
Wednesday 8 February 2012

WOYWW 140 and some new Fusion Flowers

Morning lovely Crafters and dear WOYWW friends.

I really look forward to Wednesdays when we all catch up with each others desks. It never fails to cheer me up and I always find something unexpected or a new friend every week. There are not many places you can go that will do that is there? If you haven't joined in yet pop over to see our esteemed Deskmistress, Julia, HERE.

Just before I show you my not very interesting desk this week can I just say thank you for all the lovely comments on the card I showed you last week. You were all so lovely and Patsy from HeARTworks asked how the white flowers were done. Just to clear that up, they were clear embossed before any ink was added and then buffed up to remove any residual ink at the end. It's a lovely technique and one I shall definitely be playing with again.

Well, here is my desk today. Nothing happening I'm afraid due to my spotty dotty daughter in the corner who has been really miserable with chicken pox this week and also very fed up that she missed all the snow at the weekend after waiting for months for it to arrive. We had more tears over that I think than her itchy spots!!

You might be able to spot some of my lovely Birthday presents that I haven't really had time to play with yet. Hubby bought me some flexmarkers, I was really impressed. He didn't ask me what I wanted but chose those all by himself. I have him well trained. He also bought me a gorgeous wallet to store all my dies in.The rest is stuff waiting to find a home, a tissue box waiting to be turned into something interesting, DD's toothbrush being charged and a new CD waiting to be listened too.

If you've just popped over for WOYWW I won't be offended if you leave now without reading any further. I was going to do a separate post to show you some new Paint Fusion flowers I have been working on but, call me lazy, I'm just going to tag them on here.

Sheena Douglass is releasing three new paint fusion flower stamps as Pick Of The Week on Friday 10th Feb on Create and Craft and they are beautiful. As a flower lover I'm in my element when we get these to work on although I only had two days to do my samples this time so there are not many to show you yet.

The first set is a lilac and is so easy to paint. I promise you I am no master with a brush but these are a doddle.

Well thanks for stopping by and keep warm in these chilly temperatures. I haven' t been outside all week as we are in quarantine and for once it's quite nice to be kept inside warm and cosy.


  1. Glad your hubby is so well trained! Enjoy the rest of the week and I hope it's a blessed and creative one!

  2. Gorgeous lilac flowers. I've been debating if I should get one for my garden..they can sort of take over if you are not careful ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  3. Great blog!! I'm your newest follower! The flowers are amazing! Hope your daughter is soon better, the pox is horrid and such a shame she missed playing in the snow! Happy WOYWW xSarah #114

  4. Oh wow - lilac-tastic. They are awesome, must have taken ages...
    You clever thing having trained your husband to pick such fab prezzies, mine's not to bad either (with the exception of the foot spa, but that's another story....!)
    And thank goodness you're just charging up the toothbrush, I thought you might have been using it for a new technique or something!
    Hugs, LLJ #58 xx
    PS We had some snow but not as much as you. Poor DD, she must have been miserable... :(

  5. WOW those lilac flowers are stunning!! Sadly I missed the show at Bluewater as we had tickets for the Sunday, but ended up being totally snowed in :(

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Karen #90

  6. What fabulous lilac flowers Lisa, you could almost pick them up.

    Still pretty chilly here in the Fens, minus 10 again last night.

    B x

  7. Hi Lisa, those flowers look so 3D they are great!

    thanks for sharing

    Debs #132

  8. Gorgeous lilacs! what a lovely colour!

  9. Fantastic Paint Fusion stuff Lisa. I hope DD is better soon, chicken pox is so nasty.
    I am just not keeping up with the blogging stuff at the moment - there is such a lot going on in my life!! I don't think I have been so busy for years!! At least I am enjoying my crafting and with the work going on in my house I am making it 'my own' if you can understand that. Keep warm in the cold weather, it's even chilly here. It was -8 on Dartmoor this morning. Jill x

  10. Fantastic lilac - how clever.

  11. Those flowers are amazing,stunning!!! great job, just having a look through your blog its beautiful, so i've joined as a follower, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x x

  12. See, you say your desk is un interesting and then show these gorgeous floral word, how clever. Hope your bay gal is over the glues and the spots, poor thing!

  13. Glues??? I meant GLUMS****y autocorrect!!

  14. Now I think you need to come to my house and train my hubby..... we have all had chicken pox recently so no worries there!!!
    Hope your daughter is better soon and she can get out and about in the snow!
    Am now a follower x
    Lisa 163

  15. Oh no! Poor spotty sausage :=( Beautiful flowers there and you must tell me how that die wallet works out for you because I admit I was tempted! Happy Birthday!

  16. oooh and aah for the lovely lilac!!! Hope F is better soon form the dratted lergy!
    Thanks for your visit and this is just a hasty pop in from Germany
    Love jo x

  17. That textured box is so interesting looking.

    Gorgeous cards...Well done!

  18. HI Lisa, WOW your lilac is fabulous, I love the shading on the blooms, perfect, clever you:0) Hope all the spots have gone and it looks like more snow is on the way so DD may yet get to play LOL Hope so:0) Thank you for visiting and all your lovely comments:0) xxx

  19. Gorgeous lilac Lisa - hope your daughter is better soon! You asked how many stamps I have - answer, a LOT more than I realised :( Di xx

  20. Lisa, it's Di again. I'm doing a late WOYWW blog hop session and spotted your comment on another blog about the wire basket style cake stand. I got mine ages ago in Homebase - and last time I was in they are still selling them. Good luck! Di xx

  21. Fab desk and I love Paint fusion, so love your pics. Thanks for sharing & enjoy this weeks WOYWW, I've been nosing around all the fab desks as I try to visit everyone! Zo x 83

  22. Oh chicken pox. Poor little thing. Your desk has some nice little treats on it. Your lilacs blow me away -- they are beautiful! Just love them.

    Happy WOYWW

  23. Gorgeous projects and fab peaks of your space and toothbrush :) Kim

  24. Hope the little on is feeling better by now, what a shame she missed the snow though! Happy belated birthday too, you have a well trained hubby! Love that lilac, just beautiful, glad you enjoyed the flower tutorial, I just did it really quickly, it's a bit dark but it gets the idea across.


  25. I'm loving that big book (which I'm assuming is the die wallet your clever hubby bought for you?). The Lilacs are amazing! Paint fusion is another one of those things on my to do list! (you'd think I'd have started already going by my name! lol)
    I hope your daughter is feeling better and that maybe you got a little bit more snow for her.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  26. Looks like a great crafty space and the lilacs look really wonderful - such great colour and texture...Thanks for letting us look in and peek at your desk... Sarah at 7...

  27. Hope your daughter is well on the mend and might even get out in the snow before it all melts. Love your lilacs - I could almost smell them. We used to have a lilac growing in our garden when I was a child ... many years later I re-visited the house was disappointed to see that the tree had disappeared, as had the lawn and the garden was all slapped over! I've recorded Sheena's programme so I'll be doing a bit of lilac spotting later. Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment - it's much appreciated. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #2

  28. hope the measles have subsided, love your painting
    Bridget #51

  29. Stunning lilacs, Lisa! They look so life-like. Really beautiful.

    Lynne x

  30. I do feel sorry for you daughter Lisa. Chicken pox are just awful I think!

    I love your gorgeous card and I think you are really good with a paintbrush no matter what you say. Beautiful work!

    Lesley Xx

  31. Your lilac is beautiful! I am about to follow you so I can come back and read more.

    I hope your little girl is on the mend now.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love reading them.
