
Wednesday 25 January 2012


Afternoon lovely Crafters and WOYWW friends. I hope I find you well this Wednesday.

My desk today is back in my Craft Room. You may well wonder why it changes from week to week. Well, as most Crafters I know, I take over most of the house when I'm crafting and sometimes if it's really cold I craft at the dining table and then when it's sunny I prefer my Craft Room as it gets all the afternoon sunshine. Today has been a sunny day, or partly, so you find me in my lovely room surrounded by all my stash.

It's been a colouring day. I treated myself last week to the new Polkadoodles Pretty Sweet CD which is full of cute girls. It seemed a better option and than buying lots of stamps and my daughter loves them too so we can print off the Digistamps and colour them to our hearts content. I'm not generally a cutie type of person but there are times when you just need them!!

This is the first card I've made and I was especially pleased with the punched flowers after being inspired by the very talented Jules who makes these all the time.

Pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE to find out what WOYWW is all about if you still haven't discovered why Wednesday is the most important day of the week.

Before I shuffle off and get on with some desk hopping I thought I'd leave you with a photo I managed to snap out of my craft room window last week of those spectacular sunsets we had.

Has any one been lucky enough to see the Northern Lights this week? I was desperate to see them on Monday when it was clear but my Hubby very kindly pointed out that I needed to look North after I kept saying I couldn't see anything out on the window. We face East-West!!!!! I had to go and stand in the garden but still didn't see anything.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Lisa - love your cute card - I know it's not your usual style, but it really is beautiful. Love the soft pinks and blues and the layout (bet your little one loves it too)?!
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  2. Your card is lovely, I only tired my 1st digi stamp 2 weeks ago, and love them, so I now have a wee stash stored on the computer, what a great pic from your window lovely, Have a great week Hugs May x x x x x x

  3. Your card is so lovely Lisa. I don't do cute either but there are times when it is just perfect... as your's. You have a good excuse having a little girl too.
    The sunset pic is amazing. I'd love to see the Northern lLights... .didn't even see them when we went 400 km into the Arctic Circle when cruising Norway.
    JoZarty x

  4. hahaha I would not have thought to look North to see Northern lights. Great view, your desk is very neat and that card is very yummy
    Bridget #32

  5. Your card is gorgeous, what pretty colors you have used :) I love the sunset photo, its gorgeous.

    Have a great WOYWW, Luv Karen #80

  6. Loving the floral look to your blog, very fresh and pretty! I usually don't do 'cute' but the image is, well, cute and she's lovely!
    I was sooo jealous of all the folk up north for seeing the Northern Lights. I have seen them once before, in Iceland, and it is something I'll never forget.
    Give me a shout about a pegbag - I'm all ears!!
    Hugs, LLJ #45 xx

  7. Your card is lovely and so very pretty!! I love the flowers too, everything is just beautiful! :)

    I didn't even know that the Northern Lights had been visible this week, but wish I had...better luck next time for both of us but your photo of that spectacular sunset is fab!!

    Hope you are well.
    Love Emma xxx

  8. Such a pretty card :-)
    Thanks for dropping in on me.
    A x

  9. Hi Lisa, great shot of your desk, looking very tidy and organised. I love those flowers on your card ... it's fun making flowers out of punched shapes and I have quite a few of the little punches now too. That is a wonderful night sky ... it's been too cloudy here for us to see the Northern Lights this time, however when I did live in the NE of Scotland I did see them then ... pretty amazing they are too. Thanks for your kind comment. Hope you have a good week, with plenty of sunshine to warm up your craft room for you. Elizabeth x #45

  10. Ooo look at that colour in the sky! Gorgeous. Gorgeous colouring. Kim

  11. Hi Lisa

    It sounds like your craft space changes as often as mine does!!

    In fact sometimes I have work in three areas.

    The kitchen worktops .. .. the dining room table .. .. and my craft pod!!!

    My poor hubby never knows what he is coming home to.

    You are right. There are times when cute is what is needed .. .. and you do cute really neatly!!

    Pleased you like my flowers LOL!!!

    I hope all is good with you.

    Love Jules xx

  12. Your card is very sweet. I haven't tried digi-stamps. It would help with my lack of space though.

    The photo is just wonderful.

    Happy WOYWW

  13. Oh the card is gorgeous, i love the soft pastel colours, and a very cute image, I am worried because i have a cheap printer that digi stamps would bleed and run and ruin when i start to colour them, i have been told to leave them over night but not ventured into the digi world yet, so many cute images about tho and super easy as they take up no storage space, oh i am rambling again Hope you have a great week Lou #82

  14. What a pretty image on your card Lisa, yes it is unusual for you to do cute!!
    It's my ambition to see the Aurora and I am so jealous that it popped down into N.England! I once saw it from a plane coming back from America when we flew over Greenland but I want to be outside to see it!
    Our sunrises (err... not many of them!) have been lovely this past month and so have the sunsets (err... even less of them!)
    Hope you and yours are hale and hearty. Jill x

  15. oh its so pretty Lisa - i love the pastel colours .. and like you say .. even though we don't like cute images .. a lot of people do so we have to make them. I am like that with Teddies ..
    Fab pic.. i didn't see the Northern lights , wish i had
    Lisa x

  16. WOW to that sunset - truly beautiful! Your card is so sweet, that little person is just adorable. Are they nesting dies on that panel? I have a couple of CDs but I've never used them, maybe I need to dig them out...

  17. Just look at the colour of that sky, how beautiful is that!

    I don’t do cute cards either Lisa and don’t get any call for the really but those digi’s are rather sweet.
    You’ve done a great job with the card too. I love the pale Pink and Blue combi.

    Happy Crafting!

  18. That's a beautiful sunset. Right away I noticed the images you had on your desk and thought they looked very cute and lots of fun. They aren't really my style either, but sometimes you need to branch out. I love the card you made with the resulting image. Happy crafting in your sunny craft room!

  19. Hi Lisa, Such a cute card, I love the image! and yes, sometimes you just 'need' a cutie.
    Fabulous picture of the sun set.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  20. East west LOL!! I didn't see them either,Not far north enough - although I've been to a WOYWWer who did, so not all of us were unlucky! Love tour card, great colouring. I'm not big into cute, but I totally understand what you mean, just coz I'm not, doesn't mean that the people I send cards to aren't!

  21. Hi there Lisa thanks so much for showing me (and everyone else ;D) the card with the Polkadoodles image it is just gorgeous as you say yes sometimes that is my thing too.. well done and re the northern lights you might need to go to Norway on tonight news they they had the most amazing display of them the aurora borealis, it was truly amazing,as it is said "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth forth His handiwork..(Ps. 21? think) It is due to increased sun activity they said, maybe this is not what you meant though??... thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #26


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