
Monday 31 March 2014

Where's all this lovely weather?

Morning lovely Bloggers. Can we have some of the warm sunshine here in Yorkshire that the rest of the country seem to have please??? The lovely weather people keep saying it's been the warmest weekend of the year so far....well not here it's not!!

Anyway, despite the weather I had a lovely Mother's Day visiting both my Mums. We are lucky that they live very close so could spend time with both. Silly me forgot to took photos of the cards I made for them but I might have to pop round and take a sneaky one for you!!

I was also very blessed in receiving a beautiful handmade card from my DD and a set of stamps. I also had my tea made for me and was allowed to spend some time crafting, a perfect day.

I hope you enjoyed your day as much.

Thanks for popping by and Happy Crafting!


  1. And a very lovely card it is too lucky Lady! Have to confess that the sunshine is over here in North Wales with me, Hubby is cutting the grass in his shorts, not a pretty sight, pasty white pins lol. Elizabeth xxx

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely day!

    Lucy x

  3. That's a pretty card!! Glad you had a lovely Mothering Sunday :-)
    I reckon you could do that cosmetic bag...easy peasy. I look forward to seeing what you do! I think Debbie Shore's tutorials are really good, very straightforward.
    My Jeep is in the workshop as I type...sigh....we came back from my dads in Wales in a tow truck! Ah well....worse things happen at sea!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  4. sounds like a wonderful mothers day! Hugs \rachel xx

  5. How about I send you up some of this wet stuff that we are now having?
    Gorgeous card there. You better watch your craft room or DD will be moving in!

  6. Your daughter is so talented. Mmm. Wonder who she takes after. Glad you enjoyed Mother's Day. The grandchildren cooked the dinner for my daughter and myself would you believe - well mostly. Very nice it was too and a fantastic cake to follow made my my daughter. I was at the Port Sunlight show on Saturday and just couldn't make Sheena's workshop this time. The first time I've missed one since she started doing them - first in Milton Keynes and switching to Port Sunlight when she started them there.I hope that's the last one I have to miss.
    Beryl xx

  7. What a fabulous Mother's Day card F made for you. Excellent balance, use of colour and design, she really is a star crafter.
    Jo x

  8. Hi Lisa, Glad you had a lovely day and were looked after :D Shame you're not getting some warm sunshine, hope it arrives with you soon! Your Daughter has obviously inherited her mother's artistic talents, your card is superb, clever girl :D x

  9. We had a lovely sunny Sunday but that was about it.. We are now clouded with pollution from the Sahara ( how very dare it!!) the card is fabulous... I love these funky flower stamps Px

  10. Beautiful card from your daughter and the flowers are pretty (are they from your garden?). Love all the pretty butterfly cards you made in your previous posts. Have a good week hopefully spring will come your way soon.

  11. What a beautiful card to receive Lisa - it is gorgeous!! It sounds as if you had a perfect day.

    By the way did you send me a facebook request recently - only I don't know your surname so haven't replied to it!! xx

  12. Beautiful cheerful card, Lisa.
    Let me tell you the weather was not that great, in fact here in Scunthorpe I was frozen!!!
    They were as usual talking about London!


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