
Wednesday 16 February 2011


Happy Wednesday all you WOYWWer's and all my other lovely blogging buddies. Hasn't it been an absolutely glorious day. The crocuses have been showing their faces to the sun and Spring was definitely in the air. Wonderful. I have also just read that I have been breathing the same Yorkshire air as one Tim Holtz who is doing some workshops in Harrogate tomorrow and who has been shopping in Leeds today. He must almost have driven past my house!!!!! Enjoy it Sylvia, I want every last detail my friend!!!!!

Now back to WOYWW and here's my desk today after I dragged myself in out of the garden.

I had lots of new promarkers for my birthday and so have been trying to improve my colouring. I have loved the cute Country Companions characters for years and so was thrilled when these sets of stamps were released by do-crafts. I merrily stamped away and then realised that colouring them was a bit of a challenge. How do you colour a Hedgehog?

I bit the bullet and this was the result. I don't think they are too bad. All the tutorials I have been watching lately are beginning to pay off although I still find colouring quite stressful, not relaxing like painting with distress inks.

These cheeky chappies have yet to be made into a card but here's one I managed to finish this afternoon before making tea.

If you haven't yet shared your desk with the rest of us, what are you waiting for, get yourself over to our esteemed leader, Julia who lives in the Stamping Ground and and be prepared to be amazed by some pretty stunning desks and creations that happen on them.

Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your help on my change of blog address problem, they are all up and running now. What a great bunch you are.


  1. Yep! They are cute all right! It's been raining on and off all day you have most definately had the best of the day by the sounds of it! ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  2. ooh, lots of lovely promarkers and I love your colouring of the hedgehog, especially the wellington boots. thanks for sharing

  3. Hi Lisa
    aww fab colour work gorgeous card, happy WOYWW, sue,x(31)

  4. Your colouring is great. Those are so cute. I have not yet tried but can imagine I'd find it a bit stressful and intimidating too but you shouldn't worry. You're great at it!

  5. Soo cute and a great job colouring them. I love the way you've done the shadow under the hedghogs on the bench and the flowers are so pretty.

    Great job!

    Annie x

  6. Hi Lisa, yes colouring a hedgehog is quite a challenge isn't it!!! Looks as if you made a really good job of it though! Err... no it was a horribly wet day here yesterday, nothing glorious about our weather. Devon Devon glorious Devon rains six days out of seven!!! Jill x

  7. Hi there Lisa in blogland! :)
    Nice stash of Promarkers there very impressive am collecting a few myself...and some gorgeous tamps too love your card and cute hedgies, thanks for sharing!
    Shaz in oz.x

  8. Your colouring with the Promarkers is perfect. I think you've done a grand job on the hedgies - and you've made a beautiful card. Such a productive day.
    Beryl xx

  9. Lovely card, your hedgehogs are so cute! I had some promarkers for Christmas from my Beloved Husband & my youngest son. If you are collecting them, have a look at COWLING & WILCOX website, they have some really good offers on their packs, Hope this is useful, Shaz,#131

  10. I don't enjoy colouring either but I think you've done a great job with the hedgehogs. I always I assume I don't like it as I can't draw very well (and my writing is messy too!) so i don't feel massively confident with markers.

    Sorry, I'll stop waffling now. I saw the photos of Mr Holtz shopping in Leeds and it was funny to see him eating fish & chips!

    I don't have to drive into Leeds centre for work luckily, as I work south of the city. But once I week I work in Sheffield and the drive back is a total nightmare if I don't get out before 4pm.

    I'm waffling again, sorry!!

  11. Hi Lisa,
    Great colouring! You are doing a wonderful job just keep at it! Love the card. That paper is gorgeous. The emu is up and running around on two legs so my desk is free of repairs...for the moment but the weekend looms with lots of "aft and craft" (As Miss 5 says)to be done!
    Susan xxox #13

  12. You must have figured out the hedgehog coloring problem because theyre perfect!
    Thx for visiting...

  13. awesome coloring! I keep trying but I am not having much luck with the markers and go back to the inks. Thanks for sharing with us. Vickie #30

  14. such cutey images. i thought id pop o and say Hi to you as im on sheenas DT and i wanted to welcome you on board - im sure you will have such fun.
    You already know Vick as your on her blog so i thought id let you know about mine.

  15. Sorry I late!! Happy belated Birthday! Fab desk, any desk with promakers is fab to me, I'm addicted to them, still got loads to collect!
    Love your cards! Have a great weekend Happy WOYWW!

  16. I think your colouring looks great - bet you are soon going to be loving your promarkers as much as your distress inks! Letraset have a competition on - you could add to your range.....Cheers Claire x

  17. Love your country companians and your colouring is fab hope you find it relaxing soon ~ Nicky no.6

  18. Your colouring looks great Lisa! xx

  19. I think your colouring is fab, I have to admit I'm stll learning to use my promarkers. Love the stamps. X

  20. Well Lisa I should say that you can relax - it seems to be only you that is stressed by your colouring - looks Bloomin' good from here! And I agree, the hedgehogs are so cute.

  21. OMG, I love those hedgehogs, they are supercute!

  22. Hi Lisa, belated birthday greetings with hugs and xxxx Great birthday present too. Your colouring looks spot on to me, love what you've done to the soles of their boots. I have a soft spot for hedgehogs I have to admit:) Elizabeth x #61

  23. Ooo lots of promarkers, it makes you feel like a child all over again when you get your pens out! I use Copics and I am so protective of them, no one else is allowed to have a look in!


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