
Wednesday 1 February 2012


Morning lovely Crafters and WOYWW friends. As you can see by my desk this week, it's chilly here so I'm back downstairs making a mess on the dining table. I thought I'd better just reassure you that we we do have a table cloth for best. The blue one that you can see gets very inky and glittery and although the family are happy to eat in my mess I wouldn't expect visitors to do the same!!

I've been having an inky playtime inspired by a demo by Deby from Inkylicious on the TV at the weekend. I've had these wildflower stamps from Chocolate Baroque for years now and they are still among my favourites. I've been trying various colour schemes using brown distress inks as the base and then adding some colour with bright Adirondacks.

Don't you find it's so nice to just craft for the sake of it once in awhile. I love getting messy and can loose hours.

You might just be able to spy the new copy of Craft Stamper hiding amongst my mess where our esteemed WOYWW leader has got her name in lights, about time too!!!!! Well done, Julia, it's great to see you in print. Why not pop over to Congratulate her and join in with all this desk hopping.

Lastly. I was really honoured to receive this award from my fellow WOYWW buddy, Sue, today. Thanks so much, Sue. I am supposed to pass it on but as you may know, I can never choose just 5 people as you all deserve it so please help yourself if you haven't already go it.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to make my lunch and then have a hop around some desks. Stay warm and have a good week.


  1. Wonderful card and wonderful stamped images. Did you use bleach to get the really white ones? Your flowers are so pretty and I think I might make some this afternoon - thank you for the inspiration!

  2. That card is LUSH!! The colours and seed heads and that flower - I love 'em all!! That was a good experiment :D
    I was lucky to be chosen for that award too - my first ever, yay!
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  3. I'm oohing and ahhing right through this post Lisa, absolutely beautiful card. Really love the colours you've chosen and love the sentiment on the torn strip.

    Brenda 115

  4. Oh Lisa - what a fabulous creation!! I truly sat here and went 'WOW'. I love, love, love it - forget organising your stamps, this is much more rewarding! Di xx

  5. Hi Lisa, I'm like you, I have two tablecloths as well- one for crafting, and one for general use. The crafting one has seen better days!
    Your cards is gorgeous, I love the colours, and the stamps are some of my favourites ;) Judith xx

  6. I really like that card, and several stamps that I've never seen before (yes I am an avid follower of all you paper people, but never touch it!).

  7. That is a really beautiful card and lovely stamped images :) Well done on the award - many congratulations.

    Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Karen #108

  8. Great card, fab inky space to play by the looks of it. Hope you enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  9. Hi Lisa, I love visiting your busy desk albeit the dining room table LOL Gorgeous card, love all the painty layers and that wonderful flower xxx

  10. oh my what a gorgeous card! beautiful colours Happy WOYWW Shell x

  11. Lol to the two table cloths Lisa, mind you I guess it’s a must because there’s nothing worse than a stray sprinkling of glitter over your dinner.

    Loving the card. The colours look so soft and natural, it’s perfect.

    Happy Crafting!

  12. What a stunning card Lisa, just love that flower but the stamping and inking is gorgeous too! It's cold here as well, good weather for crafting I say!! Jill x

  13. Borgeous card, LOVE the colors as well!

  14. Congratulations on a well deserved award and I know what you mean about passing it on...I always feel so guilty about the ones that I leave out!! lol.

    As always, I love to have a nose around your desk and thanks for sharing that with us together with that stunning card...WOW!! I absolutely LOVE it!!!

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my last couple of posts and yes, it's such a shame we don't live nearer but you know that you would always be welcome to come and visit for a crafty session...those EK Success punches are ready and waiting!!! :)
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  15. A stunningly gorgeous card, Lisa! I knew as soon as I saw it that you must've been watching on Saturday, but I love how you have put your own twist on it. Truly beautiful!

  16. Hi Lisa, thanks for popping by - would love you to come over for a natter and some wine!
    Trust me you are not missing anything by being so far away from the circus - you will get the best views on TV anyway. I just don't get why 4 months of my life will be wrecked for 3 weeks of sport???
    Love the sentiment on the velum for this card and the colours are gorgeous - match my new lounge nearly :)
    Hugs to you xxx

  17. Hi there, Thanks for sharing your creative space with us WOYWWers this week!
    Neil #48

  18. Your card is gorgeous all the colours go really well together, I think i would frame it! Hope you have a great week Lou @#26

  19. Wow!! I'm blown away (yet again) by your stunning card. All your beautiful layering, stamping and inking is perfect!! It must have given you so much pleasure to create. Thank you for sharing it for us to enjoy.
    Sandra x

  20. Gorgeous card! Love the wildflowers and the addition of your dimensional flower on top. Love it! Thanks for sharing. Tammy #118

  21. Love your card. Great remark about the table cloth! I have started using a vinyl table cloth/cover and can wipe it off when dinner comes around. The cloth I save for visitors! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #90

  22. Gorgeous card and you have chosen such beautiful colours.

  23. Happy belated birthday! ;)
    Super card.
    xoxo Sioux

  24. Now that is a really beautiful card! Love all the details. How did you make the white flowers? It pops! Patsy from

  25. Gorgeous card and gorgeous images. You are very talented!

  26. Hi there Lisa do love the way you have played with the meadow set from Elusive images - well done have that set too and it is always interesting to see how folk use them! love this indeedy! thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #21

  27. Awww.... isn't it lovely to have family that puts up with our mess and even just shoves it aside to find room for their supper plates? ...I've got a guy like that too... he just humours me.... and I love him for it...

  28. Your card is gorgeous!
    I'm working my way through this weeks WOYWW - I’m over half way through now!


  29. I watched Deby's inspirational show at the weekend too but haven't had time to play yet nor will I till next Thursday at least :o( The card you've made is absolutely gorgeous Lisa. Those stamps are one of my favourite sets too and I love the colours you've used. Absolutely stunning work.

    Lesley Xx

  30. Beautiful card Lisa. Sorry I am late but our internet is pretty pants at the moment! See you are using your makeup brushes - very colourful for your blusher no doubt!

  31. That is a beautiful card! Love the stamps, colors, and especially the flower!

  32. Brilliant card Lisa - you can soooooo see how much fun you had playing - it does the soul good! Yep pretty cold in Scotland but we haven't had snow in Largs yet.....Cheers Claire x

  33. Sorry Lisa .. .. I am so behind catching with everyone it is unbelievable .. .. but I couldn't let this one disappear without me telling you how gorgeous it is.

    So much detail and so many beautiful elements.

    Love the colours and your vellum strip and flower.

    I could look at it for hours .. ..

    Love Jules xx


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