
Saturday 5 February 2011

A Touch Of Love

Afternoon lovely Bloggers. Are you surviving this awful weather? We've had terrible winds over the last couple of days but I know my Blogging buddies in Scotland have just about been blown away. I hope it's better for you today. We just have rain here.

I've been nursing a horrible cold this week that waited until I'd been out for a belated Birthday lunch with a friend on Wednesday before it decided to really hit home so I can't complain really. Thankfully, it's a lot better today so I've been making marmalade and these are the results.

It looks yummy doesn't it. I don't like sweet marmalade so find making my own I can get it just right. This little lot should last until next January, I've just finished last year's batch. If you'd like the receipe you can find it here.

I also managed to finish the Valentines card that was on my desk the other week so here it is. It's very simple and straight forward. I stamped one half and used embossed red card for the other with some heart ribbon in the middle. I used a Martha Stewart punch on black card and the sentiment is computer generated.

As we are nearly at Valentine's Day I'd better show you another one I made.

For this one I used the big SU Medallion stamp just clear embossed on black card. The heart was hand cut and mounted on some paper I made myself on the computer. I'm going to enter this one into the Try It On Tuesday challenge this week which is Love and they are being sponsored by One Stop Card Crafts so it's well worth checking out.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Hello Lisa. Your cards are so beautiful and very classy and elegant.
    The marmalade looks absolutely wonderful, you are so talented.
    Keep safe and warm in this dreadful weather wont you. Its not stopped raining here all day either.
    Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  2. Your marmalade looks scrumptious! Fab Valentine cards too. I'm so glad the wind as eased now but wish the rain had disappeared with it - we neeeeeed some sunshine!

    Love Lynda xxx

  3. Hi Lisa, you seem able to turn your hand to anything - I am very impressed even if I am not a marmalade fan! As usual your cards are stunning - not quite like the ones I have been making today. Keep warm and safe xx

  4. Hi Lisa - hope your cold is clearing up now. Love your Valentine's cards - the red embossed panel is beautiful. Black and white with a touch of red always looks so classy. Yummy marmalade!!
    Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  5. Lisa, what gorgeous cards! Is one of these going to Mr Lisa? In my case Mr Jill is going to get one card that isn't on my blog yet!! Thanks for all the lovely comments on my blog, I really appreciate them. Jill x

  6. Beautiful Valentine cards and the sight of all that marmalade is making my mouth water.
    Beryl xx

  7. Sounds like we have similar taste in marmalade. I like it to have a bit of bite. Your cards are stunning! I love them both

  8. Hi Lisa,
    Marmalade! Scrummy! I love chunky cut orange marmalade - maybe I should have a go at making it....
    Love your valentine cards, especially the SU medallion one. Both gorgeous.
    Happy Weekend.
    Lesley x

  9. Just love the black Valentines card Lisa - it is so striking and professional looking too. xx

  10. The marmalade looks delicious, Lisa! I always admire anyone who can make their own preserves. I never seem able to get it right, so in our house it's my DH who makes the jam (and very good at it he is too).

    He's not into Valentine cards, though, so I've never made one, but yours are stunning, very elegant. Hope your cold's gone soon. xx

  11. Hi there Lisa beautiful marmalade goes well at brekky!!if you have the time there is something waiting for you over at my blog,
    love Shaz in oz.

  12. Lovely cards and very yummy looking marmalade! It's not quite as windy(my husband got sent home from work last week as the site was so dangerous to cross to get to their cars!!!!)Cheers from a very wet Largs Claire x


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