
Wednesday 26 March 2014

A Touch Of Spring

Morning lovely Bloggers. I'm not joining in WOYWW this week as time is so short that I can't guarantee I'll be able to visit many desk and so feel it's unfair to join in. Hopefully I'll be back on the register next week.

Instead I wanted to share a couple more of the samples I made for Sheena the other week. I have definitely got in the mood for spring and this inspired both of these makes.

The first is one of the huge butterflies cut in half to make them flutter on the blossom branch.

And I was inspired by the flowers in the garden to make this wreath. I think I might be making this again as I really enjoyed it. May be a project for my craft club ladies!!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your Wednesday whatever you are up too.

Happy Crafting


  1. Your cards are so beautiful and you really are a credit to Sheena's design team.
    All's well here, despite having to help my friend during her illness (she's very difficult and thus I'm earning my wings). Last week our little fraulein had her last BIG tests on all her vital organs and got the best of results. We are well blessed with her and with also having the bonus of her baby brother who was 6 months old on the day she went for her tests. I'll be over there next month.
    Hope you and your's are well and happy,
    Love Jo x

  2. I did catch sight of this one Lisa and really liked the colours and composition.

    B x

  3. both stunners Lisa - beautiful samples xx

  4. Great use of the butterfly ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  5. Beautiful card Lisa. I think the branch set might be taking flight in my direction come the new month on the plastic. Fabulous flower wreath too - I bet the ladies will really enoy making this one.
    Beryl xx

  6. What a brilliant idea to cut the butterfly in half Lisa, may I pinch it? Beautiful creations both of them. Thanks for your lovely message on my blog. Big hugs to you and a special one for Freya, I bet she's really growing up now!

  7. I wasn't at home for the show so had to record and life went a bit pear shaped for a few days so still haven't watched it :-(. These butterflies are stunning though and are already on my wish list without even seeing the show, lol! I love your wreath too. Just the thing to bring a breath of Spring to anyone. Those flowers are really pretty so can see them being not too far behind the butterflies on the list.

    Lesley Xx

  8. These are both gorgeous Lisa. Love that card though.
    I know what you mean about the time and WOYWW - I skipped for the same reason. I am desperately trying to finish my quilt!

  9. Hi Lisa, as always you always come up such gorgeous projects!

    Just never seem to have time to blog at the moment, not enough hours in the day!

    It's lovely to see all the spring flowers isn't it. I was down in Cornwall earlier this week - who needs Holland's bulb fields, Cornwall has lots of fields full of daffodils, it's gorgeous!

    Jill x

  10. Hi Lisa,

    I admired your first card on the TV the other week not realising it was yours!! Loved it :) xx


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