
Sunday 20 March 2011

What A Weekend

Evening lovely Bloggers. I hope you've had a great weekend. Where do they go?

I had a very special day yesterday which started at 4.45am. Can't say I was exactly thrilled at having to get up at that time on a Saturday morning but once out of bed it was fine. It was my MIL's 70th birthday last June and the whole family clubbed together and bought her a hot air balloon ride which is something she's always wanted to do. Well, the weather was not kind to us last year and each trip was cancelled but at last she got the all clear and take off was 6.30am yesterday morning from York race course.

It was a stunning morning. Frosty, clear and calm and off she went. The flight lasted about an hour but after seeing her today she has still not come down to earth and is still floating among the clouds. A once in a lifetime experience.

After getting home and having breakfast I went off to the Northern Papercrafts Show at Harrogate and had a lovely day, shopping and chatting. I met so many friendly bloggers and crafters it was wonderful. I was very restrained in my shopping but got some gorgeous new stamps that I can't wait to play with and was thrilled to have a chat with Sheena Douglass who is as nice in real life as she is on the telly. She was kind enough to give me the sample she painted, which I shall treasure and keep on my workdesk as constant inspiration.

Before I sign off for another early night I thought I'd share some of the bookmarks I've finished for the school Mother's Day stall.

The flowers are from Inkadinkadoo and were just coloured with promarkers and I coloured the holders with Peeled Paint distress ink and stamped a smaller version of the flower in the same ink.

Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a happy and safe week.


  1. well can you believe it Lisa .. My dad did the same Balloon ride last year from York racecourse.. but at a more reasonable time of day lol. IT was fantastic to watch .
    Hope you have recovered from the whole day lol.. and your bookamrks look fab!
    Lisa x

  2. Hi Lisa, wow! What an amazing trip and I can believe that getting up so early was very worth it! Now you know how I feel most mornings too?
    Glad you had a great day at Harrogate - would have loved to have joined you all, but managed a little trip to a local craft store I hadn't been to in a while - sadly it didnt turn out too well for me and I got a parking ticket :(
    Had a lovely walk in the park and a Flake 99 to cheer myself up though :)

  3. Beautiful bookmarks, and fabulous photos of the balloon Lisa - thanks for sharing. I imagine your MIL will be floating on air for quite some time after that amazing experience!
    Hope you enjoy using your new stash from Harrogate - my plan to keep to a budget failed miserably, as always!! Have a happy week - Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  4. Hi, sounds like a brilliant weekend, love your bookmarks, very pretty:0) xxx

  5. Sounds like you have had a wonderful weekend! Your Bookmarks are stunning, and I am looking forward to seeing your new stamps too. I am so tempted by Sheena's latest range, but we have another trip to Stampalot planned in three weeks, so I'd better wait and see how much I spend there. I've had a much better weekend and managed to make some cards - thanks for the lovely comments on my blog x

  6. Hi Lisa, Fantastic photos - what a memorable day for her! and a busy day for you. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the new stamps.
    Those bookmarks are lovely, I'm sure they will sell well.
    Avril x

  7. Lovely to see you yesterday Lisa and to meet Sylvia, Arn't crafters lovely people, I met quite a few yeasterday too and had a lovely day.

    The specs are magnificent as is your off the edge card.
    x Michelle

  8. Wow, what a day for your MIL! She's braver than me - I don't think I'd have the nerve to go up in a balloon. We had a lovely walk yesterday around Linacre Reservoirs near Chesterfield and saw two hot air balloons, so it was obviously a good day for it.

    Your bookmarks are lovely, such a pretty stamp, and beautifully coloured. Should think they'll go like hot cakes. Have a great week. Lynne x

  9. Hi Lisa glad you had a nice time at the Papercrafts show will look forward to seeing the new stamps. The bookmarks are looking good!Think MIL is very brave, its not on my 'to do' list! Take care. Jill x

  10. Gorgeous bookmarks Lisa! WOW the hot air balloon looks amazing. Never been in one myself yet!!!
    love debbie xxx

  11. What a great weekend for you - I spent up at Harrogate yesterday but we have said it will be Saturdays in future as some of the things I wanted had sold out.

    Your bookmarks are so pretty - they'll be the first to sell I'm sure!

    Love Lynda xxx

  12. What a fabulous experience for your MIL but I think I would have struggled to be up at that time of the morning. I am definitely a late night person an have hardly been in bed much more than a couple of hours by 4.45, lol!

    A pity I didn't know you were going too the papercraft show on Saturday as I was there too. I would love to have said hello.

    Love your bookmarks Lisa. They are really pretty as well as being useful.

    Lesley Xx

  13. Oh Lisa, what a wondeful gift for your MIL, so glad she got up in the sky at last - how fab to do a balloon flight in that area of the country, it must have been beautiful! Hubby bought the same sort of thing for me for Christmas one year - it was supposed to take place over Bath while we were there for a long w/e - but after several fruitless trips back and forth to Bath we just gave up and I never did get my balloon ride!

  14. I am extreamly jealous that you made it to Harrogate - bet it was great!
    What fabulous photo's of the hot air balloon. I am sure her memories of that will be treasured - what a great gift!
    Those bookmarks are fab Lisa and I'm sure will sell like hot cakes - I know I'd love one! Cheers Claire x

  15. What a lovely weekend you've had Lisa. Very brave of your MIL going up in a balloon I think - but then I have a thing about heights (sigh).

    Lots of new stamps to play with eh?Looking forward to seeing what you make.

  16. p.s. Love the bookmarks you made. They should sell really well.

  17. A balloon ride, how wonderful, I bet your MIL had a fab day!

    It’s something I’ve always wanted to do but not being good with heights and only having a bit of wicker between me and the ground doesn’t seem like a good idea, so I’ve never been brave enough to give it a go.

    Love the finished bookmarks Lisa. The mum’s are going to be so thrilled with them.

    X x x

  18. Glad you managed to meet Sheena. She's lovely isn't she. Looks like it was a perfect day for the balloon ride and that photo you took with the big sky background is fabulous.
    Beryl xx

  19. My poor Sister and her hubby have been trying for almost two years now to get a blinkin balloon flight off the ground. It's been cancelled so many times. She bought it for them as a silver wedding present and they still have not managed to make the flight.

    Virgin did eventually upgrade them to an anytime flight instead of just early morning so hopefully some time soon will be the time they finally succeed.

    Lin xx


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