
Wednesday 18 July 2012


Morning lovely Crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Another Wednesday rolls by and it'll be the last opportunity to sit here with a leisurely cuppa and have a potter around the desks on a Wednesday morning for a while since the schools break up this week here in Yorkshire. Next week, it'll be a mad posting and a quick whizz round the desks late into the night as demands on my time will be made by a practicing teenager!!!!

I'm really going to make the most of this week so here's my desk this morning.

As it had to be totally cleared and cleaned in honour of a cake last week I thought I'd take the opportunity to have a really good sort out and tidy up but it's taken longer than I thought and there is still lots to do.

The view the other way.

I found a box of cards I made many moons ago and have binned many of them to avoid future embarrassment but the pile in the front there have a chance of being revamped when I've got time.

I think I need to find some better ribbon storage too.

They are beginning to take over!!!!

If you want to share the delights of your desk with the world then you need to pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE.

And lastly, I know you've been patient, so here it is. That Cake!!!!!!

The bottom two tiers are chocolate sponge covered in chocolate buttercream, a nightmare to work with, it gets everywhere and you have to clean up every last crumb. The top two are styrofoam, what a dream to cover. The tiers have alternate pink and orange piping around the base of each and the flowers are all fabric but I loved those huge pink gerbras.

So what do you think?  I liked it in the end but am still not sure about the lime green ribbon. If it'd been mine and I wanted that colour I'd have wrapped it around the base of each cake above the piping. Still my lady was very happy with it and said it was exactly what she had envisaged so that's what counts.

Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely Wednesday whatever you are up to. I'll be back later in the week with the H20 stamping tutorial. Thank you to all those who asked for one.


  1. Wow! That's an eye popping cake if ever there was one!! LOL I agree I'd rather have the ribbons round each cake but as long as your client loved it that's the main thing :)
    xoxo Sioux

  2. What a fab job you did of the cake. Can I ask what you fixed the flowers with please?
    A x #76

  3. What a fun cake - the gerberas look good on those bright layers! x Jo

  4. Hi Lisa, thanks for your offer of help/advise. Our cake has 3 layers but we are leaving them on their cake boards so I don't think we will need dowels [will we?].
    A x

  5. Wow, that cake looks amazing Lisa!
    I think I’m with you on the ribbon and would have had it around the card rather than hanging from it but if the lady is happy then you’ve done a fabulous job.
    Oh, and I would love to have a ribbon storage problem like that, Lol!
    How much have you got there?

    Have a great week and …….Happy Crafting!
    I’m only about 20mins from Stratford and 10 mins from the Lee Valley Olympic parks so not far at all really but far enough away not to be effected too much by the traffic and restrictions.

  6. Wow Lisa what a cake, it's fantastic!!

    Suppose I ought to tidy up again in the craft room but my mojo has gone walkabout and I can't get any enthusiasm for doing it. Have got a crop at the weekend - I am going to do some more of my Smash book so maybe that might cure the 'blues'.

    Weather here is horrible again, wet and windy, so there will be no gardening this afternoon!!

    Jill x

  7. Wow, that is some cake - love all the colours and the gerberas are gorgeous on it. If you are looking for great ribbon storage check out Brenda at No. 8 - her hubby has designed some storage. Thanks for your visit earlier, no I haven't killed anyone this week just to get their skull - honest!! Happy WOYWw, Anne x #9

  8. Love your towering inferno of ribbon Lisa, from Jane *123

  9. Love love love the cake - the bright zingy colours and the lime green ribbon and the frou frou feathers - it made me smile. You are clever!! No wonder the bride was pleased :D
    There might be a way of getting you down for t'crop - I'll email...
    Hugs, LLJ #70 xx

  10. Fabulous cake I can see why she was thrilled! I store all my ribbons wrapped around dolly pegs - keeps them neat, easy to see and looks nice too! Thanks for visiting me.

  11. That is one super cake! I love the colours. Great work. Take care, am not doing WOYWW this week, not been too good so there isn't anything on my desk to see! Zo xx

  12. wow that cake is amazing.. i love the colours
    Lisa x

  13. Fab cake Lisa - if I ever get married....... x M #73

  14. Wow Lisa, that wonderful cake! It looks ready to spread its wings and take flight lol! Nice tidy desk this week.

    Thanks for your lovely comment - yes, I'm having such fun with the gorgeous new inks! I'm generating more beautiful artistic kitchen roll than I shall know what to do with it!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #3

  15. that cake is gorgeous! I love it! It is lovely just the way it is.
    and wow. you have a beautiful stash of ribbons!!
    Lisa #128

  16. The cake is just stunning. I may have to ask you to do one for me. I'm not getting married, but I deserve a fab cake. I think pink and orange look great together; not sure about the lime green either though.

    Thank you for stopping by and being lovely. I hope you enjoyed your last quiet Wednesday.

    The cake is just stunning.

  17. fantastic cake. you have gorgeous ribbons. jenx

  18. Fabulous cake - no wonder the lady was thrilled with it.Gorgeous colour scheme - I take it the dresses will be something similar. Very hot and summery. What's a practicing teenager! I thought it all came naturally to
    Beryl xx

  19. A beautiful cake! Nice work space. Looks like some yummy stamps in the first photo. You have a bit more ribbon than I do. I would suggest one of those "ribbon organizers" but I think you may already be using one. Valerie #157

  20. Hi Lisa, here in Scotland my grandchildren have been on holiday for a couple of weeks now and the weather has been rotten for them - hope it improves soon. If you haven't done so already check out Brenda's post (#8) - her DH has designed the perfect ribbon storage. That cake is fab-you-luss!!! It's so over-the-top that I can only imagine that the wedding was a blast :) Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #75

  21. hmmm, the ribbon stash is taking over, it think you need to give it me so you will have plenty of space, see, I'm just thinking of you! It's my generous spirit :) lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :) #50

  22. Crikey - what a fabulous cake! Love it!

    Look forward to the H2O tute - my box of little pots is on standby here :)

    Belated Happy WOYWW. Di xx #10

  23. thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, jenx 149

  24. What an amazing cake ... It must be such a relief to get it right for your clients. I imagine it is hard to recreate what someone imagines. I think the ribbons would of looked nice just above the piping and then you would of had less ribbon to sort out how you are going to store.
    Sandra @31

  25. Wow Lisa - what fabulous colours and flowers. It certainly isn't your everyday traditional wedding cake, but it's stunning nonetheless. Well done you!
    Hugs, Sylvia xx
    PS: re. your question about the panels on my card - of course I don't mind you using the idea - thanks for asking. x

  26. Wowza Helen! What a cake and a half! Brilliant job you have done on it and I do actually like the green ribbon on it. No wonder the girl liked the cake!
    As for your ribbon, I will send you a piccie of what Hubby did for me in the ribbon department. Pretty cheap and very cool!

  27. That's a real show stopper of a cake and beautifully made! I agree with you on the ribbon but I just love the rest.
    hope you have a good time in the school hols as I know you treasure your time with F.
    I'm playing catch up now that the German gang has returned home... boo hoo.... we had such a great time but it would have been even better if the rain had cleared.
    Love Jo x
    Thanks for your visit and glad you like the pics of our fab Slovenian trip.

  28. Ooh Lisa, you could do with some Giraffe's couldn't you!! That's how this whole thing started, I had a lot of spooled ribbon and no way to store it. The first iteration looked like a scaled down kitchen roll holder! That is one crazy cake! Not sure about the lime green ribbon either but as long as the customer was happy that's all that counts. The flowers look huge on it! Loved your H2O tutorial in the above post, those Sheena stamps look really great stamped like that, all nice and dreamy. Hope the weather picks up for the school holidays, won't be any fun for people having to keep the kids indoors all day!

    Brenda 8

  29. What a fantastic cake! I like your idea of the green ribbon around the cake but the bride knows best :-)

  30. I used to do cake icing so know what you mean about the crumbs, buttercream and all of that. What a stunning tower of a cake you have done. Love those colours together but do agree with you about the green ribbon - still if the customer was happy who's to argue and it still is lovely.
    Happy holidays (hope you do get some crafting time in)
    Hugs, Neet (thanks for the lovely thoughts) xx

  31. What a great cake. Ribbon yea mine is messy too. Sandy :)


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