
Saturday 4 February 2012

A Little Chilly

Afternoon lovely crafters, I hope you are all staying warm and cosy today. We have gentle snow here but nothing amazing. It has given a covering but we were hoping for loads so that we could be snowed in for a few days!! Wishful thinking I think.

Anyway, I just popped in to share with you this photo I took of the inside of our Conservatory yesterday morning. Ice crystals on windows are just fascinating aren't they?

I hope you are having a great weekend. DD has started with Chicken pox today so it's a quiet one for us.

Stay warm and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Lisa, great photo of Jack Frost on your window, it must be cold for that to happen. I can't imagine the Venetian canals frozen - that's definitely cold! Hyacinths, I have to confess this is the first year I've actually enjoyed the perfume, perhaps because it is fresh and in the coolness of the porch ... if it were in the lounge I'd like it less. I certainly would not wear the perfume - too cloying, methinks. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery ... can remember my children going through that phase, they caught everything going ... tell her not to scratch! Elizabeth x

  2. What a stunning photo Lisa, I don't get anything like that here in London. Even when it snows its not as beautiful as in the countryside. have a great weekend and stay warm xx

  3. Oh dear. It's cold here but not as cold as you are! Pretty patterns though ;) My Swiss Chard certainly did not like how cold it was here last night!
    xoxo Sioux

  4. What a beautiful photo Lisa. Thanks for sharing it. We've had quite a bit of snow since teatime and it's so blooming cold, Brrr! I'm hoping the white stuff has gone by Monday as I have Jenna and her little ones staying and I'm taking them back to Harrogate on Monday afternoon. I'll be close by your neck of the woods till Tuesday as I have to stay over to give Jenna a hand. Izzy has an appointment at Ripon Hospital so I have to take the baby for a walk while Mummy takes Izzy for her appointment.

    I hope your daughter isn't too itchy. Chicken pox are horrid!

    Lesley Xx

  5. Oooo! Pretty! I love it when the ice crystals happen. Nice blog design incidentally! Very YOU!!

  6. Hi Lisa, what a great picture - fortunately though it hasn't been as cold as that here! No snow but it rained all day yesterday. Hoping it's going to get milder now as my tree fern and broad beans (I know it's a strange mixture) need to be a bit warmer! Jill x

  7. Oooo Chicken Pox I hope she isn't too unwell poor thing :(
    Yes indeedy it has been a tad chilly. I remember my first flat after getting married - no heating except a 1 bar electric fire we couldn't afford to run and waking every morning during a cold winter with ice thick on the insides of the windows EEEK - it's brought it all back - how lucky I am now :)

  8. WOW!! What a stunning photo...really fabulous capture and you should be so proud of yourself. FAB~U~LOUS... :)

    Sorry to hear about your DD having chicken pox, hope it doesn't get too bad and doesn't spread through the family.
    Take care hun and look after yourself.
    Love Emma xxx


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