
Wednesday 25 July 2012

WOYWW 164-What happened to the sunshine??

Morning lovely crafters and dear WOYWW friends. As predicted it's a whistle stop tour today. I very nearly didn't share my desk but changed my mind at the last minute as it'll be the last time I can join in for a few weeks. If you want to share your desk with the World then pop over to see the desk Headmistress, Julia. HERE. She does an amazing job of keeping us all in order. Thank you, Julia.

Be warned though, it's not a very exciting desk this morning.

Told you!!!! My toothbrush charging, a pile of Teacher thank you cards left over from the the mass production. DD has now finished Primary School and there were no tears or dramas at all. It was all a bit of an anti climax really. I think they are all just excited about big school, which is a huge relief. The rest is just stuff waiting to be put away.

My craft room is beginning to be taken over for holiday preparations. It's our only spare room so once I start getting things for holidays they end up in here and gradually take over. You can see we already have the most important things, sweets, coffee and sugar cubes, just need to find my kettle!!! DD is also getting her holiday reading sorted. Don't ask me what that toilet roll is doing there though. We definitely don't need that where we're going!! At least I hope not!!!

I'd just like to say a big thank you to Shoshi for this beautiful ATC Zentangle work of art she very kindly sent me last week. I love it. You are a true artist, Shoshi.

Before I go I just wanted to say, if you live anywhere south of Yorkshire in the UK, I really hope you make the most of the beautiful sunshine you have. I gnash my teeth every time I see the news with that fabulous blue sky in London. This is what we've had all week. It's very warm but also very cloudy so no sunbathing for us.

Enjoy the Olympics, it's getting exciting now. I'm looking forward to the Opening Ceremony and will no doubt end up watching all sorts of obscure sports I've never seen before, but that's what it's all about. London is looking amazing. We should be very proud.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week. Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments. I really do appreciate them and I'm sorry if I didn't manage to get round too many desk last week, time just ran out on me. I'll try to do better this week.


  1. oh i have to say i am a party pooper and am glad its a little cooler today .. i was boiling over yesterday lol
    Hope you enjoy the holidays .- going anywhere nice .. well of course you are or you wouldn't be going lol ( why do we say that?).
    Lisa x

  2. Oh? is there an Olympics starting soon?....I thought the count down was just for us and the wedding :-)
    I've bought the dowels for the cake and will take pics to show you the finished result. Thanks again for your help/advise.
    A x #31

  3. Well I'm not that far south of you and it's been way too hot for me. Even this morning with no sun it was still hot and close - now the sun is out and I know I can't venture out there. Sorry!
    Does holiday time mean we will not be seeing any of your creations for a bit. Hope you enjoy the summer hols whatever you're up to.
    Beryl xx

  4. Have a super break.. its hot here in the south east... yikes I'm melting... Enjoy the games... Hugs May x x x#11

  5. Aw! Poor you without the beautiful sunshine up there! I will blow some your way now!
    Great stack of ribbons I spy on your desk! And it is always good to have a loo roll handy. You just never know what you may require!
    Have a great holiday.

  6. Well you'll be pleased to know I've just spotted the first clouds blocking the sun down here! Just said to my boy am going out now it's not as sunny! Love the toothbrush, don't see many of them on desks! Take care & enjoy this week's desk hop/nose/snoop. Zo xx69

  7. Well actually, I have a loo roll in my craft room too - had hayfever!! So you're not on your own :)
    Love that tower of ribbon - is it threaded onto an upright pole of some kind - or is it teetering wildly??
    Your garden is looking very lush and gorgeous- it'll be like a jungle by the time you get back :)
    Hugs, LLJ #27 xx

  8. I promise I'm making the most of my sun time as much as I can!! Bet you will need loo roll at some stage - have a fab holiday. Couldnt agree more about the Olympics, am really looking forward to it!

  9. Hi Lisa, sorry we have had blue sky all day today (if it's any consolation it's too hot for me!).

    Your desk always looks so interesting!

    Think my house problems have sorted themselves out for the moment, am shattered with the stress of it all, but I am ok.

    Hope you enjoy the Games, I am sure I will!

    Jill x

  10. One of mine finished primary school too, and yep, total anticlimax!!! No tears, no nothing, just a 'we have to leave so why should we get upset Mum?!' Trish #55

  11. thanks for stopping by, i am wishing you some sunshine! it has been less sunny today..but the children have still had a ball.have a great week trace x

  12. have a super holiday and the loo roll might come in handy,love all the colourful ribbon
    thanks for visiting me
    happy woyww
    kay #35

  13. So where are you going that you need to take all those ribbons with you, Lol! Wherever it is I hope you have a wonderful time.
    No summer holiday for me this year so I plane to watch as much of the Olympics as I can, especially the swimming and diving. You never know it might inspire me to actually get my cossie on and do a few lengths.

    What a fantastic ATC, I love the colours….they are some of my favourites.

    Thanks for visiting me today and ………..
    Happy Crafting!

  14. Sorry for being all boastful about the sun, but I live in Manchester, so I don't see it often! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has things like toothbrushes on my desk.

    cheers, rachel #16

  15. Love the ribbons too! Great zentangle - i am liking zentangle at the moment! jenx 61

  16. Have a great holiday - and hope the weather is kind to you wherever you're off to.

    I'm late and it's now just into Thursday so belated Happy WOYWW! Di xx #13

  17. The lack of blue skies isn't doing your garden any harm at all it looks fabulous! First time I have seen a tooth brush on a desk!! Is if for a new technique I haven't heard about!! Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 39

  18. Aww Lisa, thanks for posting such a lovely photo of my ATC and tag, and for the link to my blog! Sooo appreciated.

    Your garden is so pretty - lots of lovely flowers! And like the others, I adore that tower of ribbon! The most obscure things end up on my desk sometimes so no worries! We all do it, I'm sure. My nose spray was there today - must remember or I'll be looking everywhere for it before bed!

    I'm probably in a minority of 1, and please everybody, don't shoot me, but I HATE this weather. It is far too hot for me, and even with the fan on I am very uncomfortable. I have M.E. and hot weather makes me very weak. Although I didn't think much of all that rain we had recently, at least it was bearablly cool!

    I'm looking forward to the Olympics too. I wonder what they'll come up with for the Opening Ceremony. China is a tough act to follow - it was truly amazing.

    Thanks for your lovely comment - I shall probably never visit every desk again - it was a mammoth task, but fun to have achieved it just the once!

    Glad you enjoyed my annotated desk this week. Serial killer? I could MURDER a bowl of cornflakes...

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #51

  19. Glad someone else is not having this wall to wall sunshine we keep hearing about - began to think I was sleeping through it and it was all a bad dream that it was warm but not sunny.
    Lovely atc from Soshi, equally lovely cads left over.
    I used to teach with the twin sister of Danny Boyle so I can't wait to sit and watch this opening ceremony - hoping it is spectacular.
    Hugs, Neet xx 8

  20. You have an amazing collection of ribbons there Lisa
    I think it's the first time I've actually seen a toothbrush charging on a workdesk. ;D
    We're all excited over here in Melbourne....ready for the Olympics to begin! We've got 8 new sports TV channels especially so that we don't miss anything...well if we get up at silly-o-clock that is!
    Thanks for visiting me earlier ~ Happy Belated WOYWW ~ Neesie #20

  21. If its any consolation, I've been stuck in bed with a stomach flu thing so the blazing hot sun has done me no favours! I'm a bit torn about the Olympics but I am excited about it and I just hope it comes off with no dramas.

  22. How exciting to be in London right now! You're so lucky. Your craft desk looks like lots of fun too. Crafty hugs dearest.

  23. Ha you sound like Mum (Twiglet)she always took a loo roll wherever we went on hols. x M

  24. Hi Lisa
    It doesn't look like an unexciting desk to me- just wondering what technique you need an electric toothbrush for though?
    Am I missing something fantastically new in the world of craft. QIm so envious of your garden though, there has been so little sunshine and the light quality has been so poor I just have a garden full of lanky, overgrown greenery and hardly any flowers, although my Jasmine has flowered in abundance and fills my little walled garden with the most wonderful perfume!
    Hope all is well in your world, big hug to Freya
    X Michelle

  25. Ah, you are like me, my craft room is also the spare room and it gets taken over at times too! Love your ATC from Shoshi, she is very talented. Hope you have had a bit of sun since you posted - sorry I am so late, it is taking me ages this week to get around and I am blaming the heat! Thanks for your visit. Anne x #21

  26. Hi Lisa

    Oh and I thought you had come up with a new technique involving an electric toothbrush LOL!!!

    Hope your holiday prep is going well. Have a brilliant time.

    Love Jules xx

  27. Hi Lisa, the toothbrush took me by surprise - wondered what amazing crafting technique you had discovered :)) The weather has been abysmal here too - wind and rain - so no getting out into the garden for me either.

    Enjoy your holiday and we'll see you when you return, all rested and raring to go no doubt :)

    Elizabeth x #24

    PS: thank you for all your lovely comments too.

  28. Making the most of having a minute to catch up Lisa and what a lot of fabulous projects....the costume and that amazing cake - wow!
    It's been a busy holiday, still no definite diagnosis for Caleb but they are being very thorough. We have all been thrilled to welcome baby Martha into the family and lots of time and cuddles have been spent with her!
    Weather here has been pretty awful, a few lovely days but mostly rain!
    Cheers Claire x

  29. LOve your crafty space LIsa, loads of inspiration here:0) It's cooled down quite a bit now, shame you didn't get much sun, your garden is stunning! Hope you have a wonderful holiday, hugs Gay xxx

  30. Hey Lisa!! Thanks for visiting me!! Your garden looks lovely!! xxx

  31. Hi Lisa, thanks for the lovely wisteria atc. That stamp is gorgeous I haven't seen it in OZ. Lovely to receive something that is an original. Your garden looks beautiful.

  32. Just now getting around here! Have a wonderful holiday--and thank you for sharing that ATC. I so love seeing those!


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