
Wednesday 23 March 2011

WOYWW and some Fushioneering

Evening lovely Bloggers. I think Spring has finally arrived. Hasn't it been wonderful over the last few days? I apologise for my lack of Blog Hopping but as you can guess I've been making the most of the sunshine and getting the garden knocked into some shape. I will catch up with you all I promise.

If it's Wednesday it must be WOYWW but there was nothing on my workdesk today so I'm showing you where I have been working instead. My other favourite workdesk, my greenhouse bench. As you can see I've got some little seedlings showing their heads in the warmth and some lavender cuttings I took when trimming back some pots I have in the garden. Hopefully, I'll get lots more from this pot full.

I planted this basket of Violas in the Autumn for some Winter colour and they have survived temperatures of -18Oc, snow and wind and have flowered their soaks off and now the sun's come out they look wonderful.

The Forsythia is also looking gorgeous against the blue sky.

If you have a workdesk you want to show to the world, don't be shy, just get yourself over to see our esteemed leader, Julia at her blog Stamping Ground and get yourself linked up.

Last week I had another play with my Paint Fusion stuff and came up with this wall hanger. I used the Simply Sweet set of stamps and embossed them with the brass WOW powders before painting the design.

The crackle background was done with matt emulsion and PVA glue. If you haven't seen Sheena demonstrate it yet, it's really easy and very cheap. Paint some card with dark matt emulsion and dry with a heat gun (not too close otherwise the paint bubbles), then paint slightly watered down PVA glue over it and dry slightly before painting with a light Matt Emulsion and when you dry this layer you get lovely crackles. I did this with DD and she got really deep crackles and mine were more delicate. I guess the more you just slap the layers on the better the result. Tester pots are great and very cheap but make sure you get MATT.

The edge was finished with more brass WOW embossing powder and Peeled Paint Distress Ink was rubbed over the finished thing. I then made some little paper roses out of cartridge paper that had been spritzed with glimmer mists .

The lettering was done on the computer, traced onto the hanging and then painted with acrylic paint.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the sunshine.


  1. Love the pics of your greenhouse.. i hope to get mine sorted this weekend if the sun stays around.It took quite a bettering in the winds so needs repairs.
    Love the sign.. the little flowers are beautiful especially with the embossing
    Lisa x

  2. Great work Lisa - a really beautiful wall-hanging. Love the gorgeous flower border and the crackle background -it looks soooooo professional.
    Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  3. I would think that counts as a workdesk, certainly busy and with lovely results.

  4. I would think that counts as a workdesk, certainly busy and with lovely results.

  5. Hi Lisa, lovely to see your little seedlings coming along so nicely and you violas are just a treat. We have 2 daffodils in bloom and some wallflower so far - just a tad behind you I think. Love your wall-hanging and the message it sends - I now feel inspired. Elizabeth x #27

  6. Hi Lisa

    What a bright and beautiful post - so many lovely flowers and all gorgeous.

    My greenhouse is still waiting to be emptied and smoke bombed!!!

    Love your inspiration board. Such a fab finished look and lots of great techniques. Will you hang it up in your craft room?

    Love Jules xx

  7. Oh wow lisa the hanging iss beautiful, i bought the whole set but have yet to have a go. I was going to quickly put the dvd on to find out what paint i needed for the crackle effect so i could have a go at the weekend for mothers day but now after readind your blog i can nip out to focus tomorrow and pick some up. I think your flowers are wonderful, im afraid i tend to kill them off. My best mate grows them for me so i can put them straight in pots lol.

  8. What a gorgeous hanger Lisa. Great job. I've been thinking one of these weeks to share my veggie patch if there isn't much on my crafting desk. I haven't got a green thumb so I'm pretty happy that its still alive haha Have a fab week xo

  9. WOW! Lisa thats gorgeous. Love the way you have decorated the flower border. Thanks for explaining how you did it, I'm in a messy mood so might just give this a try.
    Avril xx

  10. Its great to get out in the garden with the sun shining, and so satisfying picking your own grown items!
    Enjoy and thanks for sharing.

  11. Love the fabulous hanging! Have yet to sow my seeds but am poised for the weekend!
    Thanks for the input on the score board pondering. I'm leaning towards an MS one if I can actually find one to buy!!! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  12. Hello there, love your garden and the beautiful flowers, makes you think spring is really here:0)
    Your 'be inspired' hanging is lovely and the brass embossing shows really well, clever stuff:0) xxx

  13. LOVE the violas, Lisa, they're my favourite flowers. Such gorgeous colours. And your sign is just lovely! Who could fail to be inspired with that on their wall? Hope the sun shines again for you tomorrow. Lynne xx

  14. Oh spring has spring! It is too cold here to start quite yet, but it is right around the corner!

  15. Stunning flowers and pics of your greenhouse/workdesk. Very sweet wall hanging and so fitting for your space.

  16. Gorgeous wall hanging Lisa and your flowers look really pretty especially the Forsythia against the lovely blue sky.

    Love Lynda xxx

  17. Ooops, my conscience is pricked and am going to blitz the greenhouse! Your wall hanging is absolutley beautiful!

    Remember to hop over to my blog if you'd like to win some blog candy. I'm celebrating one whole year of blogging :) Di x

  18. Your wall hanger is just beautiful Lisa.
    I must give that technique a go because I’ve never heard of it being done that way and the results are stunning. The colouring and all those pretty flowers give it an almost vintage look.
    Lots of progress in the greenhouse too by the looks of things!

    Happy Crafting.
    X x x

  19. Hi again, thank you so much for your lovely comments and I agree the sooner Glenda gets up and running again the happier a lot of us are going to be:0) xxx

  20. i love the idea of a green workdesk. lucky you to have it. the sign is beautifull too. thanks for sharing your growing creativity

  21. Oh my goodness thanks for sharing that. We just had a foot of snow on Wednesday and I'm aching for spring.

  22. Love your wall hanging Lisa. This paint fusion is quite addictive isn't it? I'm quite jealous of your beautiful blooms in the greenhouse, just gorgeous.
    Hugs Sue x

  23. Ah, such lovely pickies there Lisa, glad it is warming up for you.. thanks for sharing and am late cos my net went down,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  24. Oooo lovely pics of your flowers. Indeed the weather has been gorgeous! My white winter pansies are still going strong too and seem to be growing more bits on them so will see how long they go on for.
    What a beautiful hanging!!! Fabulous decoration. Thanks for the 'cracking' tip lol!
    Lesley x

  25. Helloooo, (I'm a late WOYWWer!)I was in before, but you know how bloggr can be sometimes. Love your seedy things growing, I used to do the garden every hour I had, but at the moments its well...grown!! Love the snoop, catch you again next time!!!
    ((Lyn))Oh yes..the hole...they've now 'moved' it !!

  26. Very busy workspace. Nice pics of the green house and all the flowers! Sorry I am so late making it around but last week was very busy. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162

  27. A workdesk is a workdesk in whatever form it takes. It takes skill and craft to be able to make plants grow!!
    Thanks for popping over to my bloggie. Had a bit of a rough week with internet breaking down and then I picked up a viral bug which turned me inside out! Fab therapy blog hopping and trying to catch up with e-mails especially when yours is first!!

  28. This is fab Lisa. It would have looked great hanging up on Sheena's stall at the NEC.
    Beryl xx

  29. Lisa this is gorgeous. So tell me, did you do the handwriting part first or the fusioneering???

    I would have been terrified that when I came to paint in the script I would have killed the whole thing. Be it with a paintbrush or a pen my handwriting is completely carp, even if I were only colouring over pre-printed lettering, lol

    Lin xx

  30. Lovely photos and your hanging is fab, going on a Fusion class with Sheena later this month and really looking forward to it


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