
Monday 27 August 2012

Austrian Crafting Goodies

Afternoon lovely Crafty friends. I hope you have enjoyed your Bank Holiday weekend if you live South of the Border despite the weather. I had promised myself a day in the garden yesterday as the weathermen said it'd be a dry day but as soon as I got out the heavens opened again. We haven't had a dry day all weekend. It's so dark now we have the lights on and it's only 6pm!!!! Still we hit the shops today and had a lovely time so it's not all doom and gloom.

I'm sorry I've been such a bad blogger lately. Life has interfered somewhat and I know I haven't done much blog hopping to see what you've all been up too. I really hope to get back to normal come September so hope you'll bear with me.

In the meantime, as I said in my last post, I was delighted to find a craft shop while we were on holiday in Mayrhofen in Austria and had to make several visits as they had some gorgeous things that we can't get here.

Here's my little haul. These beautiful wooden embellishments while be perfect on scrapbook layouts I have planned.

I also unearthed a brilliant shop in Innsbruck last time we were there that sold ribbon so I had to make a return visit with my euros at the ready. There is over 100m here all for the princely sum of about 15 euro which is around £12. What a bargain. My ribbon tower has now become even more precarious!!! I just need to find some spare hours in the day to play with it all!!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a good week.


  1. ...Lisa you have some gorgeous candy here, great choices with the ribbons and the wonderful wooden pieces, look forward to seeing what you create with them...Mel :)

  2. What lovely stash you managed to find Lisa. The ribbon was a real bargain but I just love those wooden embellishments, especially the larger hearts.

    Happy Crafting!

  3. Hi Lisa, the summer holidays seems to have interrupted blogging for a lot of us so you're not alone and it's nice to see you back :)I've no doubt, after your major euro shopathon, you have lots of projects in the pipeline and I look forward to seeing them. Elizabeth xx

  4. Nice little haul of goodies there, Lisa!! Wow, that ribbon was a bargain, that'll last you for some time :D
    I've missed you so am very glad you're back!

  5. Oooo! I have candy envy here! Loving those goodies you have brought home and looking forward to seeing what you do with them all.

  6. It's amazing how we always find some crafty treasure no matter where we go and your finds look wonderful. I'm sure you will have enjoyed a super holiday there and hope you get a few days of sunshine to finish off the hols before school starts again. Lots of love Jo x

  7. It's amazing how we always find some crafty treasure no matter where we go and your finds look wonderful. I'm sure you will have enjoyed a super holiday there and hope you get a few days of sunshine to finish off the hols before school starts again. Lots of love Jo x

  8. What fabulous new stash! It's good to have you back and so pleased you had good weather on your hols too. I am sure there will be another get together. I will have a think about it once I return from Rwanda at the end of September. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations with your new goodies. I am also looking forward to seeing what you do with Sheena's new stamps too!

  9. Brilliant holiday stash. Much more satisfying than a stick of rock. Look forward to seeing what you do with it.
    Beryl xx

  10. Hi Lisa, looks as if you bought some nice little goodies!!

    The rain has stopped long enough for me to do a bit of tidying and that's been about it! It's not too bad slug-wise here - I am just fed up of spending so much time weeding.. come rain or shine they grow don't they! At least the rainy days have given me a good excuse to stay inside and do some crafting. Weekly Scrapbook classes start again soon, so I must get prepared! Hope you are all well despite the weather! Jill x

  11. I like the look of those little wooden affairs! They are so trendy at the moment but yours will be so different, you lucky thing!

  12. Fabulous stash, lucky lady, sorry I've been away too long:{ Looks like you had a fab holiday, sunshine all the way then!! Brilliant!! Hugs Gay xxx


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