
Wednesday 11 July 2012


Morning lovely Crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Another Wednesday whizzes round which means it's my favourite time of the week. All the fun of the desks and meeting lots of new friends, can't get much better than that. If you want to join in then pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia. HERE.

I took this photo of my desk yesterday morning.

Yes I know that's cheating but it's completely clear, washed and disinfected this morning and totally boring in readiness for my marathon cake decorating session which I'm going to start as soon as I've posted here and you don't want to see just an expanse of greyness, there's enough of that just looking out of the window.

So yesterday's desk is what you get!!!! I was asked to make a Golden Wedding card last week and the design was left completely up to me so I made one with a big golden flower but then decided I'd better make another so my friend had a choice. What I like is not always what someone else might like so this is what I'm doing.

You might be able to spot a pussy cat peeping out from my mess, which actually belongs to an old worktop glass protector.  Having been treated to a posh crafty glass mat last Christmas which I love and which spends it life on my dining table, I've discovered that this old mat works really well in my craft room.

So here's the finished card I was working on

and the original one.

I wonder which she'll choose.

Right, I'd better not spends ages chatting on here, I've a Wedding cake to decorate and mountains of white sugar paste to turn bright pink and bright orange. Bet you won't want to see the state of my hands after that, so forgive me if I don't visit today but I will catch up later in the week and I promise I'll share some pics of the cake with you next Wednesday.

Thanks for stopping by and for all the lovely comments you leave, I so appreciate them.

Have a great Crafty Wednesday.


  1. Sounds like you're going to be busy! Fab cards, both superb. Take care, enjoy desk hopping! Zo xx 62

  2. Both cards are beautiful, I think your friend will have a hard time choosing between the two. Best of luck with the cake and decorating. It took ages to find the cat ... I am even worse with those 3D thingees. I always feel a bit special when I look for hours to see the obvious!!
    Sandra @43

  3. Two fabulous cards.. i love that gold flower
    Lisa x

  4. Looking forward to seeing that cake ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  5. What gorgeous cards...I'd choose them both :-)
    I'm doing a quick blog hop while the twins nap :-)
    A x #58

  6. Oooh! I couldn't choose between those two beauties!
    good luck with the cake decorating and don't forget to let us see the results. You have so many talents!
    Just recovering from our amazing Slovenian adventure in time for tomorrow's arrival of the German branch of the family. It's all go!!!
    Love JoZarty x

  7. I prefer the first card as it's simple and elegant. Now, why does my taste run that way when, as Julia could tell you (loudly and very often!) that I am neither simple nor elegant!!!! But I don't like fussy when it comes to cards! I, on the other hand, am big, loud, blowsy and enjoy life and am determined to carry on like that. Hence the deicision to give in to the Dark Side...and buy some beads. I've loved sparkles for soo long, I thought why not... it's not as if I buy designer bags and shoes every week.
    So, watch this space!!
    Hugs, LLJ #57 xx

  8. Fabulous cards.. I can't choose a fav as both are Gorgeous... good luck with the cake.. you are a busy bee this week... Thank you for your kind comments... Hugs May x x x#8

  9. You sound very busy Lisa! i'm sooo glad i'll never have to disinfect my craft surfaces, it would take BUCKET loads to get it spotless enough for food!!! Trish #68

  10. ooooo sounds exciting Lisa and love the gorgeous cards x Thanks for stopping by my blog xx

  11. Ooo! Lisa both those cards are gorgeous. Glad I don't have to choose!
    I want to see the state of your hands when you decorate that cake! They will be a sight I should imagine.
    Don't forget to share pictures!

  12. Both cards are gorgeous! I hope you show us the cake you are decorating - clever you. x Jo

  13. Two beautiful pieces, super soft colours!thaks for stopping by, phew scan on daughter was okay..what a relief!!!thanks trace x

  14. Both cards are wonderful, but I think I like the first one best - like Lunch Lady Jan I'm neither simple nor elegant, but I am so often drawn to that in art.

    Good luck with the cake and thank you so much for stopping by and being such a cheerleader.

    cheers, rachel #11

  15. Lovely, lovely cards--that would be a hard choice!

    :)trisha, #36 this week

  16. I would find it hard to choose - I think I'd have to send both of them, they are so gorgeous. Thanks for a peep at your workspace. Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x

  17. Gorgeous cards, Lisa. I wouldn't be able to choose! Hope you have had better weather. Although the forecast here wasn't good we did see some sunshine today. Our year 6 went off camping for three days, so we are keeping our fingers crossed!

  18. Both cards are beautiful but if it was my choice I'd go for the first - if only for that fabulous and delicate swirly die in the centre.
    Beryl xx

  19. I love both cards equally Lisa! Look forward to seeing the cake - I did grin at what Sam says, coloured paws - or do you wear disposable gloves?

    Happy WOYWW! Di xx

  20. Well, Lisa, I'd be hard pressed to choose which card I liked best! Maybe she'll choose both lol! Absolutely gorgeous, both of them.

    You are very clever to be able to ice cakes. I tried my hand at it once and it was a disaster. That, and flower arranging, I have no patience with, but greatly admire the efforts of others!

    Thanks for your lovely comment, and your good wishes for Shoshi's Blog Shop which I hope is going to go great - we'll have to see! Can't wait to receive my ATC. The swap is soooo much fun! I'm still behind with it, but gradually catching up.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #4

  21. Gorgeous cards Lisa, think it will be difficult to choose.

    Hope the cake decorating went well - looking forward to seeing the photos of the results!

    Jill x

  22. How considerate you are to make two cards so your friend has a choice. It's so true about different styles, plus you have to think of the style of the recipient. I think both cards are lovely! It would be a hard choice for me.

    Hope the cake decorating went smoothly. Have a great week!

    Darnell #34

  23. Strange…………I’ve also been making a Golden Wedding card using a die very similar to the one you’ve used but seeing your picture has made me realise that I’ve made a big mistake…….I’ve put a 60 in the centre instead of a 50…….better change it quick before anyone notices. It I had to choose between your two cards it would be the first one.

    Hope the cake decorating went well Lisa. I used to dabble in cakes but have not done anything in that line for several years now, in fact when my kitchen was being done I came across my Walton icing set on the top of one of the cupboards, covered in about 3 inches of dust.

    Happy Crafting!

  24. Your golden wedding card is brilliant, a real keepsake! Good luck with your cake baking.I had my mums friend knock on my door to go with her there and then to paint a face on her icing Mini Mouse! (to go on a 1st birthday cake) Reminding me of all the cakes I made when my girls were little. It's great fun, if there were another 24 hours in the day I might give it another go!
    Happy WOYWW!!

  25. Love your beautiful anniversary card! I can't believe how much we have in common--I have one daughter, two cats, love to cross-stitch, garden, and scrapbook...but I live in the Ozarks in the United States. That's beauty of blogging I suppose. I have wonderful day. Crafty hugs! Sandy at #152

  26. Finally got round to your desk! Looks busy. Great card. jenx 135

  27. Gosh, I can't believe how long it is since I managed a catch up Lisa. That's what a four year old with a nasty bout of Chicken Pox does for you ............ well, for me at any rate, lol!

    I love both your gorgeous Anniversary cards and I wouldn't like to have had to choose between them.

    Looking forward to seeing the Wedding cake. It does sound very unusual in those colours.

    Lesley XX

  28. Can't wait to see the cake - it sounds bright! I THINK I like the first card better but its a tough call.


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