
Wednesday 26 September 2012


Morning lovely Crafters and Dear WOYWW friends.

Well, we've made it to another Wednesday hop around the desks a little bit soggier than last week but the thought of sharing some desk chatter is more than enough to banish these gloomy clouds. If you want to join in then you need to pop over to see our Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE.

I hope I find you all safe and dry today after this awful rain. We have several roads under water and the river came out into the park but thankfully not into the homes that border it. We actually made it onto the BBC 10 O'Clock news last night!!!!!  We got off lightly though compared with anyone living a bit further north. The pictures of the A1 are amazing.

It's certainly been perfect crafting weather so, without further ado, here's my desk today.

I've been playing with yet more previously  uninked stamps, I told you I have many!!  These are the Poppy Scene it set from Hobby Craft and I love them. My H20's are sitting there patiently activating while I took the photos. The mug is empty, a rare event.

Here is what I have been looking at out of the window, nothing to distract lately. I can't wait to visit all my Australian friends who'll have gorgeous blue sky photos to share I hope.

Also on my window sill is one of my Hoya cuttings. This poor plant has had a rough life after leaving his Mummy, my dear blogging friend, Jozarty.

 She sent me two a couple of years ago and said they were an easy houseplant. They were nurtured and  grew beautifully until this Spring when they started to look very sad. What was I going to tell, Jo, couldn't tell here I'd killed them. Desperate measures were called for so I tried taking cuttings from the ends of the poor plants and amazingly they grew. I now have two again growing very well but I knocked this one over on Monday spilling soil all over my little room. He has now been replanted and put on the window ledge where hopefully he'll be safe. His brother is on another shelf. I promise I will take better care of them, Jo.

And finally, here is the cared I as working on. A birthday card for my lovely Neighbour who is Poppy mad. I can't take any credit for this one as I took the scene from a card that was on Jenny May's stand at Harrogate in March.  I painted the scene with Distress inks and the Poppies with H20's to make them shine.

Sorry not to be so brief today but thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a lovely, Crafty Wednesday.


  1. Gorgeous card Lisa. Rain rain go away eh? I really do think we have had enough for now haven't we?
    A x #64

  2. I love that card and I love poppies, have pictures and silk ones around the house. So many coincidences here, I too have that cutting from Jo but did not know what ;it was until reading your blog, thanks! Mine is thriving (fingers crossed) and bore lots of circles of flowers this year. I have been pinching it out to hopefully bush it out but might take one or two off like you did and see how I go.
    Gosh this is Woyww gardening show!
    Love my H2o's so was interested to read you are using yours as they rarely get mentioned these days.
    Glad you were safe with the flooding but bet it was a hairy moment when it went over the park.
    Thanks for sharing, Hugs, Neet #5 xx

  3. Beautiful card, we've been lucky down here, still had lots of rain but sun is kind of shining today, keeps peeking out. Take care Zo xx 73

  4. Hi Lisa, your card is absolutely gorgeous, that poppy stamp is wonderful. Nice to see someone using H2O's again, mine are sadly neglected but you have inspired me to get them out again. Yes, the weather has been atrocious, so many affected, my heart goes out to them. Thank you for your visit and kind comments, I am just taking one day at a time and trying not to be too impatient! Happy WOYWw, Anne x #65

  5. Hi Lisa - love the rain shot - made me glad to be inside too! Hope the flooding stays in the park. Seems apt that you have your H2Os out! Great card. I love poppies too. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 82

  6. Goodness, the rain has been awful, hasn;t it? Though I think we've got away lightly compared to you lot up north....
    Love that poppies card, that'll bring a smile to her face and brighten up the dreary day!
    And working is severely cramping my style, lol!
    Hugs, LLJ ~59 xx

  7. Gorgeous card and very tidy desk, Lisa. We were due to travel to the North East today (from SE) but delayed because of the flooding,

    Lucy x

  8. Hi Lisa - wow, that card is amazing. I love H2Os as well - they alwasy add that special something I think. Happy WOYWW! Di xx

  9. Definitely weather to stay inside and craft. I haven't been out the house now for two days! Happy WOYWW, Sharon #79

  10. So pleased your Hoya is surviving. Have you had any flowers yet, they smell and look amazing. My main plant is enormous and cutting have travelled the length of England so friends can share it. I really love your card and the poppies remind me of our HOT sunny day last Saturday, (yes really!) when we visited the National Memorial Arboretum. Lots of poppies there but only in commemorative wreath, not real ones. The NMA is not just military and has gardens and memorials for all sorts of associations... over 200 acres of trees and gardens it's well wort a visit.
    Love jo x

  11. your desk looks very inviting,fab card,at least with the rain we dont have to water the garden :)
    happy woyww
    kay #56

  12. That card is so sweet, did you paint it? I hope you see the sunshine soon. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh at #11

  13. in progress and still so neat Lisa, as for the plant well after 2 years and still alive that would be a miracle for me!! and your neighbour will loVe this bright n cheery card...Melx :)

  14. Gorgeous card love those poppies, coloured beautifully.. busy desk going on today... well done on saving the little plant! Hugs May x x x#52

  15. All the ingredients for lots of crafty fun on your desk Lisa. We haven't had so much rain this week, but enough to make it very soggy.
    Happy WOYWW.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  16. Yes my window has looked very similar of late! The poppy card is lovely. Thank you for an interesting visit to your work desk and thank you for popping by mine. :o)
    Sue x

  17. Hi Lisa. Glad to hear you've stayed safe in the rain and hopefully things should be improving now:) Loving the look of your H2O poppies as they really zing. Isn't it funny the way we have some stamps which never seem to see the light of day and others that could probably do with a rest! Hope the plants continue to flourish. Hugs, Buttons #70

  18. Gorgeous cards and who needs copics if you can colour like that with DI. Best of luck with the houseplant. I think it is such a responsibility when you get a plant as a gift almost equals being hexed!! That plant usually dies a tragic horrible death. Well that is what happens at my place and the old thing left in the garden blooms triffid like blue stalks. enjoy your week.
    Sandra @23

  19. Hi there Lisa, ah Hoyas - I do love them, think I remember you posting about them before and pray yours do well - think they like light - and fresh air and guess that is not in full abundance over there! we can grow them outside and seem to remember we put banana skins on them too. They like them because of the potassium in them... now sorry had not sunny skies on this weeks post because I was to lazy - we have had mainly sunny warm days of about 21 to 25 - dos that make you cross?? and it is holidays here so very glad for he children. But glad you liked the gumblossom - they are lovely.
    Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #21

  20. Lovely poppy card Lisa. I hope your weather is a bit better today. We watched all the TV news about A1 and York. We used to live near Selby but luckily never got flooded. x Jo

  21. Beautiful card - full of the blue skies you're hankering after... do hope the rain stays away now. I'm guessing H2Os are some sort of watercolour paint, is that right? Lovely desk shot, and glad to hear the plants are on the mend! Belated happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  22. are an incredible painter. The card looks great! The embossing bit behind really sets it off.

    I finished off my list...Whew!
    I wanted it done so i had the weekend to relax before hospital...maybe I can even play a bit in my room!

  23. Your desk looks lovely and organised - and your view looks just like mine!

    I'm a little late but still wishing you a happy WOYWW!


  24. I love your card - poppies are one of my favourite flowers! Your desk looks really nice I envy those H2Os - I would so like to have them but they are hard to get hold of around here!
    Have a lovely week,

  25. gorgeous card! I love twinkling h20's to give you the little bit of shine on a card. Scene reminds me of a house we stayed at in spain with the flat faced house. Have a great week and thanks for visitng! Vickie #87

  26. Hi Lisa, OOh rain :[ But good crafting weather :0) I love your gorgeous poppies card!! Well done giving new life to your Hoyas, they smell divine in the evenings if it's the one I'm thinking of, are they usually trained around in a circle with white flowers that seep with sweet sticky nectar? Hope you had a lovely time with your H2o's :0) Gay x

  27. You have got me thinking. I used to grow Hoya Bella and Hoya carnosa, but I lost them all in the end. I must have a look around to see what I can find at the garden centre. They are so pretty and beautifully perfumed. I am glad you are clear of the flood water so far. Not sure where you are, but I spent 3 years in the area when I was at college many moons ago, and even had a fortnight under canvas in the rain at Threshfield. A lovely area. Have a drier week. We need sun to ripen the tomatoes too. xx Maggie #100

  28. Hi Lisa, oh dear, all that rain is just too depressing ... hope it's gone away by today. Love your card - poppies are my no. one favourite flower too. I still haven't broken out the H2Os and they've been on my desk for a month or so now ... must find time to try them out and see if I can achieve anything like the effects you get :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #77

  29. What a fun visit today, Lisa. (Thanks for coming to see me earlier!) First, that's a stunning card! I had to read twice that you actually painted that scene yourself. I'm in awe.

    Good luck with the plantings! It's not an easy thing cleaning up spilt plants - good for you for not chucking the thing at the moment!!

  30. I just love poppies and those are so colourful and the red really shines out brightly! Happy WOYWW and keep smiling!

  31. love your card the colors are WOW! I love Distress Inks and especially H2o"s thanks for stopping by my desk this week enjoyed yours!

  32. Lisa, it's a lovely card, and you CAN take credit for it because you were inspired and did the work yourself. So there! Glad to hear you are ok despite the weather, I've been worried about our friends in the North....

    Thanks for stopping by!

  33. What a gorgeous card! The colouring is wonderful. I'm really worried though... an empty cup? I'm twitching at the thought.... ;-)

  34. I love the card. It is bright and happy and sure to ward off the gloomy day clouds. I like the embossed background. I used to do so much of that but haven't lately. It is funny how techniques come and go in your own craft room. I think you are supposed to talk dirty to plants to make them grow well. Anyway, when I used to have lots of lovely plants in my office that is what I told people.

  35. Hi Lisa

    My windows have been looking a lot like yours just recently .. .. although we were given the treat of lovely weather at the weekend which was good.

    I always enjoy looking at your desk. There are always so many different things to see.

    Fabulous finished card too!

    Hope you had a good weekend.

    Love Jules xx


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