
Friday 1 July 2011

Alcohol Inks and/or a Sketch at The Stampman

Afternoon everyone. I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine again.

Things have quietened down around here for now so hopefully I'll be back to posting a bit more regularly. We are also getting towards the end of Wimbledon, another big distraction for me. I'm typing this right at the start of the Murray Nadal match so that I can settle down and watch it right to the end but I'm not telling you who I'm supporting!!!!

Over at The Stampman Challenge Blog, Brenda has challenged us to get messy with our Alcohol inks and combine it with her sketch if we want to although you can just use the sketch or just use your inks so how flexible is that?
I decided to go for both for my DT card. I sometimes find a sketch keeps me on track when card making as I tend to struggle with the layout.

For the inky background I squirted some Lettuce and Stream alcohol ink onto my craft match and then some blending solution and swooshed around some cheap photo paper. I know some people say this paper doesn't work and you should use glossy card, but I've always found it fine and it's cheap as chips.

Once I was happy with the result I stamped on top of it with various stamps from the Aspects of Design Butterfly Garden plate using black Stazon. I put the paper on top of the inked stamp and then used my fingers to press, you can also slowly peel the paper away bit by bit to check you have good inky coverage, laying it back on and pressing again if not.

I inked up two mat layers, one with Broken China and one with Faded Jeans Distress Ink and then masked off a panel on my base card and stamped butterflies with Broken China, sponging more colour around the edges.

A Papermania punched butterfly with added stickles and some gems and a ribbon and the jobs a good 'un.

The rest of the DT team have been very busy creating some gorgeous things so why not pop over to the challenge site and take a peek and then get yourselves busy. The winner gets a £10 voucher for The Stampman as always.

Thanks for stopping by. Must dash, I have an important date with the tennis now. Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine if you can.


  1. Fabulous colours Lisa - love the card. I agree that the cheaper photo paper works well with the inks, and it's great for brayering too. (Good to tell we are both Yorkshire girls eh)!!
    Haven't watched the tennis today so I'm going to catch up now.
    Have a fab. weekend - hugs, Sylvia xxx

  2. This is fabulous Lisa, I just love the colours and thanks for following the sketch too.
    I hope you enjoyed the tennis.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  3. Oh wow, Lisa! This is stunning! Gorgeous colours

  4. Hi Lisa, Beautiful inky background, love all the colours and butterflies, does a girl need anything else? Nah! Great card, Gay xxx

  5. Wow!! Beautiful card, Lisa and stunning colour choice!! Gorgeous! :)

    Hope you enjoyed Murray/Nadal match and that you're looking forward to the men's final today! I know I am and my fingers are crossed for Nadal!
    Thanks for all your support and your lovely comments, each and every one mean so much to me!
    Love Emma xxx

  6. oh wow that background is gorgeous and i love the flourishes .. so pretty
    Lisa x
    Hope you will find me at my new blog -

  7. Gorgeous Lisa. Lovely soft colours!

  8. Hi Lisa

    I love all the detail on your beautiful creation.

    Gorgeous colours.

    I hope you have calmed down from your Specsaver encounter!! Sounds like a nightmare. By the time you hubby gets his glasses the sunshine will have disappeared again!!

    Have a good week.

    Love Jules xx

  9. Love the combination of colours on the background - a really pretty card Lisa. I didn't watch much tennis but did watch the final yesterday - what a match it was brilliant!

    Love Lynda xxx

  10. This is sooo pretty! I love the background colours.

  11. Ooo this is gorgeous! You can never have too many butterflies in my world lol!

  12. Ooo that is gorgeous Lisa, love the colours. Kim

  13. Beautiful card, love the colours and technique. Kezzy x


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