
Wednesday 8 March 2017


Morning dear WOYWW friends. It's so good to be joining in with you today. I've missed my Wednesday desk hop and keeping in touch with you deskers. I've been working full time since Christmas and so had little or no crafty time and so nothing to share with you but things are back to normal now, back to part time, which is lovely and means I've got time to craft and to desk hop again.

Saying all that, there's not much to show on my desk this morning, apart from the new Shabby Chic papers from Sara Davies. I couldn't resist them, they are gorgeous. I've left them to have a play with later..

I decided to have a Spring Clean, not that you can see much sign of it, but believe me, the fact that you can see the floor is huge!!!

I still have a bit to do, but moved on to the rest of the house. We have cleared so much rubbish from the loft, cupboards and under beds, it's unbelievable. I am determined to hoard no more!!

So that's me today, short and sweet. Hopefully, next week I'll have some actual craft to share with you too, so I'm going to get a fresh cup of tea and then come round to see what you've all been up too.

If you fancy sharing your desk with some like minded people, then pop over to see Julia HERE.

Have a great Wednesday and Happy Crafting!


  1. I love the new papers and will look forward to seeing what you use them for. It's a nuisance when work gets in the way of fun isn't it? Thrilled you're now getting more fun should be filled with it.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x #13

  2. Believe this is my first time stopping by. I enjoyed seeing your work space although I must know what the green vase(?) is. My cat would love your towers of ribbon, they would be toppled in half a day! I laughed about being able to see the floor as I noticed this morning that mine somehow disappeared in piles of stuff. How does that happen??? And I'm simply not ready for spring cleaning yet. #24

  3. Hi Lisa, I love your desk that looks like some yummy yummy stash.
    Mm a cleanup floor isn't too bad, but too many piles of things need sorting.😊 House and craft room!!
    Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
    Shaz in Oz.x 8?

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Going part time was the best thing I ever did. Glad you have more time to craft now. Your work space certainly has everything within grabbing distance. Happy WOYWW Sarah #29

  5. yeah, I can spend many a happy hour just stroking nice paper... and I love the smell of paper... It must be lovely to get more time at home now you are part time again - a much better life work balance, Dx #32

  6. Your craft room is sooo cute! And Shabby Chic papers? I'd be all over that. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #40

  7. That new stash looks lovely- enjoy - especially now everywhere is tidy :).Thanks for your earlier visit - have a great week . Soojay 7

  8. I would love to do that in my house, but hubby is against throwing away anything he owns, including stacks of T-shirts he hasn't worn in 20 years! He was complaining the other day he had no room to put a t-shirt on top of the pile, I suggested he get rid of the ones he's not wearing - if looks could kill! Well I wouldn't be writing this comment! LOL! But I try to do my best with what I own. I understand what you are saying about your floor, mine is not too bad at the moment, but there have been times where it was just paper from wall to wall. . .your room is looking fantastic! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #43

  9. Hi Lisa, it's funny how we can spend hours tidying, and not be able to see ant difference! It does feel good to get rid of stuff kept 'just because' though, I agree.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #11 xxx

  10. Working full time sure puts a kink in your time huh? I remember it I'm pleased that you have a little more time for yourself now. I do love having a clear out, I bet you feel so much better having jettisoned the extra stuff...I'm impressed about seeing the floor though, you get extra brownie points for that. Grin.
    Thank you again for my beautiful canvas, I really do love it and will be putting it up as soon as I've finished painting walls!!
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xxx

  11. Hi Lisa, great job of sorting out your craft room and looks good to me and so do your new goodies. Good time to have started your Spring cleaning as you will soon be out it the garden.
    Hope all is well with you and think we have lost Sam, not been around for ages now.

    Kath x

  12. Would love to see the shabby chic papers more clearly. Wish I could see my craft room floor, it should be marked on the door you enter at your own risk. #2

  13. Your area looks great and so is the Spring Cleaning. I've caught the "bug" as well! Dorlene #42

  14. Hello Lisa, you have been missing in action for awhile.... lovely to see you back. I an intrigued by your green vase. Do tell how you are creating this project. Love the papers not something I have seen in OZ. Well done in doing a clean up and lovely to see you craft room which looks like it is stocked with lovely goodies. The pear painting is not really inspiring me at the moment. Will wait and see what happens over the weekend. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @19

  15. The papers look like fun. I'm sure you will have great fun with them. I'm trying (and somewhat stalling) to declutter my house, so I feel your pain. No sooner have a taken a bag of stuff to the charity shop, somebody else hands me a bag of stuff they think I can do with, and so begins a new three month cycle of it sitting in the bag with me unable to get rid of it, because 'I just got it'. I can't be helped! Thanks for sharing and have a great week - EmbroidRage #5 x


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