
Wednesday 27 March 2013


Morning lovely Crafters and dear WOYWW friends. I hope I find you well today and if not then I wish you a speedy recovery. It's still bitterly cold here in Yorkshire but thankfully the snow is beginning to thaw although we are having some gentle flakes falling again this morning. Some of the snow drifts that have been on the news are spectacular. I've never seen anything like them before and the poor people that have been cut off from civilisation for days.

My photo is of my desk yesterday. It hasn't changed much since except for being moved slightly so that we could eat tea!!

I had my Wisdom tooth out yesterday morning and was told to do nothing more strenuous than sit in a chair so that's what I did. I had started a canvas at the weekend so worked a bit more on that.
I'm afraid the usual suspect of a nice cuppa is missing as I wasn't allowed a hot drink. Boo Hoo. Better make up for it today!! I have my basket of Pebeo paints out and the yellow sunshine you may be able to spot is my magic rubber thingy for opening jar lids. These paints haven't been used for awhile and some of the lids have stuck.

I had to share this with you. As I was typing up this post I could hear a funny noise and turned to see this.

Why do cats like water from any place other than their bowls? Before you all shout in alarm, I'd just changed it for clean water. You might be able to spot the canvas propped up against the light. I'm just debating whether it needs another leaf adding!!

Thanks for all the Spam advice last week, what a lovely lot you are. I did as you suggested and, touch wood, have been spam free since.

Well short and sweet from me this week so I'll see you at a desk near you later in the day.

If you wondered why I'm showing off my desk then pop over to see the WOYWW Headmistress, Julia. HERE.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting.


  1. I suspect the cat would have been just as happy with paint-drenched water!

    You have more snow in Yorkshire by the sound of it, than we have in the Czech Republic. Something very wrong there....

  2. That shot of the cat slurping from the bowl made me hoot!! my cats have been similarly disgusting at times. It's just as well you'd changed the water though!!
    I didn't realise you were having a wisdom tooth out...ouch, poor you, it unsettles your whole system, doesn't it? glad you had a quiet day, get better soon!
    That little hanging has been hung up around my house since you sent it to me! I just like it so its always around somewhere! And now you've got me really worried about my memory too? Did I ask you for a favour OMG, I honestly cannot remember what and why! Sigh........age is catching up, mutter mutter....... If I remember, I'll get back to you...but don't hold your breath ;)
    Hugs, LLJ 59 xxxx

  3. That pic of your kitty was so cute - would LOVE to see that canvas close up as looking great!!! Hope the tooth / mouth is healing xxx

  4. Aww hun, don’t know why we have wisdom teeth really, they are a pain coming through, more often then not a pain while we have them and even more of a pain when they are removed. I hope your face isn’t too sore after having yours out but at least you can craft guilt free having been given light duties for a while. Hope it heals soon.
    Strange animals cats!
    Just as well you had changed the water in that cup judging by the colour of it in the first picture. BoJangles is just the same if I have water on the table but he also likes muddy puddles as well.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ 101

  5. That pic of your cat is just too funny. I love that canvas. Your work is beautiful..#98

  6. Your canvas is looking fab! Your cat is so funny, I'm not a cat person but do enjoy seeing all crafter's pics of their cat's invading their craft spaces! Take care my WOYWW friend. Zo xx 117

  7. your canvas is looking great. I hope you are not in too much pain from the tooth being pulled out. Bless your cat what a laugh
    Wishing you a very Happy Easter and a great day today

  8. Aah, what a wonderful and Spring-like canvas! Like that! Hope you are feeling better today and have no problem drinking/eating. Happy woyww/Easter! Marit #85

  9. Oh you did the right thing - casuing the old blood to pump round your head after an extraction is not a nice thing. Ask me how I know! The canvas is looking are you going to know when to stop?!!

  10. Hi Lisa, I just love that canvas, you are so artistic, I could never do anything like that! Have to say that my cat would be shouted at if he came on my desk - I just wouldn't trust him not to be naughty!!! Happy WOW day. Jill x

  11. I feel for you having the wisdom tooth out and knock wood that you don't have any complications, Lisa. You sounded right cheery, considering. And your canvas is defo cheery - love it!!

    I don't have cats and prolly a good thing in case they might find a glass of vodka for slurping. Oh, not good! Lucky for kitty it was just fresh water!!

    Thanks for coming by earlier to visit me! Take it easy healing and have a wonderful week to come! Darnell #43

  12. Hope you are recovering from that wretched tooth problem and back to comforting cups of tea. I am sure the cat would like that too, especially if it was anywhere but his own bowl. Our dogs are as bad. Thank you for your visit. Sadly, we did not have a choice of using our local shops. We had the New Town imposed upon us and built over the top of the original shops. There is only one remaining independent shop left in the entire town, and even our market has taken a serious nose dive. So we have to travel at least 5 miles to the nearest independent shop. Have a good week, and keep your mouth warm and comfortable. xx Maggie #17

  13. Wow, I LOVE that canvas! The snow has really been amazing and I am very glad to live on the south coast! Hope you don't feel too sore today and I salute you for being able to go without tea yesterday - I am twitching at the thought...

  14. What a gorgeous canvas... love how you've layered the leaves over the top (by the look of it?). And the cat pic did make me laugh - do you know the Rum Tum Tugger poem - all about a cat who just wants the opposite of whatever you try to do for him!! Thanks so much for your visit, and happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  15. Hi Lisa, hope your tooth is feeling better! Your canvas is looking beautiful, that final shot where it is catching the light really shows up the detail - love the texture you've achieved there. Thanks for your visit have a good week. MMx #141

  16. I had to laugh at your cat pic. Dogs are just the same and we have spotted our dogs drink out of the most disgusting places, hub caps (yeah a while ago), coal buckets, bird baths. Disgusting!
    Clocked the pebeo paints straight away and the SD stamps you are using were the main reason I started my painting and made me buy the kit!!! The canvas is looking great.
    Hope you are feeling better after having your toothy peg out! I sympathise with you.

  17. Hullo there Lisa,
    A great creative space today, and as usual lovely creations too - yes to the leaf - but do love the beautiful spring blossoms may not be able to see them with all this snow but you can sure paint them!

    ..had to laugh at puss aren't they funny??! and yes feeling for you with tooth I wasn't allowed to drink hot drinks for three days (had piece taken off cheek to plug hole from mouth to sinus that was why) so yes, it is hard was surprised too! it is bleeding they are worried about.
    Thanks so much for for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #14

    PS glad about the spam too - had one spammer who persisted even after I did that.
    She would used different sign ins but when I kept deleting them from post she gave up after while.

    I have not had the plastic cards link on my blog for ages now :D

    They really puzzle you.

  18. The tooth is gone. That in itself will soon be a big relief. I love the canvas in progress. The other one you showed in the Kitty shot... is it stamped or painted? I thought I saw a bit of one-stroke going on. Maybe? Healing and Creative Blessings! Kelly #158

  19. Your canvas loks fab. Hope we will be seeing it when it's finished. I could do with one of those little orange things. I used rubber gloves at the moment when a jar is stiff but I know I'll rip them one day.
    Hope your snow continues to melt. It's going here at last, can even see some plants in the garden again.
    Beryl xx

  20. Ouch! Hope the mouth feels better soon - wisdom teeth are so NOT what they say !

    Your kitty made me laugh, glad you chnged the water first!

    Happy woyww

    Deb s#90

  21. Hope your tooth extraction went well and you can drink hot tea again!!!

    Love your canvas with the leaves...I would always prefer an uneven number of elements btw.(according to the leaf-adding-debate).

    My sunlotion bottle holds water *lol.
    I use it as a giant-mister so to say... for spraying water onto my craft sheet etc.

    I hope you have recovered already and had a happy Workdesk Wednesday!

    die amelie x

  22. Canvas looking good there and hope your mouth heals quickly. Thanks for visiting me. BJ#67

  23. Definitely laughed at your cat. Mine is exactly the same. I always put him fresh water down with his food. Does he drink it? No. Goes out into the garden, drinks from the birdbath/pond/ puddles instead. Makes you worry about the tapwater, lol. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #144 xx

  24. Naughty pussy cat, my 'lodger' cat isn't trying to drink my tea at the momnet he wants to learn to type! I have some of those paints somewhere, the lids always get stuck! Have a great weekend, Happy Easter! Happy WOYWW!!

    (((Lyn))) #10

  25. Lovely colors on your canvas...would love to see more - hint, hint! And cats? Hmmmm. What to say? I found one of ours licking a soap sliver in the shower this morning. Really? I mean it can't taste good? Oh well. I guess we should be happy your little critter did have clean water!!
    Thanks for your kind words on my blog..
    sara j#24

  26. I hope you are recovering well!!! Dentists aren't my favorite people, lol! Your cat is gorgeous, like your paintings!!

    Happy Easter!

  27. Hope your mouth is feeling much better now, especially if you are planning to eat any choccie eggs this weekend. Could do with some sunshine as things dont seem so bad when the suns out. It was trying to snow again here (on east coast) this morning...brrrrr...
    Love your beautiful cheerful colours and flowers on your canvas - would love to see it closer up.
    Thanks for stopping by yesterday..have a lovely weekend.. Gill x #75

  28. Hope your mouth has got better. Nothing worse than tooth pain.
    Love the glimpse of the canvas - can we see more?
    I'm very late with WOYWW this week, have been babysitting.


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