
Friday 13 July 2012

A Sneaky Peek of Sheena's New Silhouette Stamps

Afternoon lovely crafters.  After two days of lovely sunshine we have returned to our usual wet Friday. What is it about Fridays that the weather doesn't like??

It's all go in the Craft Garden today. One very bright cake has gone off with a happy and delighted bride to be, phew!!!!!! It's always nerve wracking on the day that it is collected. I always have fears of them hating it or dropping it on the way to the car!!!! Thankfully, it left here all in one piece.

I am also busy busy with DT work playing with Sheena's new silhouette stamps. The last set sold out in record time and I have a feeling these are going to be as popular.

If you want to catch them they are being launched on Wednesday 18th July at 8am on Create and Craft and then 12 Noon on Ideal World.

To wet your appetite here is one of the cards I've finished.

The background was some card I'd used to mop up all the over spray on my craft mat after using some Radiant Rains. Just goes to show you shouldn't waste a drop. There are lots of lovely grasses on this set along with some gorgeous quotes and I just black embossed them and kept it simple.

Right, must get back to it so thanks for stopping by and have a lovely weekend whatever you are up to.


  1. ...gorgeous's incedible what we can create with our mop-ups, a delicious backdrop creating a wonderful silhouette for the grasses & swirls...stunning work!...Mel :)

  2. What a happy and inspired "accident" to get such a lovely background with over=spray!!! It looks amazing and the perfect backdrop for you silhouette stamp.
    Now scrolling down....
    Love those golden anniversary cards - such beautiful colours and designs
    Lucky you to meet Sir Steve - but how sad that the name of a truly great sporting hero isn't known by the kids - when all those mediocre footballers are....
    Love the colours and designs of those grape cards - what fab cards for a foodie or wine connoisseur

  3. ooh i bet the cake was fabulous!
    Love the card .. such a pretty background
    Lisa x

  4. A great way to use up leftover ink Lisa - love the colour of the background. Sheena's new stamp set is beautiful - I will look out for the TV programme next week.
    So pleased your client loved her wedding cake - I'm sure it looked spectacular.
    Have a lovely weekend - Hugs, Sylvia xx

  5. Gorgeous, Lisa! I am loving the peeks of these new stamps! I will have to see if I have any money left when I return from my hols!

  6. Gorgeous card, Lisa, love the background! I'm going to have to check out those stamps too, especially the grasses one - lovely!

    Hope you're ok, have a good weekend,

    Lynne xx

  7. Oooo Lisa. this is one gorgeous card Honey.

  8. Love that background Lisa, even though its very pink! Gorgeous silhouette stamps as well.

    Mmm... you have had sunshine, well lucky you, wish we had, wet, windy and cool for us and this morning is looking pretty much that way, though we have been promised a glimpse of the sun tomorrow (fingers crossed!)

    Have a good weekend.

    Jill x

  9. A fabulous way of using mop ups and what a stunning's just beautiful Lisa!,

    I hope the sun managed to show itself at some point during the weekend and that you've had a good one!
    Take care and look after yourself my lovely friend...
    Hugs Emma xxx

  10. These definitely look like must have stamps Lisa. I shall have to set the box to record the shows as my little charge will arrive just before the first one and I'll be taking her to nursery in the middle of the second one.

    The card is beautiful and I love the quote.

    Lesley Xx

  11. Smashin card Lisa - Keep meaning to watch to see if I can spot any of your samples. Thanks for popping in to see me and leaving as always, a lovely comment. Made my day brighter
    x Michelle


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