
Wednesday 19 April 2017


Morning dear WOYWW friends. It's that lovely time of week when it's time to catch up with desk friends old and new. I hope find you well this morning. It's a dry start here in Yorkshire, but not as sunny as yesterday.

Here's my desk today.

I am in the middle of organising a project for my May craft club. It's going to be a Neverending Card. The first time I tried it I needed a bit of help from my other half  with the folding, I just couldn't get my head round the instructions, but having done it once, it's easy and the result is great fun. I've really enjoyed decorating it. I hope my ladies enjoy it as much.

Here's the front and one of the insides so far.

We have been so lucky with the weather over the Easter holidays, we are all back at school, and work now but made the most of our time off.

Last weekend we had a lovely day out at Malham Cove which is a local beauty spot. The weather was stunning and so was the scenery.

Well, that's me this week, if you want to join in with the weekly desk hope called WOYWW, then pop over to see Julia HERE.

Thanks for popping by and Happy Crafting!!


  1. Love the look of your card Lisa....good luck with working out how to make it. What a beautiful place to go for a day out.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x

  2. Thanks for sharing. I haven't made a never ending card for ages; must have another go myself. I seem to be going back to old favourites at the moment (my last card was a waterfall card). That walk looks stunning. Sarah #11

  3. Hi Lisa, I haven't made a never ending card in ages and so love them. Seeing the photo of Malham Cove brought back memories for me, I haven't been there since.... well I'm not saying Lol! Have a great crafty week and happy woyww, Angela x16x

  4. Hi Lisa, great card, and what gorgeous scenery! We did, for once, have reasonably good weather this Easter, I agree. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #15 XxX

  5. Hi Lisa, Malham Cove looks like a beautiful spot to have a picnic. I have never heard of a never-ending card. Will have to look this one up. I often find it hard to decipher some written instructions but show me how and I get it! Hope you are having a lovely time post Easter holidays.
    sandra de @10

  6. The never ending card looks like fun! Great scenery at Malham cove - I teach Geography and it is one of the case studies in the textbook we use, but I have never visited it.
    Bernice #2

  7. Pretty card. Oh and it was your scrapbook page from last week which inspired mine this week.

    BJ#13 just back from the dentist, still numb and trying to fill time before being allowed lunch, but not until after 2pm!!

  8. Oh wow, look at that pic of Malham Cover!! How gorgeous is that? It is one of my favourite places and looks absolutely beautiful in that picture. You must have had a fantastic day out! Now that card is brilliant but I think it would break my head trying to work out the construction, it must be so complicated. I remember the boys had something similar when they were little but it was a story - I could never work out how it was never ending. Magic must be involved :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 1 xxx

  9. That card is BEAUtiful, no doubt the ladies will love it. Happy WOYWW, Vicky #4

  10. I've never visited Malham Cove but did study about it in geography and geology lessons at school (a long time ago!) Helen #3

  11. Gorgeous card! I made one like this for my hubby once year, it was so much fun! I love your lovely sunny desk, everything looks so warm! Thanks for sharing! Lindart, #35

  12. Love the vintage feel to your card, I'm sure your ladies will love it. Cara x

  13. Great card. I made one a few years ago at a group I belonged to. I then made one for my grandson - he was quite taken with it :-) I love Malham Cove - so beautiful there. Stayed near there a few years ago, didn't want to go home. my son and family live in Yorkshire - so beautiful. Anne x #21

  14. lovely card - the images really fit together well - it's beautiful :)
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
    Bubbles #27

  15. Love your photo of Malham Cove. Beautiful place! Great images on yur never ending card. I will have to check this kind of card out.

  16. That card looks interesting! I wouldn't mind having a go at that!
    Malham Cove looks lovely. Is it near the coast? Being in Australia, I have no idea. All I know (from the tv) about Yorkshire, is the "windswept moors" type of landscape. Maybe I will google it!
    Thanks for dropping by and have a good week.


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