
Wednesday 6 July 2011


Evening lovely Crafters. Here we are at Wednesday again and I've been really naughty and missed the last couple of WOYWW's. Talk about withdrawal symptons. I've had plenty on my desk but nothing I could share with you at the minute so I thought it best just to keep quiet for awhile but normal service has been resumed thank goodness.

Here's my desk this morning just as I left it last night.

I've just started a canvas. Something I've never attempted before but my Mum asked me to make her one for her new conservatory and bought the size she wanted. I have lots of ideas flying about in my head and spent a lovely hour last night slapping paint on and stamping and masking.

I'm quite happy with this as a start for the background but think I need to start playing with darker colours to build it up at bit more. I intend to paint some Sheena Douglass Paint Fusion Daisies on it as the main focal point. With anything I create I tend to have a general idea and then just start and see where it goes so who knows what will happen.

I've missed everyone else's desks over the last couple of weeks so am looking forward to having a good nosey later on. If you want to join me then pop over to see our esteemed leader, Julia HERE and find out what it's all about.

Just before I sign off tonight I thought I'd share a couple of photos I've taken during this beautiful weather we've been enjoying lately for no other reason than they made me smile.

Here is one of our cats, Nerys, enjoying the garden

and this was an amazing Mackerel sky last Monday morning when we had the really hot weather. It only lasted about 10 minutes and then it was gone. I just had time to nip in for my camera.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.


  1. Hi Lisa, Neat table:0) Loving your canvas, looks like you are going to be a bit busy with that:0)don't forget to share what you make:0) Beautiful pics of your garden and puss and the sky, hugs Gay xxx

  2. Hiya Lisa! Great to catch up with a great crafty friend. I'm loving your canvas and I can't wait to see your fusioned daisies. I kitted myself up when Sheena launched her range but haven't had much of a chance to play. Will have to make some time in the Summer holidays. You've shared some gorgeous picc's tonight. My fav is the one of your cat enjoying the garden... beautiful colours.
    Big hugs
    Sandra x

  3. I had no idea it was called a mackerel sky! The canvas is already looking good. AM impressed that you have the endgame in your head already...I often don't - which is why especially my canvasses end up with multi layers!!

  4. Great photos! We had that sky last sunday. Your canvas is taking shape nicely. Looking forward to seeing it finished

  5. That canvas looks a lovely colour. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
    I am glad I am not the only one who takes pictures of skies and clouds!! My Hubby says I am nuts! Well, if he doesn't realise that by now there is no hope!!

  6. Hi Lisa, thanks for dropping by and leaving your comment - I'll show a close of the Africa projects when completed though they really arent all that good - more practice needed. BTW,
    congrats on becoming a Sheena designer. Can't wait to see your completed canvas - love the background. Oh, yes, that sky photo is beautiful. Elizabeth x #72

  7. Hi Lisa

    Welcome back to WOYWW - that canvas looks as if it's off to a great start, love the puddy tat and although I've never heard the expression mackerel sky it looks amazing! Di xx #69

  8. ooh i cant wait to see the finished canvas . looks stunning already lol
    Lisa x

  9. Oooh Lisa why does your desk always look so interestingly messy!! Love your photos as well, cats are always good in my eye and that sky is amazing!

    Thank you for your lovely card and comments. I am ok and just getting back to crafting. Keep in touch. Jill x

  10. Hi Lisa

    Wow!! Loving the look of the canvas so far - beautiful!! I wouldn't have the foggiest idea where to start!!

    Your workspace always looks so interesting.

    Great photographs too.

    Love Jules xx

  11. Loving that duck egg blue of the canvass .Cant wait to see what you end up creating for your mum.Happy crafting have good week
    hugs judex15

  12. Oooh, I shall look forward to seeing your finished canvas Lisa. It's starting out well and I love daisies - they are one flower that always makes me smile! It sounds like I craft in a similar way to you. My buddies almost always have a pretty good idea of what they want their finished piece to look like but I never do. I just pick what I want to work with and 'go with the flow'. It's a bit scary sometimes in case the 'flow' doesn't happen, lol!

    Thanks for sharing the photos. I didn't know that's what you called that type of cloud pattern so you've taught me something today.

    Lesley Xx

  13. REALLY looking forward to seeing that finished canvas - the background looks wonderful already.

  14. So excited to see the finished far, so good and I just adore your Paint Fusion work, to date!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely, neat desk and your beautiful photos and hope you're ok!
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  15. Hi Lisa - I am totally with you on the camping. It wouldn't be something I'd rush to do again(unless I could nip off at bed time to nearest hotel!)I am missing all my blog hopping as my computer is slowly dying, so its off to the computer doctor while we are on holiday in Somerset(inlaws) this week. Have a great summer and hopefully things will be back to normal soon....really looking forward to seeing the finnished canvas! Cheers Claire x

  16. Hi there Lisa, loving the build up f the colours and they look a little like the mackerel sky pickie almost huh? thanks for sharing .. and thanks for popping over and running late sorry! happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x

  17. I love watching clouds too Lisa but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it look quite like that before, isn’t it beautiful.

    Loving the colours of your mum’s canvas Lisa, it’s going to look fantastic with the Daises on.

    Thanks for stopping by this week and Happy Crafting!

  18. great looking desk! Love the pictures you took in your garden. The canvas is looking very interesting and I am looking forward to seeing the finished project. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

  19. GFeat to see hou WOYWWing again... loving the photos and good luck with that canvas!!!
    Sorry I am so late this week


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