but rain here in Yorkshire since we got home so I have wet washing draped all over the house!!!! Lovely!!!

I shall be back with something crafty when I've got my life in order but thought I'd just leave you with this photo I took of beautiful Mayrhofen, the town we stayed in. If you ever want a holiday with lots to do in a stunning location this is definitely the place to go. Oh.... and there is even a craft shop, more of that later in the week!!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your week goes well.

Happy Crafting.


  1. Welcome back Lisa! So pleased you had lovely weather - it's been very mixed here, but we have had 3 or 4 warm days, so I guess that's it now for Summer in the UK!
    The photo is fab., and WOW - a craft shop too - what more can you ask for!!
    Hope to see you soon -
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  2. Oh that looks so pretty. Can't beat coming home to rain...not! Hope you get your washing dried ok. Take care Zo xx

  3. I know the craft shop well! LOL ;)
    We stayed at Christmas time one's great then too....loved that you had such nice weather.
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Hello Lisa,

    Pleased to hear you have a good holiday, my experience of Austria is lovely weather as well and the scenery stunning.

    B x

  5. Glad you had a lovely time, was wondering where you were!! Jill x

  6. I'm looking forward to hearing more about Austria as its somewhere I've always wanted to go.

  7. Glad you've had such a lovely time Lisa and good weather to boot! Nice to have you back though ;D! The weather in Mansfield hasn't been too bad really. We've had some rain but it's been fairly brief compared to many. However, it has made things very humid which I don't like at all and today I'm trying to diminish the ironing pile and it's been way too hot.

    Look forward to hearing all about that craft shop.

    Lesley Xx

  8. You must feel flat after a fabulous holiday, hopefully you will be inspired to craft using photos & things from your trip.
    I did wonder where you had gone as you had not been on Stampman.
    I've missed a few challenges as Im frantically finishing up commissions before my trip to france. :0)

  9. Hi Lisa,

    Glad you had a lovely holiday and escaped the rain. Lovely photo - it looks to be a beautiful place.

    Nothing but rain up here too! Oh, well, at least it's a good excuse to stay in and craft!

    Hugs, Lynne xx

  10. Welcome back Lisa. Glad you enjoyed your holiday and the weather played nice for you.
    Beryl xx

  11. Nice to have you back Lisa.

    It looks like you had a wonderful time away. I went Skiing in Austria years ago and always said I would go back in the summer season because the scenery was just breath-taking.

  12. Hello Honey. I did get a little worried then remembered you had said you were going on holidays! What a gorgeous picture and no graffiti anywhere! Want to see the craft shop!

  13. Yay, you're back...woohoo, I've missed you!! So glad you had a fab time, Austria is somewhere I really fancy going to one day!
    Hugs, LLJ #71 xx

  14. Welcome home and it's so good to have my lovely blogging buddy back...we've missed you! :)

    Gorgeous photo and hope you got your washing dried...
    Love and hugs, Emma xx

  15. Hi Lisa, welcome home - shame about the weather though. The town you stayed in looks lovely - pristine too. Look forward to seeing future posts once you've got all that washing done, ironed and put away :) Elizabeth xx


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