
Monday 16 July 2012

Another Sheena Sneaky Peek

Morning lovely crafters on yet another wet morning. I have heard that we are promised a sunny and warm Friday though, so at least that's something to look forward too. I will clear my diary in readiness!!!!

I thought I'd just pop by this morning to share a couple more of the samples I've made using Sheena's new stamps. The first was another from the grasses plate stamped with H20's again. I've been asked how you do this on a few occasions so if you'd like me to do a tutorial just leave me a comment and I'll see what I can come up with. It's a very easy but really effective technique and a great use for those poor neglected pots we all have.

This second one is from the Deer plate and I love the tree branches and owl. The background is sprayed distressed inks and the stamps have been black embossed.

It's been a hectic weekend in The Craft Garden as we approach the last week of DD's Primary school life. There are parties, a talent show, a drama production, a leavers assembly and a presentation of their Northumberland week to look forward too and I'm expecting many tears!!!

It's the party tonight so I've been making buns using up all that bright icing left from the Wedding cake last week and helping to make a fancy dress costume. She wanted to be the Olympic mascot, Wenlock. I have to admit having to google it but here's what we came up with!!

Thanks for stopping by and have a good week. I'll be back on Wednesday with some pics of that Wedding cake!!



  1. ooh love the cards .. and i have some pots of H20's somewhere must dig them out .
    Love the costume... she will have a fab time
    Lisa x

  2. Hi Lisa, love the cards, the stamping with the H2Os looks very interesting. Sheena's new stamps look good, look forward to the show.
    Great costume, hope DD enjoys the party.
    Avril xx

  3. Two more gorgeous cards using these stamps! Love them and the H20 stamping and I, for one, would like to see a tutorial please. I think I have a pretty good idea but have never tried it so a few tips from an expert would be very welcome.

    Love the Wenlock costume! The torch is brilliant too.

    Lesley Xx

  4. You wait until the day she leaves secondary school - that's what my youngest has just done... I feel OLD!!
    Great cards, btw :)
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  5. Beautiful samples, Lisa.
    I love the colour palettes you are working with.

  6. Ha! great Wenlock!

    I am loving your sneak peaks Lisa, hope the week goes smoothly for you. Jill x

  7. Another two fabulous cards but...I never expect anything less when I visit your blog! :)
    I love the costume, she looks fab and hope DD enjoys the party!
    Love and hugs, Emma xx

  8. Hi Lisa - hope you all had a great time at the school party.
    Fab. cards and a fab. costume. Look forward to seeing the cake pics. too, and fingers crossed for sunshine on Friday - yaaay!
    Sylvia xx

  9. Hi Lisa - hope you all had a great time at the school party.
    Fab. cards and a fab. costume. Look forward to seeing the cake pics. too, and fingers crossed for sunshine on Friday - yaaay!
    Sylvia xx

  10. Fabulous cards, like the look of Sheen's new stamps. A tutorial for me to please.
    Christine xx

  11. That's a great costume! And yes I would love a tutorial - I'm always trying to learn new things. Haven't been in for a while but I'm catching up now.

  12. Two totally stunning cards. I love them both, and you are really tempting me with those stamps now! The Wenlock costume is amazing! It is very hectic for our year sixes this week too. When Meg left primary school we found some bottles of beer for her teacher called Roaring Meg! (there were tears, so it was very apt!)

  13. Fab cards and yes please - if you get a chance to do a tutorial that would be great.
    Beryl xx

  14. These are great cards, Lisa! I noticed that The Gopher has got 70 already in the gallery so Sheena certainly isn't going to be short of samples!
    Well done with that costume too, you've done an amazing job there!
    Diane x

  15. Hi Lisa, LOL What a brilliant outfit for your daughter, such a great idea, works well too:0) Your cards for Sheena are really beautiful, I love the moon behind the owl sillouette, gorgeous background colours! Have a great week, hope you get that promised(well maybe) sunshine, hugs Gay xxx


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