
Saturday 7 July 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

Evening lovely Crafters. I hope you are all staying dry in this monsoon weather. I think I grew webbed feet yesterday, they never seemed to get dry!!! On a serious note I do hope none of you are suffering flooding. I can't imagine what it must be like to watch water run through your house, the pictures on the news in the South West are awful. My thoughts are with you all.

Yesterday morning I had a real thrill when Sir Steve Redgrave visited DD's Primary school (he could've rowed there is was so wet) and the Parents were invited along to the assembly he gave. What a nice man he is and was genuinely interested in answering the children's questions. They all got a signed class photo of him although most of them had to google him prior to his visit to find out who he was. I think the adults were definitely the most impressed!!

On a crafty note, I'm busy with DT work and making birthday presents...and wedding cakes... at the minute so don't have a lot to share but I know I didn't show you many of my last lot of samples for Sheena and those stamps were a real delight to work with so I thought I'd share a couple more.

These are both stamped with twinkling H20's and I used the beautiful Wisteria stamp.

I glittered this one when the paint had dried.

And the background for this was made with other stamps from the same plate just randomly stamped to make a collage.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a lovely Sunday whatever you are up too. We shall be sharing the TV, firstly for the Grand Prix and then to cheer on one Mr Murray!!!!


  1. ...these are gorgeous Lisa, beautiful stamps with lush colours and your inky background is a super contrast...stunning...Mel :)
    At least we know come rain or shine Murrey will play, as for the racing, well thats in the lap of the Gods, it was dreadful on the track today...xx

  2. These cards are absolutely stunning!!! When I first saw them I imagined I was looking at a picture of Provence...I just love them!!

    Fab story about Sir Steve Redgrave...I can imagine that the parents were more excited than the kids but I'm sure everyone had a great time at the end of the day!!
    Hope the DT work goes ok...
    Love and hugs, Emma xx

  3. Go Murray! LOL
    The weather is horrid isn't it? Thankfully no flooding close to me..but then I always say that if we were flooded then it's time to start on that Ark!!! Beautiful cards....wisteria is fab ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Hi Lisa, this interminable rain is absolutely devastating for some ... the east coast of Scotland is suffering now too with flooding near Edinburgh --- I just feel so sorry for those who are having their homes ruined with it.

    Steve Redgrave always seems so nice when I see him on TV so no surprise to find he really is in the flesh.

    Your cards are, as usual, simply stunning. Love the combination of lilacs and green.

    Much luck with the workload. Elizabeth x

  5. Gorgeous cards Lisa. I have those stamps and haven't got round to using them yet. Grand Prix for me tomorrow. Phew - did you see the free practice of Friday. Did it rain or what? Hope it doesn't do that tomorrow. Enjoy the race and the tennis.
    Beryl xx

  6. Hi Lisa. Mmm.... weather has been appalling and even my garden on a slope and well drained is squelchy! Yealmpton is about 3 miles from here where they had the flooding.. awful.

    How wonderful to have met Sir Steve, he's a bit of hero of mine!

    I love that wisteria stamp, isn't it gorgeous. I haven't got anywhere to grow a wisteria in the garden otherwise I would have one! Enjoy your day of TV!!

    Jill x

  7. Gorgeous stamped images - love the colours. What an exciting assembly! I would have been as axcited as the children. jenx

  8. Hi there Lisa, Wahoo what a lovely famous visitor:0) And what a shame that Murray lost:{ I too like Nadal I also like Federer so it was a very difficult final this year LOL
    Glad you've been getting into your garden, I love the photos of it that you share with us;0)
    Your samples for Sheena are absoloutely wonderful, I love the colours and they showcase the stamps so well. Hope you have a great week hugs Gay xxx

  9. Absolutely gorgeous wisteria cards and I do feel for you with all that rain. We get lots of rain too ... last year whole parts of OZ were flooded. But, I have to admit when the sun shines it is glorious.

  10. hi there Lisa, Ah these really are awesome these two cards, I so love that stamp (sorry about the rain should send you some of our sunshine..).
    How do you stamp with twinkling H2O's dont have any, but aren't they paint?? I do have small pots of iridescent paint thought they were like them? thanks so much for sharing and great to have you back again.. love Shaz in oz.x

  11. Me again, Lisa, I found super you tube on it so my query is answered! :D thanks for showing this great method so brilliantly, Shaz.x

  12. Hi Lisa, just read your comment on my golden hop and thought I should tell you that it is contained in a pot. Our garden is on a slope which has been decked in two tiers before the garden levels off at the top - not our idea, the previous occupants :( And because the soil is clay and pretty awful we decided the decking could stay but it does mean that much of the planting is in pots. Most of the foxgloves are not in pots but growing on the level part at the top - just one beside the back door is in a lily pot. Talking of lilies, they are now coming into bloom and looking gorgeous :) Everything is incredibly lush after all that rain, and it's a pleasure to see. The EM is despairing over his sweet peas though - thinks there has been too much rain for them as not a bud in sight yet. Elizabeth x

  13. Wow Lisa. These cards are gorgeous. I recognise the stamps from your ATC and you have put them to good use with these cards.
    I just saw Elizabeth's comment above about sweet peas. That explains why we only have about 2 flowers on ours! Maybe it will come later like alot of other plants this year!

  14. Oooh, these are sooo pretty Lisa. Beautiful colours and so effective stamped with the H20's. Wisteria is such a beautiful plant and these cards certainly do it justice.

    Lesley Xx

  15. Hi again Lisa, I've been having a browse through your blog. Your work is stunning. You have a wonderful way with your amazing backgrounds and colours. Very inspirational blog. Nicola x


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