
Wednesday 5 February 2014


Morning lovely crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Wednesday again. I hope all my friends in the South have survived the awful weather of yesterday and last night unscathed. It's been very calm here in the North but we keep seeing the pictures on the news. Stay safe.
I have a day off today, yay!!!!!! More desk snooping time. If you want to join in the WOYWW fun then pop over to see the lovely Julia, HERE.

Here is my desk this morning.

Back on the dining table again and two things going on at once! I am playing with the faux leather technique that Sheena demoed on C&C last week using Kraft card and Glycerine. Love it. I've made loads of plain ones but have painted some too. These are all going to be turned into little books ready for pressies when I need one. I've got some lovely fabric to line the insides with.
Here's a close up of the painted ones. I'll share the finished books once they are done.

I am also in the process of making new vertical blind slats from the leftovers from the originals. They have been up for some time and are looking a bit grubby so I thought I'd freshen them up and have enough in the box of leftovers. I just need to make turn ups for the weights to go into!

So that's me today so thanks for stopping by and I'll see you at a desk near you as soon as I've got a fresh cuppa.

Happy Crafting.


  1. Love the finished results on show today :-) I have some of those vertical blind left overs...they make great backings for ATCs as they are just the right width [well, mine are].
    Annie x # 45

  2. I love that faux leather technique and have found that gel medium keeps the 'pleather' much softer than the S & S. I've got 8 pieces waiting to be lined and my friend Sue has picked the oriental bird one for herself when it gets made into a booklet.
    Beryl xx

  3. I love the faux leather...such a clever technique because it looks really realistic! I adore the one with the ivy on, that looks like an ancient tome!
    I laughed at your misreading of my dodgy fabric, loll! Dodgy doggy could be the name for the range of items..ooh, maybe norm now I've written it fact that looks dodgier than ever...sorry!!!!
    Yours, from a wild, windy Wiltshire,
    LLJ 33 xx

  4. You always amaze me with your creations. Love the look you have created. Good luck with the vertical blind repairs.
    Sandra @59

  5. Lovely results from the faux leather and the books will be dab.
    Thanks for visiting and yes, stencils are some of my favourite products, alng with paints, inks, stamps etc, etc, etc.
    Happy Wednesday.
    Ann B

  6. Wow that faux leather looks really good, I don't know that formula must hunt it down and give it a go.

    Thanks for dropping in to say hi and leave a comment.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 12
    Happy WOYWW

  7. Simply lovely Lisa , Happy crafting Jill #35

  8. Wow Lisa, making new slats - that' s impressive! Am so glad you're having a day of creating on your day off - much better for the soul than real chores! Your glycerine pages are lovely, what a great look.

  9. Oooo! That looks exciting. Love the Ivy one, but with my address, I would.
    Yes it is a bit windy and wet down here but ok!

  10. What a great idea! I love the Faux Leather, I have been making handbags with it recently..Thanks for swinging by my blog earlier. Cx #38

  11. Thank you for visiting! I was absolutely hoping that the ladies maid sorts Thomas out when it's all said and done! Can't wait to find out that mystery, among other D.A. plotlines. Your cards are so pretty--but I love the idea of making little books to have for presents. Fab idea! Well the snow here is so pretty--the big fluffy kind of flakes. Not so pretty on the roadways though, but I did make it into the office today. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #18

  12. Your card effects are superb and i look forward to your books made from the pieces. Thanks for popping in on me Lisa, you've always been there for me and always say the nicest things. One day we WILL meet up at a show,
    Jo x

  13. That faux leather is very pretty. good luck on the blinds. You sure are creative and ambitious. :) I think I am a little lazy. Thanks for your nice comments on my cards. #27

  14. Hi Lisa
    OOh I didn't want to come home from Austria! The sun was shining and the sky was blue, now the wind is howling and the rain is lashing down. Good old welsh weather! I love the faux leather look and someone will be so thrilled to recieve a little book with those covers.
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B No 39

  15. Oh don't those faux leathers look fab!! Clever you. I have spent today making little fabric collages to go in some cards for friends - cold wet and gloomy here today. x Jo

  16. Just adore your painted faux leather sheets they will make lovely books. My garden is OK really just rather soggy by the way. Thanks for the visit BJ#73

  17. Hello Lisa, thanks for visiting,your faux pages are beautiful, funny I just flew by Sheena's blog and she has some stuff for her's too, I love her work and video's, I would love to try to make them, I have made some out of brown paper bags,they look fantastic embossed, Have a wonderful day,happy WOYWW, Dianne #67

  18. The faux leather technique looks awesome! Enjoy your day off!
    Lindart #84

  19. Love your faux leather, it looks so real. Thanks for popping by my blog.
    Dawn x #53

  20. Thanks for popping in to my blog.

    Loving the leather look and especially the coloured in ones.

    Hope the blinds turn out ok.

    Sue 56

  21. those faux leathers are very realistic. i would love the recipe for the weathers biscuits if you want to share?
    famfa 5

  22. What a cool process this is - they will make awesome little books. Is it our age or what? But all of a sudden I have a real thing for little books!! Lucky you to have a day off. Nothing better than an entire day to play or do what you want. Thanks so much for stopping by the Fun Room this week!
    Sara j #50

  23. Those faux leather look great, what a fun technique! Your books are going to be wonderful.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #2

  24. the faux leather looks great it has such a lovely sheen to it .... perfect for making into note books. Have a great week
    janet #8

  25. Well done for getting to grips with the faux leather technique-I saw the programme but forgot to get glycerine! Your look amazing and will certainly make some lovely books! Thanks for visiting Chris#70

  26. Yes I am dying to try that technique. These look fab. Thank you for visiting . Karen #58

  27. Love those painted sheets! Happy WOYWW Cindy #97

  28. Wow that faux leather is amazing. It will make fabulous book covers. What a good idea to freshen the verticals, I had heaps left over may use that idea when they get a bit daggy.
    Have a great week.
    Von #30

  29. Those leather covers are so pretty. I'm a sucker for flowers. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.
    April #24

  30. Beautiful craft papers. I will have to go check out the technique. Thanks for sharing and stopping by. Peg R 25

  31. How creative your desk looks! sorry to be so late in commenting. Have a wonderful rest of the week!
    Glenda #74

  32. Those backgrounds look wonderful. Hope I can catch that technique on You Tube.
    I am setting off for home today so will be back in the winter woollies soon.

    Thanks for the visit earlier.
    Hugs, Neet xx 22

  33. Your faux leather sounds fascinating! What I can see looks great! And love the other papers you've done, especially the yellow flowers! Thanks for visiting and happy belated WOYWW!
    Carol N #11

  34. Those painted backgrounds are gorgeous Lisa! I'm spying some H2Os I think? I can see the sparkle. Have a great week! #46

  35. Hi Lisa, wow those faux leather pages are fantastic, I'm going to have to see if there is a tutorial for that technique on YouTube.

    I haven't decided what I'm going to do with my calendar girls tags in the long term but at the moment they are standing on easels in my craft room. I hadn't thought of a book, but that's a great idea - thanks! :0)

    Thanks for your visit, have a good week MMx #40

  36. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for visiting Wednesday.

    I love making faux leather, but have never made it with glycerin. Sounds very interesting.

    What you have accomplished is really pretty.
    Krisha #23

  37. i love days off! and the faux leather looks great. hmm, i wonder if i can find a tutorial somewhere.

  38. Such pretty faux leather papers you've got there !! hugs Nikki 29

  39. Ooooo! - Lovely faux leather, Lisa. Did I read correctly - your own vertical blinds??? Wow - I am impressed.
    Thanks for visiting - I did indeed enjoy my crafty day out - a hefty assault on the credit card!!
    Take care.
    Margaret #17

  40. Love your tidy desk, that looks a fab technique, I can see I have missed a lot:D Hope all is good with you? Gay xx

  41. I completely missed the demo, looks fabulous!

  42. Fabulous.. I love this technique... Hope the blinds look fab, Px

  43. Hi Lisa, love those papers - gorgeous!Yes managed to fall flat on my face as you say the garden is just a quagmire at the moment, but we are the lucky ones it seems.....certainly nothing like the poor folk down south. Then my kids kindly shared their bugs with me, so just starting to feel a bit more human. Hope you are well! Cheers Claire x

  44. Hi Lisa
    I love your faux leather samples. This is definitely on my list of things to try. I watched sheena with fascination. A bit more time to havea go would be great! Hope you have continued to be lucky with the weather. Your sewing skills put me to shame. All I seem to do these days is turn up trousers!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love reading them.
