
Wednesday 21 May 2014


Morning lovely crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Long time no see. A good friend of mine, Sandra from Sydney reminded me that we are approaching another WOYWW birthday so I thought I'd better show my face!!!!

I have no crafty desk to share with you today, that has been sadly neglected over the past weeks but here is my workdesk.... which does contain hopefully it counts.

We have had our bathroom ripped out and replaced with, amongst other things, a lovely sparkly huge shower. I love it, but you've never seen a mess like it. We seem to have been tiling for days, both walls and floor and I shall be back up there after posting this!!!! Yesterday I painted the walls. What do you think of the colour? DD and I love it but my poor Hubby isn't so sure, he's a bit more conservative. The only comment I got out of him was WOW!!! Still he'll get used to it, I'm not changing it, harsh I know.

We have used dark tiles, they still need grouting so don't look too closely!!

Well, that's my workdesk.... of sorts. I'm sure yours is more exciting and I'll be round to have a look later once those tiles are on the wall.

If you want to join in with WOYWW then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.  

By the way, I will be joining in with the ATC celebrations so if you want to swap with me, just shout out.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting.


  1. Good morning. Can't believe it's Wednesday again already! Thanks for letting us in to peek at your creative space even if it is not a desk. I love the colour and think it
    is a perfect counter to the dark tiles.
    Hope you have a good week too.
    Neil #40

  2. All this looks very familiar, we have only recently altered the kitchen and bathroom and I am so pleased it's all finished.
    Have a great week and happy crafting when you get the chance, Angela x 41

  3. Hi Lisa, I love the colour of turquoise and black. Stunning. I am sure Tiffany's is pretty close. You will have to get a big diamond to go with it!! Have a lovely week.

  4. Oh I hope your bathroom renovation goes well! A bathroom renovation is in my future, and I'm looking forward to the results but dreading the process. Thanks for your sweet visit. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #22

  5. I'm sad you're not coming, but had realised because we hadn't heard from you! Never mind, always another time. You Northern lot had just better get on and organise WOYWW - t'Crop ;-)
    I love the colour and am dead jealous of your bathroom. I'd hoped to get one too but we had to spend the money on getting the house repointed. Necessary but so boring!!
    Hugs, LLJ 21 xx

  6. Lush colour! How funny, I'm having my bathroom ripped out and a new wet room put in this week, as well as having the boiler replaced, so I know exactly the mess involved. Thankfully it's all being done for me. Phew. But I'll still have the aftermath to deal with. Enjoy your day. Take care. Zo xx 50

  7. Whatever room you decorate it's always a mess isn't it! Jill x

  8. I'm only just doing my rounds to catch up with all my blogging's been a busy day with lots of extra cuddles needed by my little poorly munchkins.
    Really gorgeous turquoise paint.
    Annie x #27

  9. Hi Lisa - I love the colour, and it will really offset the dark tiles - tres chic!! Have a great week, Chris # 17 xx

  10. I'm laughing as we went through the bathroom renovation last year. Remember hating the process but loved it once it was all done. hank in there! Would love to trade ATC's with you! Diane #55.

  11. That colour is sure to make you smile when you enter your new bathroom and it's amazing how much mess one small room can make your going to love it when it's done hugs Nikki 3

  12. Loving your paint Lisa. It is a similar colour to the paint in my Craft Room and on your blog. It must look great with the dark tiles.
    You can use the sewing desk when you visit!

  13. I have a love/ hate relationship with remodels. Love the finished product - the process not so much LOL Do Love the color. Welcome Back! Creative Blessings! Kelly #70


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