
Wednesday 15 March 2017


Morning dear WOYWW friends. I hope I find you well this Wednesday. It's a lovely morning here in Yorkshire. Spring is definitely in the air.

Here's my desk this morning.

At last I have managed to do a bit of something crafty. I have long wanted to have a go at art journalling and saw many pages being created on your desks last week so it kick started me into having a go. It's definitely a work in progress but it's been fun learning what works and what doesn't. I have done a double page and like one side but not the other, but hey, that's the whole point of playing isn't it?

Someone asked last week what the green jar is on my desk. It's my water jar that has had powertex put on it and then painted.

Well, that's me this week. If you want to join in with our WOYWW desk hop, then pop over to see Julia, HERE.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting!


  1. Thanks for visiting me already Lisa. I really love your journal pages....both of them! 😀 I really hope you will enjoy your creative fun.
    Annie x #12

  2. Hi Lisa, I think you have nailed the art journalling. Your pages are brilliant, beautiful colours, stamps and the border sets it all off perfectly. Well done for giving it a go and getting such a great result. I would never of figured that was your water jug. Glad I asked :) Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @21

  3. Well Lisa I think you have made a super job of journalling. I like the colours you have used and the images (PaperArtsy?) look great on there. Love the subtle use of green on green for your background - gives it that muted look.
    I find that it is something that you can pick up, leave and go back to. Some times weeks later. There is always something you can add to a page or two.
    A friend once said to me "why journal, you have nothing to use at the end?" and my thoughts were 'nothing to use at the end, why does it matter?" I have had many happy hours sitting journalling away and sometimes I am super pleased and other times not so but I have enjoyed the journey. Plus we crafters can always find something to cover up a mistake.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx keep going and remember to enjoy!

  4. Morning Lisa. Playtime! - wonderful!! Well done for having a go at lots of new things. I've been snooping around your site, and looked at your samples too - fantastic. Obviously the Yorkshire air is good for creativity!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  5. For a first go at art journaling you have done a great job. My first page was a disaster. Have fun with many more to come; it's very addictive once you get started. I've been going less than a year and now join in with Mission Inspiration, Journal52, the 3 colour and a topic weekly challenge from Junk journal Junkies and Mindful Art and art journal prompts (3 weekly and 1 monthly prompt). They are all on Facebook. Thanks for sharing. Sarah #25

  6. Hi Lisa! Think you're spot on with the journal, it's got to be about the learning and the enjoyment of the process that goes into it, more so than cards or scrapbooks because a journal isn't necessarily on show, certainly not like a card. I love the spread you did, the colour is lovely and I really like the idea of the border..that wouldn't have occurred to me and I love it.

  7. Wow - your page looks wonderful! Love the purple flowers.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #31

  8. Absolutely journal pages are about process... what works what doesn't and you will love looking back, I have some from 10 years ago that I think "oh I did that and I really like it! ( I usually didn't at the time) ' and then end up redoing with a new set of words or colours... they are such wonderful personal and very unique reference files for any kind of artwork, so glad you have been bitten by the bug... and I LOVE your daisy heads, fab colour palette and beautiful composition... dxxx 13

  9. Hi Lisa, I too keep meaning to start an art journal. One of these days! lol. Love the colours you've used, very vibrant. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz#8, XxXx

  10. Hi Lisa, gorgeous journal pages, it all looks good to me. I am looking forward to playing again when I get all the ski gear washed and put away but must not complain as it was a great week. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy crafty woyww, Angela x 19x

  11. Great journal page! In Montessori, we were taught that it's the process that counts, not the product (although in your case the product is lovely!) and there is so much more to learn in the journey! You are on your way! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #39

  12. Such pretty flowers and I'm loving that violet against the green background.
    April #29

  13. What a gorgeous background and lovely flower images a great colour combination.

    Kath x

  14. Great journal page! The fun part of the art journal is experimenting. If you don't like it, cover it with another layer. Dorlene #36

  15. Hi Lisa,
    I think your pages look great! I particularly like the subtle background layers showing through.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love reading them.
