
Tuesday 22 February 2011

An Altered Shoebox

Morning lovely Bloggers. What has happened to the weather. It's been shocking here over the weekend. We even had fresh snow on Saturday although it was very wet and soggy, not nice at all. Today has been so dark and dismal with more sleet and we've had to have lights on all day. Where have the hints of Spring gone? I hope they come back soon!

Do you remember when DD won the tag challenge over at Try It On Tuesday some weeks back? Well her prize was to be a team guest designer for a week and this is the week. The theme is to alter a shoebox and we had a great day playing with paints, sprays and ink and this is the result. DD decided on the colours and what she wanted to do and I just supervised and suggested a few ideas. All the work is hers using lot of the techniques she learnt from Michelle and Janet on their Art Journalling workshop last Summer . Not bad for a nine year old don't you think?

The box is painted with various acrylic paints and then she used bubble wrap with another paint colour to add more texture. It was then stamped on and sprayed with glimmer mists using a big swirl mask.

We had a slight argument!!!! over the colours. DD chose a lime green mist which gave sparkle but didn't show up very well. When I suggested a turquoise colour she was not happy saying it would ruin it. Dad just shook his head and left the room muttering something about living in a house full of women!!! Anyway, she let me demonstrate on some scrap paper and then decided to give it a go. Thankfully she was happy with the result otherwise I would never have heard the end of it.

She stamped the butterflies from the EI Patchwork butterflies plate, painted them with Twinkling H20's and cut them out. The swirly trails were from the same plate and she used the same swirls to edge the lid.

The box contains all her paper dolls with the press out clothes that you attach through slots on the doll. Do you remember having them when you were young? I do. DD still loves playing with them and has a huge collection. They now have a very smart home to live in.

I love the fact that my daughter loves crafting as much as I do and shows a real talent for it already. There are many occasions when we do something together and I think her composition or the colours she's chosen are better than mine. We have spent the whole day painting today. There can't be many Mums who have such contented children on a wet half term Monday and yes, I do know how lucky I am and immensely proud.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. wow!! Lisa this butterfly-ed shoebox is awesome, I just really adore the colours... nothing, zip, zilch! going on over here for me.. not sure will post anything things too much full on.. but hope to get into something soon.
    Shaz in oz.x

  2. Hi Lisa, the moment I read that I thought it had to be your daughter who had made that. ITS GORGEOUS! Well done Freya! Jill x

  3. Deservedly proud I say ;) Lovely box
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Hi Lisa - Freya is definitely an artist in the making. The butterflies are perfectly painted, and the colour combinations are just superb. Love the lime green with turquoise. Yes, I remember those paper dolls with the "tab" outfits - absolutely loved them. Two other childhood favourites were Mum's old box of buttons, and my collection of used greeting cards! Who needs an IPod!! See you soon - hugs, Sylvia xxx

  5. This is stunning! Freya is very talented and i am thrilled she has managed to transfer her skills from art journalling to crafting and makes me feel immensely proud of her. It is wonderful to share crafting with your daughter. Meghan is also very talented and quite often if asomething does not look quite right I can ask her and she immediately knows what i should do to finish it off. It is a blessing to have special time with them thats for sure xx


  6. It is absolutely stunning! Well done Freya!It is good to hear you are enjoying some crafting time and getting messy together. She is one extremely talented young lady!

  7. She certainly is a talented young lady and very lucky to have a mum who can help bring out the best in her. The box is awesome - and yes - I remember those paper dolls too. Didn't know they were still around these days.
    Beryl xx

  8. Wow! It's fabulous! Having looked at the thumbnail picture first, and until I read your explanation, Lisa, I thought you must have done it! What a talent! xx

  9. Fab projects, good coffee and a comfy chair as always Lisa!
    Please pop over to my blog - I have something there for you!

  10. Gosh she is talented. You had better watch your back!

    It must be great fun to share a love of the same thing with your Daughter. Whilst my Daughter is very arty she is not into cardmaking, but then I can't draw and paint like she can!

    Lin xx

  11. Hi Lisa

    How amazing!!

    You must be so proud of your daughter .. .. she is truly talented.

    I think she has done a fantastic job and she could probably teach me a thing or too!!!

    Can I borrow her next half term LOL!!!

    How lovely that you have an interest that brings you even closer together.

    Love Jules xx

  12. Wow, Lisa, tell your lovely daughter she has made one fantastic job of this shoe box. I do agree with your suggestion of the turquoise though, Lol! Love the swirls used to make tails for the butterfly (I may blatantly copy this idea at some point in the future, lol!) and the stamping with the bubblewrap is great.

    An altogether inspiring creation. I love it.

    Lesley Xx

  13. It's me again. I forgot to say I remember those dolls well and spent many happy hours deciding on their outfits for the day.

    Lesley Xx

  14. Proud indeed you must be Lisa - if I had produced that myself I would be thrilled - it's fabulous! Cheers Claire x

  15. WOW gorgeous box certainly DD has inherited her mothers skill she shows awesome talent. XOXO Zoe


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