
Friday 20 July 2012

Stamping with H20's

Afternoon lovely crafters from another soggy Craft Garden. So much for Summer arriving today but it looks promising for the weekend, fingers crossed.

As promised, I’ve put together a tutorial for stamping with your little sparkly pots of H20’s. I know when I first bought these all I did was use them for colouring images but now I’ve had a chance to revisit them and play properly there is so much more you can do.

Stamping gives a lovely soft watercolour effect but with the mica shine. If you use solid stamps then all you need to do is stamp and go... easy. But if you want to play more, as the paints are water based you can use an outline stamp and then pull the colour in as you would with distress inks. You can also stamp with the paints, dry and then spray with water to get a background for over stamping with another medium. I will try to cover it all.

First of all you need to spray the paints liberally with water and then go off and make a cuppa while they activate. A good 5 minutes is about right.

Paint your stamp with a paintbrush. If the paint is still a bit dry add a tiny bit of water to your brush. You’ll see when you stamp it whether you’ve got it right. Don’t panic if you’re not happy.  Just reapply and re stamp. A layered look is what you want.  

You can spray your painted stamp with water to get a more watery image but make sure you spray holding the stamp upright so as not to over wet. You’ll be amazed how many impressions you can get from one paint application.

For the Wisteria flower I allowed the green leaves to dry and then repeated the above process with the purple paint.

Why not try adding more than one colour to a stamp, that looks lovely.

Alternatively, paint up a stamp and randomly stamp all over a large piece of card, spraying with water if the stamp starts to dry. Then spray the card with more water to allow the stamping to run. Dry and you have a background. If you use the colours on  your main project  you have instant matching backing paper.

Lastly.  try an outline stamp.

Once it’s dry you can pull the colour in with a fine detail brush and some water.

Again, don’t waste the paint on your stamp, just stamp onto some spare card and keep spraying the stamp with water. I covered a whole piece of A4.

I hope you’ve found this helpful. Just have a play. You’ll always end up with something different. 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend. 

Happy Crafting.


  1. Hi Lisa, that was super, I think we can get scared of experimenting sometimes your posting today has been has been like a one on one with a friend...I do have 3 of these little beauties so will get my brushes out over the weekend...thanks Lisa, hope you've had a super week...Mel :)

  2. Great post - I see you store yours the same as me, good old discs! Fab effects too. Zo xx

  3. I must say that I am really impressed with this idea and your info/tutorial is quite informative. Thank you! I might just have a go soon.
    Jo x

  4. Brilliant tut Honey. Not tried these but I know a few who do. Not been sure what you can do with them but I think I might have to give them a go. Love how you have put them onto CDs!
    I do also LOVE that stamp! And I have my own mini version of that stamp too! Hugs xx

  5. Hello Lisa,

    Sorry I've been such a bad visitor lately, as you might have seen had a few issues going on.

    But I'm now getting round all my favourite haunts courtesy of my great new voice recognition system.

    I love twinkling H2O's, it never fails to amaze me how long they last, some of mine I yonks old and still going strong.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, dare we hope for some sunshine ?

    B X

  6. Hi Lisa, thanks for this, sounds good and stamping with the H20s looks interesting. Will definitely give it a try.
    Avril xx

  7. Hi Lisa. Thanks for this. I really must get them out and have a go at this. I think in the past I've only used them for regular colouring. My problem with them is waiting for them to soften. Too impatient!
    Have searched but not managed to find a geranium listed with a Marjorie in it's name.It looks like my one called Patricia so I'll wait for her to flower. Thanks anyway for getting back to me about it.
    Beryl xx

  8. Hi Lisa. No didn't see Gardeners world (grrr.) Hardy gernaniums are my passion. When I lived in Cambs I had over 100 different ones (and more than one of for getting back to me. I've had Ann Folkard for about twenty years now.The one I brought with me is only small but hopefully will pick up when she's in the ground. The other two with similar flowers are Psilostemon (very tall and bushy) and Patricia, medium tall.There are also a couple of rockery types with similar colours if you like them.
    Beryl xx

  9. Hi Lisa, your tutorial has come at the right time for me. I have a lot and today found a chart with my colours on and thought, about time I used them again.
    Will look and learn from your tutorial. It is nice to re visit old stash.
    Christine xx

  10. Thanks for taking the time to do this very helpful post Lisa. I really need to get my pots out more often. You create some lovely pieces with them and I enjoyed picking out your cards on Sheena's programme the other day.

    Lesley Xx

  11. Fabulous information Lisa, thanks for sharing:0) What brilliant backgrounds, xxx

  12. Awesome Lisa just found this post and it reminded me I wanted to try this - now may have more time for it few weeks anyway.. we will see! hope your hols away are really great; and that you catch some of the sunshine! we can send it over to you by the truckload if we could! just smashing at oresent! love and thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

  13. Wow! the stamping you have done looks fantastic - I will definately be having a go! thanks for the great ideas :)


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