
Wednesday 9 February 2011

WOYWW-Not Much Really

Afternoon lovely Bloggers and Happy WOYWW. How's your week going so far? Can you believe it's Wednesday again already. I really don't know where the weeks go to.

I'm sorry to say there isn't much on my workdesk this week. I've been having a big tidy up and trying to organise myself better so the only thing on my desk is a binder full of Scrabooking magazines that I've been looking through in the hope of finding some new ideas.

I've had a sticky time mounting all my rubber stamps onto U- Mount. Is there a worse job? They have then all been mounted onto laminated sheets and filed away hopefully in some sort of order.

I've also organised all my card and paper into colour schemes and done the same with my scrap in the hope that it'll be used more.

I was very lucky to receive some beautiful cards from some wonderful Blogging buddies recently when yet another birthday slipped by and it always seems a shame to put them away after a week, so I display them in my craft room along with all the other things I've received over the years and bits and pieces that have been collected.

If you're wondering why on earth I'm showing you all this, it's the madness that has become WOYWW. If you want to discover more then you need to pop over to see the lady in charge, Julia, who will make you very welcome and explain what it's all about.

Just to prove that a little bit of crafting has happened in The Craft Garden, here is another card I made using those beautiful Marion Emberson stamps stamped on a Nestie that works beautifully with these shaped cards from Craftwork Cards.

I was thrilled to receive an award from a Australian Blogger I met through WOYWW, Shaz In Oz, who is a very talented Calligraphy artist, among other things. As you know, I can never choose who to pass awards onto, everyone deserves them, so please help yourself if you'd like it.

Thanks for stopping by and for all of you out there who love doing challenges I have just heard of another one that is starting up. You can find them here. They are also looking for new DT members. These days when there are so many craft shops disappearing it's lovely to hear about a new one. Just Traceys Crafts are based in the West Country and I know they'd love your support.


  1. Hi Lisa, I do that a lot - leaf through my magazines looking for inspiration but I don't have them so neatly filed in a binder. Oh, how I hate mounting stamps, that sticky stuff is the thing of nightmares!! And I think you will find storing by colour makes it easier to find the right paper/card needed for a project. Love your display of cards received - they are so worth having out where you can see them.
    Elizabeth x #79

  2. Hi Lisa

    Wow .. .. you are looking super organised there.

    Love the look of that stamp file. Yummy stamps!!!

    Love Jules xx

  3. Well what an organised person you are Lisa! Eek... mounting stamps drives me nuts, I just become attached to everything! Guaranteed to bring on a tantrum! Jill x

  4. Hi Lisa - such a tidy desk, and I love your card display rack (I particularly like the pink and brown card on the right - the one with spots on)! I think I've caught the lurgy - must have an early night! Hope you are feeling OK now.
    Love and hugs, Sylvia xxx

  5. Your card is so beautiful. A perfett composition - and the shape of the card is to die for.
    Wish I was as organinsed as you in the workspace - I try but there just isn't enough room for everything.

    Beryl xx

  6. Hi Lisa, Happy Birthday to ya! Hope it was a good'un. Lots of lovely cards but sham none from me.
    I love the card you made and you put most of us, particularly me, to shame seeing all your tidiness.
    Thanks for your comments following my CHA adventure. It was amazing!
    Hugs JoZarty x

  7. Re your comment... did you read all I wrote about Caz getting the full treatment at LA customs... scary. She was searched and every tiny thing was taken out of her bags and there was so much! They didn't bother about me!
    Jo x

  8. Gorgeous card Lisa and its always good to see other people's storage methods. I need a lot of advice in that area as I'm prone to being messy! Looks like you got some beautiful cards. Hope you had a great birthday! x

  9. Stunning card, Lisa. My work desk is such a messy pile at the moment. I think I need you to organise me! Must check out those stamps - so pretty

  10. love the last card there Lisa and love too the lovely organisation been meaning to do that myself one day soon,
    love Shaz in oz.xx

  11. Love all the organisation you have been doing - we tend to all share craft magazines around so I use the web for inspiration - love the card you made ~ Nicky no. 9

  12. That looks like a great binder to use as a resource. I'm sure you'll find something in there. Like your card cute!
    Thx for visiting me,

  13. I hate (with a vengeance) cutting rubber and mounting it on the sticky stuff.
    Love that blue tray thingie you have - very bright.
    My you have been busy - but all this reorganisation will be well worth it.

  14. You did a lot if great organizing! Yes, mounting all those stamps is a tedious and boring job, but you will be so happy that you did. I love how you display the cards that you received. Oh, and the card you made is just darling.

  15. A lovely tidy desk and a very pretty card! I hate mounting stamps too it's a very sticky business but well worth it in the end. There's a little something on my blog for you as well Lisa.

    Love Lynda xxx

  16. Hi Lisa,

    I have lots of my stamps stored in folders and also hate mounting them. I use my Tim Holtz Tonic scissors and they cut through the stamp and EZ mount really well and don't get too sticky. Thanks for visiting. Miss 5 had a great first day at school but was disppointed that her Dad and I were there to pick her up as she thought her auntie was going to collect her! Oh to be loved!

    Susan xxox #24

  17. How wonderful and tidy you are today, love the card too.

    Brenda 89

  18. Gorgeous card! Looks like you've been very busy getting organized!
    Star 102

  19. WOW! very organized and in control! I love the way your stamps are organized in binders. Mine used to be until I put them in the CD cases from Stampin UP! I kept loosing smaller stamps that wouldn't stick. I used EZMount to unblock my stamps and found a hot knife made it easier to cut them out.

  20. Whoa Lisa - how impressive is your organising! The magazine bnding is a fab way to get cotrol of them..I might photograph my er, 'method' for next week!

  21. I hope all the newly organised stuff will help your mojo flow!

  22. OMGosh time just got away from me this week. Now I can't remember where I've been. The columns look Sorry to be so late visiting. Maybe I will just still till the next WOYWW...lo

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs,Lucky #2 Marjo


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love reading them.
