
Wednesday 26 February 2014


Morning dear crafters and lovely WOYWW friends. I've been missing in action for a couple of weeks. For the first time ever the last time I joined in WOYWW I managed to visit every desk although only managed to leave comments on most!!! I think I wore myself out as I've had to lie down in a darkened room for a while. Only kidding!! I've actually been busy with life stuff and last week was away with some crafty mates. is my desk this morning...look it's light..and sunny!!!!! Yay that must mean we are heading in a springlike direction at last.

Most importantly I have a cuppa on the go. Santa brought me some distress paints for Christmas that were still sealed up so I have been having a play, not totally successfully, but I've now had a look round the internet and am ready for further experimentations!!!  I will share the results next week. You can see the pile of papers building up on my mat.

Last time I was playing with the Faux Leather technique with kraft card and here is one of the little notebooks that I've made up.

I taught my group at craft club how to do this and they loved it. We are having a "part 2" next time as we only got as far as making the covers last week. The lining and pages still need to be added.  

Right that's me and my desk. If you want to share yours, then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.

Enjoy your Wednesday and I'll be round to see what you've been up too after work.

Happy Crafting.


  1. Hi Lisa, I love that little notebook...did you put the pattern on the cover?
    Annie x # 53

  2. That faux leather is amazing! It looks so wonder that technique was popular with the craft group :-)
    Well, if you do manage to get to he crop, come armed with your crochet hooks and wool, there'll be many folk there who could help. Other than that, try YouTube tutorials..that's how I learned, being able to replay bits I couldn't understand made it a lot easier!
    And Spring may be on the way here too...the snowdrops have been amazing this year..maybe they liked all the rain?! We've got banks and banks of them around here!
    Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

  3. A lovely notebook and a lovely name for your blog too. That technique is amazing.

  4. We are all loving the sunshine this morning! I love your faux leather and have heard about it so must look it up! Take care & enjoy your day. Zo xx 67

  5. Loving the look of your little book. It looks fabulous.
    We have some sunshine here too right now. Not sure how long for so am enjoying it while I can!

  6. Dear Lisa, I love your leathet journal. So fine and just beautiful!
    Greetings from Erika

  7. Love noseying around other peoples crafty spaces! The note book is fab and good to see you have a brew on the go! :-) Fiona xx

  8. The notebook is lovely, Lisa. Well one. Never tried this technique myself.... yet!
    Great pile of papers building up there - will love to see what you make with them all.
    Have a great fun week.
    Margaret #59

  9. Hi Lisa, thanks for swinging by earlier. I normally don't take crafts on holiday either..but I am going to visit my parents and stay in their house for 10 days..I will kill or be killed if I don't amuse myself :) Love how bright your space is today, I want some of those distress paints! The notebook is simply stunning! Cx #28

  10. A beautiful little faux leather book. Wish I had been in the class. :) Thanks for stopping by earlier. #85

  11. Wow Lisa, that leather effect is amazing, and I love the little book you have made. Your background pages look fine to me - I am sure you will soon get to grips with the distress paints. I haven't invested in these because I thought they were just acrylics in fancy packaging and the TH name attached (with associated high price lol!) - I suppose it's convenient to have all his colours to hand but I think I shall continue with my normal acrylics for the time being. Lol at the cup of tea - go on, save that teabag lol lol!! I am very much in "don't throw it away" mode atm and am saving loo roll middles, cereal packets, bottle tops... you name it. You can make art out of anything!

    Thanks for your visit and your nice comment. I am sure I shall feel better in a day or two but meanwhile my head and throat hurt and I'm coughing a lot and not much voice!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #86

  12. I love this technique, so effective. The note books would make lovely gifts. Happy crafting, Angela x 68

  13. Your journal cover of Faux leather looks fantastic, I am sure your students are stoked with their results too.

    thanks for sharing and visiting.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 52
    Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting

  14. Hello Lisa, thanks for stopping by my nest, it's great to see the sun shinning over there, I'm inching to get my hands on some new paints, the Paper arts one are gorgeous, but I think you can only get them in the UK, and Tim's are always fabulous, you'll have fun learning, it won't take you long to get the hang of it. Your faux leather book is gorgeous, what fun the classes must be, none in my town LOL. have a wonderful day happy WOYWW, Dianne #80

  15. Hi Lisa,

    The faux leather book looks amazing! Who would have thought that was kraft card stock.

    Your experimentation with the inks looks great too - I love the pink and turquoise combination!!!

    Thank you for visiting me already!
    Happy belated WOYWW
    Kay (5)

  16. Wow, that really does look like leather! I've got those veneer hearts too! #51

  17. Lol Lisa, I have to agree with you about needing a rest after visiting all the blog links. I’ve only even done it on 4 occasions, the WOYWW anniversary’s, and each time it took me nearly a week to get round everyone.

    Loving the faux leather notebook, it looks amazing.

    Thanks for dropping by to see me this week and......
    Happy Crafting!

  18. Well, you sure got the faux leather technique down gal, the notebook cover is a triumph, and so pretty! An away time with crafty friends jealous. To say the least !

  19. Hi Lisa, been MIA myself but back now to catch up with what you've been doing. Love this faux leather look and nipped into Boots today to find one of the few remaining bottles of glycerin left :) I'm going to give the technique a try though I'm not sure what I'll do with the result. Have a great weekend. Elizabeth xx #72


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