
Wednesday 18 January 2012


Morning dear crafters and lovely WOYWW friends. I'm not going to trot out the usual "hasn't the week gone quick" as we all know it has and it's far more interesting just to get onto desk stuff. If you want to join in the fun of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, then get yourself over to see our Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE.

I've spent the last few weeks indulging in my first love of scrapbooking. The creative juices have been a bit sludgy and each layout has taken me days, I must be the slowest scrapper in the world, still I'm enjoying myself and that's what it's all about isn't it?

On the work in progress on my desk I've had a go at creating my own paper with paints and inks. I've been enjoying the new Scrapbook Magazine Scrap 365 and being from the Craft Stamper stable there are always interesting articles about getting messy, which inspired me to do just that with this one. I've been trying to find some papers to match and am just at the stage of cutting them up and seeing where it all goes!!

So that's me this week, it's been a funny old week, I hope the next one is a bit better, but for now I'm going to get a cup of tea and enjoy seeing what everyone else has been up too.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Lisa. Looks as if you have been having fun! I have been doing lots of scrapbooking too, just can't show it yet!
    Jill x

  2. I blinked and i missed last week lol- so much going on , but hopefully it will slow down now on my days off.
    LOve the look of the scrapbook page .. i must have a go myself
    Lisa x

  3. Lovely scrapbook page, Hugs May x

  4. I've never scrapped, I find 12x12 very daunting! Love the bright, zingy colours, perhaps Spring is on it's way! Hope your week slows down, life just seems to be racing by.

    Brenda 104

  5. Love your LO and I know for sure that you could do pages similar to mine. I've taken the tip from quite a few crafters of wiping up the excess ink from one project onto pages in a book.... mine is a spiral bound water colour paper book. They make a great base for an arty background.
    Love your photos of your Winter walk. Beautiful light so well captured.
    Love JoZarty x

  6. I know what you mean about the days whizzing by, they seem to be flying past!! I love your LO that you are working on, the colour combo is especially lovely :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and have a great week, Luv Karen #86

  7. Still plucking up courage to have a go at scrap booking here :( Love what you've been doing - and I did start my WOYWW post with, where has this week gone! LOL!! Di xx

  8. Hi Lisa,
    Nice scrapbook page - great job on the colors.

    The older you get the faster time flies.......

    WOYWW #117

  9. Is that a new blog background?? Or am I just very late in noticing the change?? It's very funky and fresh, I know that. Funnily enough, I was looking at a lot of fabrics in much the same vein today, almost identical in fact :)
    It doesn't matter how fast/slow you make stuff, or even whether you use the end result!? Enjoy the process..
    BTW lovely pics of a silvery lake on yr previous post. Where was that?
    Hugs, LLJ ~43 xx

  10. Just popping in to say Hello Lisa.

    Just browsed down and saw you wonderful photography, Nature never fails to impress.

    B x

  11. That is a gorgeous page! Lovely!

    Katie (112)

  12. It's wonderful to create your own backgrounds for the scrap pages and then incorporate other elements to make it shine...this one is going to be gorgeous!

    I love the winter photos you took yesterday too...very ethereal...

  13. Love the inky background!
    Trish #52

  14. Hi Lisa, no, you're not the slowest scrapper in the world - that's me! I take forever choosing every element and than deciding where it will all go. I've even got a book entitled Crafting in a Weekend and it hasn't helped one jot :) Just as well I don't scrap for a living. Love your painted background ... I took out a sub for Scrap 365 too and find the articles inspirational too ... and your paper elements are lovely. Elizabeth x #99

  15. Ooo gorgeous Layout there, just love the colours. Kim #81

  16. I LOVE the way that has come together so far and I definitely want to see the end result. If it makes you happy then it doesn't matter how long it takes - its great that you don't stress over that! Wonderful colours.

  17. Hi Lisa, your scrapbook page looks ver interesting, lovely colours.
    The pics of your walk look lovely, glad you enjoyed it.
    Avril xx

  18. Hi Lisa, your scrapbook page looks very interesting, gorgeous colours.
    Lovely picys from your walk, glad you enjoyed it.
    Avril xx

  19. It looks like you have been having fun creating your own paper and getting messy. I've never been one to make background paper but I do like what others do with it.

  20. If a job is worth doing it is worth taking your time and doing it well. Very nice layout and well done!

  21. I never have believed in speed scrapping, it's much more enjoyable to think and putter and have fun while doing it, so take your time, have your cup of tea and craft away! I hope next week is better for you ((hugs))

  22. Ohh that lo is looking good. Love the touch of glimmermist on the lo. I can't get enough glimmer/bling. It looks like a similar colour to the one I am using on the canvas.

  23. what a great scrapbook page. Thanks for sharing :)


  24. Your page is lovely :)
    Jackie #119

  25. Nice work Lisa..I'd say that's the sign of a good mag if it's prompted you to have a go. And no, you aren't the slowest scrapbooker in the world. One day, you have to come to our monthly crop...honestly, some days, a whole day is spent moving one embellishment around a page, and still then not deciding!!

  26. Hi Lisa, I used to do a lot of layouts when my son was little but now he's 16, I'm not so motivated. But I have been thinking about making my own background papers and trying a different style. Now if i could just finish what's on my desk!!! Patsy from

  27. Hi there Lisa ha ha have chuckling my way through the comments as we all vie for the slowest scrappers label - I am not going to only because I dont scrap but when it comes to what I do - yep am very slow at that card making calligraph esp in design stage is a huge struggle - hope have stared next Wed or shall be hair tearing here! Love what you have done there! thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy WOYWW! love, Shaz in Oz. x #67

  28. Oh Lisa also meant to say thanks SO much for posting my candy! :D Shaz.x

  29. Awww Lisa, you'll hopefully be able to see WOYWW with mine next time, as i am trying to get one of my desks set up for stamping as i have Barb's samples to do for her Clarity show on 5th Feb, and i can't keep crafting at my bed table, haven't had a craft room for nigh on 18mths (long story) its all in there just unuseable, but John is helping me set up one corner of the room (on Sun/Mon) so i can work on my samples for Barb, i'm going to ask Sheen if i can comeback into the DT, she probably wont need anyone but i thought i would ask anyway.
    Your workdesk looks very tidy compared to how mine always looks, when i was using it, lol....what is that paper you're using sweetheart? i like the look of that, anyway, i thought i'd pop in and see you, hope to speak soon and catch up, lots of love, Vick xxxx PS who knows, i might be on WOYWW next week, fingers crossed eh? xxxxx

  30. I so agree nothing quite like getting messy Lisa - your page is looking fab! Great colours......Cheers Claire x

  31. I love your page! It is looking wonderful!

    Happy WOYWW (on Monday!)
    Katie #16

  32. Hi Lisa,OOh I love your LO (WIP) gorgeous colours and swirls, looking forward to seeing that one finished:0) Time's speeding up alarmingly must make the most of every day, that's probably what speeds it up LOL Gay xxx


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