
Wednesday 13 February 2013


Morning lovely crafters and dear WOYWW friends. How are you this chilly Wednesday. We have more snow forecast later. I can't wait for Spring to finally show it's face. It always makes me smile when I visit my WOYWW friends in Australia and can share in their lovely warm sunshine, although I know they've been having their own troubles lately.

Anyway, you came here to see my desk and not hear me moaning about the weather, so here it is.

As you can see I am preparing for that special day that is fast approaching. This is my DH's card. I'm safe showing it as he never looks at my blog. I have some chocolate hearts to go inside it. All say Ahhhhhh!!

I am obeying Julia's instructions for once and keeping it brief this week but before I go I can't help showing off the first Lillybo Quilt I've finished.

A lot of blood,sweat, tears and love went into it. After fighting long and hard with my heirloom sewing machine I remembered why I don't sew very much. Still, this was definitely worth all the effort and I'm now on number two. Hopefully, that will be easier. I have also to tackle the bags for them so don't hold your breath, Jo.

If you want to join in this brilliant weekly desk hop then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.  

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your Wednesday whatever you are up too.


  1. Beautiful card, love the thought of the candy in it :0) Lovely idea.
    Happy WOYWW Heather # 62

  2. Your LillyBo quilt is really gorgeous Lisa....well done you.
    A x #55

  3. The card is fabulous, especially with chocolates inside, lol!! But the quilt - oh, so gorgeous!! Helen, 2

  4. The card is gorgeous and I'm wondering what the stamp is next to it. It looks enormous.
    Love the quilt too. So much patience to make something like that. Well done.
    Beryl xx

  5. Oh, what a thrill to see your quilt! I didn't think you were so far along the way. Lovely fabric and colours...It's super!
    Yes! a big Aaaah! for the Valentine.. good to keep a bit of romance.
    I love the heavy duty Aldi mats but I forget that I can paint splodge directly onto my stainless steel desk top! I do need the mats for classes or demming however and those black ones prove best quality!
    lots of love Jo x

  6. Aw sweet gesture for your DH..and chocolate too - it's obviously love!
    Your quilt is just ace, well done you - amazing that you're tackling a second already and I'm STILL just thinking about it!

  7. Happy WOYWW - what a lovely quilt and card..thanks for sharing. Gill x #64

  8. Oh beautiful card, I hope you enjoy the special day, we don't really celebrate it here which is fine by me. LOL

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 13

  9. Your quilt is amazing well done you and your other half is going to love your card.
    Happy WOYWW I hope you have a great day
    Ria #47

  10. Fab card and superb quilt, I've just bought a little sewing machine, just to be able to put stitch detail on stuff! Enjoy your week, take care Zo xx 93

  11. The little quilt is so cute! Love the monkeys! Had a fabulous snoop! Have a great crafty week!
    HaPpY wWoWw!!

    ((Lyn))) #72

  12. Fantastic quilt Lisa! Wow, I really love it - I did have a giggle when you mentioned your sewing machine - I felt the same about mine when I did my quilt too! Thanks for your visit already. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #37

  13. I love seeing the Valentines desks this week! Great idea for hubby. And your quilt is ahhhdorable!! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #106

  14. You are a lady of many talents Lisa!! Just love your quilt. So liked the whole idea that a group of us are trying to set something up here. Keep warm (err.... no snow just endless rain - driving me nuts as I can't get out in the garden!) Jill x

  15. Hi Lisa,

    Now watch your hubby pop in to see his card! tee hee Chocolates and hearts are definitely a winner!

    The quilt looks amazing. I'm quite impressed with anyone that takes the time to sew!

    Thanks for visiting me already!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #125

  16. You sew better than me, there's no way I could attempt that quilt.
    Could do with it myself it's freezing in Lancashire too.
    Lynn //60

  17. I like your punch holding receptacle! Very nice... where is that from? Need one of those! Happy woyww, jenx

  18. Lovely valentine on that desk. Also curious to to know about the big stamp beside it.
    The quilt is beautiful. It will be well loved.
    Happy WOYWW
    Alison #76

  19. Beautiful card for hubby and I love the lillybo quilt! You are so talented! Thanks for stopping by my desk this week and leaving a comment! Have a great week. Vickie #17

  20. Your quilt is so lovely. The colours are gorgeous and the design is perfect.

  21. Forgot to say your hubby's card is looking great!

  22. lovely card and the quilt is lovely so so worth the effort and its a great cause :) thanks for your visit
    Happy Valentines and a Happy belated WOYWW tfs Mrs.C #54

  23. Nice busy desk there and I love your quilt - its fabulous when you finally finish a project thats difficult to do isnt it. Thanks for visiting me :)

  24. Well done on the baby quilt, Lisa! It's adorable! You're doing a wonderful thing!

    And that's a lovely Valentine for your Mister; I hope you're having a "love"ly day!!

    Have a wonderful week ahead and thank you for coming by the Playhouse earlier! Darnell #46

  25. Thanks for the info... Trip to ikea this weekend then. The kids will be thrilled.... Have a good weekend! Jenx

  26. Thanks for the info - trip to ikea this weekend then? The kids will be thrilled! Have a lovely weekend. Jenx

  27. I bet your DH loved his card and chocolates! Your quilt is beautiful! Hope you had the best Valentines!

    Hugs, Robin

  28. Ahhhh...... gorgeous quilt and well done for taking on the sewing machine. Worth all the effort. No internet so no woyww this week.

  29. Aww, that quilt is going to bring lots of smiles to someone’s face Lisa, I just love that fabric. I can’t believe how generous everyone is being with the quilts and as you say, it’s such a worthy cause.
    The weather is so different here from earlier in the week. The sun is streaming through my window and it’s quite warm, so I’m going to make the most of it and get out in the garden to tidy up a bit.
    Thanks for stopping by this week.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ 68

  30. Hi Lisa, sorry i'm late getting to you but life got in the way . What a beautiful quilt . Have a great weekend , Jill #45

  31. Ahhhhhhh - on your chocolate hearts. And the quilt is absolutely adorable - love the zoo/jungle theme.
    April #119

  32. Well done you!! The quilt is gorgeous and worth every bit of effort! Bit late for WOYWW visiting I know - had a busy week. x Jo

  33. Hi Lisa, sorry for the lateness of my visit, but I have been celebrating my birthday all week and am so far behind. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I will do so much better next week.

  34. A beautiful card and a gorgeous quilt too! Hope you too have enjoyed a bit of sunshine at the weekend. Thanks for your lovely commnets. I am enjoying a bit of R&R this week as it is half term...well, I have managed a couple of days with some crafting, but we are exploring the loft contents tomorrow after having a new roof, so I may look like a chimney sweep by the time I am done! Have a great week x


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