
Thursday 8 May 2014

We Have a Teenager!!

Hello folks. Goodness I hadn't realised it was so long since I last posted anything, where do the weeks go?

Yesterday our DD turned 13!! A teenager at last. It doesn't seem two minutes since we were bringing her home from hospital and know she's as tall as me!

Well a special birthday deserves a special card so I had a play with a card in a box, which seems to be the in thing at the minute. My fellow Inkoid Donna made several recently and has a brilliant tutorial on her blog so once I got started it was really easy to put together, thanks Donna.

This is the end result.

I shall definitely be having another go at these, I really enjoyed creating it.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting


  1. Gosh, a teenager, huh?? Now the fun starts!! Happy Birthday to your DD. my lads turned 21 and 18 in April...I feel ancient!
    Love the card, very exotic :-)
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  2. Woo hoo! Hope you all enjoyed your scampi! Great card. Love it and I am sure the Birthday Girl did to!

  3. Love the card - a triumph! xxx

  4. Traumhaft schön.
    Auch deine vielen anderen Objekte sind so wundervoll.
    Mir gefällt dein ganzer Blog, deine Fantasie und Kreativität.

    Und darum bin ich ab sofort dein Fan :-)

    Liebe Grüße aus Germany

  5. Love this card in a box Lisa - the colours are gorgeous. I am always amazed that these boxes can be laid flat for posting!
    Hope Freya had a fantastic birthday - Sylvia xx


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