
Thursday 7 February 2013

Another Peek at Sheena's New Florals

Afternoon folks. I hope you are keeping warm today. There doesn't seem to be much sign of Spring just yet does there?

As promised here are two more of the samples I made with Sheena's new Little Bit Floral stamps and even though the garden is bare at the minute, playing with this gorgeous Iris stamp reminds me of the joys to come.

It's such a big stamp it's perfect if you like detail colouring or if you want to be a bit more arty.

With this first one I had a go at coloring it with the H20's. I have some gorgeous orange and mauve ones in the garden and this is what I was going for but my detail painting leaves a lot to be desired. I decided to add some distress inks to the background and then sponged some H20's on top and I liked the result. It also brought the gold embossing to life. Just goes to show you should never give up on something!!

With this second one, I just cut a piece of card to fit an 8x8 card and started playing.

 I sprayed the card with water and brushed H20 all over it and then stamped the Iris inked with the same colour H20 into the wet card and sprayed it with water again. Everything was dried and then the iris was stamped again using the paint and the wet colour was used to paint the flower. I added swirls and embossed swirls and then the sentiment. Can you guess I like this one????

All the H20s I've used for these stamps come from the basic rainbow set. I've had this one for ages and not used it thinking it was a bit uninteresting as they are a primary set. How wrong could I be, the colours are gorgeous once you start playing with them. I think they'll be a firm favourite now.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to catch one of the shows on Saturday if you can. The current times are 9am, 12 noon, 4pm and 8pm.


  1. Oh my Lisa, these cards are just so beautiful, you are so creative!!! I would love to be able to think of ideas like this. Jill x

  2. Beautiful cards.
    Will be taping the shows to watch at leisure while hubby away.

  3. Another two beauties to prove my praises earlier for your colouring expertise. Gorgeous!
    Jo x

  4. Love the iris stamp! Both cards are so striking but am drawn to the second!!xx

  5. Wow, wow, wow, Lisa! Those are gorgeous! I think I am going to have to buy that one, and the irises in your garden sound like the ones I really wanted at an open garden scheme event, but they sold out! Do you know what the variety is called? Love it!

  6. Both cards are beautiful Lisa. Your inky background in the top one is yummy and the blue one is plain gorgeous.
    Beryl xx

  7. Gorgeous cards there Lisa and I especially love the bottom one. I love blue but seldom use it! The gold swirls around the edge are well caught on the bottom photo.
    I shall try and have a peek tomorrow and play "Spot Lisa's cards"!
    Have a great weekend.

  8. These are both beautiful Lisa. The final effect you achieved on the first one is stunning and I have to confess this one is my own personal favourite. The second one is lovely too and such a pretty colour. Love all the swirls too. I'm hoping to catch at least a couple of the shows tomorrow (er ....... make that later today, lol).

    Lesley Xx

  9. Gorgeous image. I love the gold edging on the top version & the blue is just beautiful.

    Thank you for dropping by, the break has done me good but Im not really ready to play yet, just sketching ideas & putting together simple cards as required.

  10. Beautiful cards Lisa - the colours are gorgeous. Particularly like the second one - that shade of blue is stunning.

    Hope you've had a happy weekend. We have a covering of snow up here - no doubt you have too! Hugs, Sylvia xx

  11. Hi Lisa - So lovely to hear from you. I am indeed having so much fun back in the world of textiles it has given me a new challenge, one I am thoroughly enjoying. We have three days off this week and the trip to Edinburgh zoo was definitely the highlight. Went to meet my mum for lunch today - lovely , and having the kids friends over tomorrow.....perhaps slightly less peaceful but fun! Hope you have a great break next week. I am horrified to read what your daughters teacher said, but alas I have been there myself(well with my kids)Take care Cheers Claire x


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