
Wednesday 5 April 2017


Morning deskers. I hope I find you well this Wednesday.  We are now on our Easter Hols and the weather has been lovely so not a lot of crafting has been happening, we've been out and about and in the garden but here's my dining table desk this morning.

I have been doing a bit of scrapbooking, working my way through the mountains of photos we have and really enjoying it. I decided to move downstairs so as not to be antisocial when the family are around.

The funny thing is I was listening to country music the other evening and noticed the paper I'm using has cowboy boots on it, must have been some subliminal messages going on in my brain.

Well, that's me, short and sweet this week. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all been up too.

If you want to join in with this desk hop, then pop over to see Julia at WOYWW headquarters, HERE.

Have a great day and Happy Crafting!


  1. Lovely scrapbooking Lisa. It's good to hear you're enjoying lovely weather too.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Annie x #7

  2. Love the linking of the music to the inspiration (or the other way round?). One of these days I'll finish a scrapbook. I started one for my parents' Golden Wedding (3 pages complete), but they celebrated it two and a half years ago. Maybe I'll get it done for their Diamond anniversary. Sarah #4

  3. Hello Lisa, even though we are thousands or miles apart I still managed to link up after you. LO is gorgeous. There is something so pleasing as soft colours/patterns and flowers. Enjoy your holiday break.
    sandra de @26

  4. A lovely layout with great photos! You've had some nice clear blue skies there! Enjoy your week! zsuzsa #22

  5. Lisa that is a beautiful layout, you really have enhanced your photo images, . dxxx#17

  6. Hi Lisa, love the page, and how strange was that? It's odd how things happen sometimes, I agree. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  7. Ha Ha - I used to love country and westrn dances in the 1970's ..those were the days! Your scrapbook page is lovely. Enjoy the Easter hols . soojay 28 xx

  8. FAB desk, layout's looking great - yee haa!

    Happy WOYWW


  9. fab scrapbook page! if I ever get round to printing photos I'll do some more.... thanks for your visit - I will enjoy ally pally!! Helen #1

  10. GREAT page! I am a country girl myself and love horses, etc. But also have a bit of the 60's in me as I love that music, too! Thanks for the visit and I hope you have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #31

  11. Great scrapbooking page! You must have been sending subliminal messages listening to country music! Funny how that works! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #38

  12. your desk has a puzzle look to it! Fun
    robyn 3

  13. Very pretty layout! Dorlene #37

  14. Lovely layout and the paper is so pretty - the little turquoise flowers are perfect with it.
    Hope you have a great week and many thanks for stopping by my desk earlier,
    Diana #20

  15. Hello Lisax. that is a great scrapbook page. They always look so effortless yet I know that it is a real art involving time practice and art skills to make it look so appealing.
    Enjoy the spring break.
    Monica #35

  16. Great scrapbooking page, lovely photos and very pretty papers. An interesting desk too.
    Sown my tomatoe seeds and just peeping through.

    Kath x

  17. What a great layout in progress!

  18. I've been finding myself doing more scrapbooking and photo-journaling. It's good to look back on some of the fun times.Glad the weather is good enough to get out and about.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #34

  19. Hi Lisa, I don't mean to be a tease but you know how it is when you're making something and not allowed to say what Lol! Nice journal page. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x24x

  20. What a great layout. I need to get back to my scrapbooking, too.
    April #33

  21. LOVE LOVE LOVE your scrapbook page. I've come to a standstill with my scrapping lately but you might just have given me the inspiration to get back into it soon. Love the layers and hadn't thought to use my TH Mixed Media diecuts on a page yet but I will now. Thanks for the visit yesterday BJ#9

  22. Yee-har, y'all looking mighty purty and fine :-D Sprry, came over all country there! Love your LO, I dread to think how many photos I'd have to do. Still, you've made a start now - will you co-ordinate your music for the next one too?!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  23. It's really nice to be able to craft and be sociable...we took the door off my workroom so that I could connect with himself in the lounge. Love that. Great to see you scrapping, and a lovely page. I wonder if your husband plays music involving 'tidy up and cook my supper' type lyrics if you'll go into the correct mode!!

  24. That paper looks so lovely - loving the colours :) I do love scrapbooking - and have a ton of photos I should really make into some memory pages - it's just finding the time (and discovering my mojo lol)


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