
Wednesday 19 September 2012


Hello lovely Crafters and WOYWW friends. I'm not going to say how fast that week went by as we all know it flew. I'm getting up a good hour earlier and still there are not enough hours in the day. Anyway, as it's Wednesday again, my favourite day of the week, it's time for that weekly dose of interesting and inspirational desks. If you haven't yet discovered this wonderful place we all visit every week, then pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE, who'll fill you in on all the details.

Here's my desk this morning. I've been playing with something I rarely do and that's the little Tilda girls. I discovered some images that had been stamped out for me and decided to make them up into cards.  I seem to be using the shove it to the right technique with everything looking at this. Do you like my Smartie calculator I rescued from DD. Very handy for someone like me who has trouble with the tiny buttons they insist on putting on gadgets these days!!

Here's the finished card.

It's not elaborate like you see around the gorgeous Magnolia blogs but I can't seem to do those but it'll be fine for my card box and find a good home I'm sure.

Well, nice and brief again this week. If you stopped by earlier and wondered where the rest of the post was, I typed the first paragraph last night before Great British Bake Off and scheduled it to post this morning and then forgot to come back and finish it, so apologies. It's all here now.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Wednesday. It's a beautiful start to the day here in Yorkshire if a bit chilly.


  1. I think your card is perfect Lisa :D

    Hope you are well. Was with the other DD the night ( She isnt that anymore!!) I was asking about you xx
    Hugs Debbie x

  2. So man Tilda stamps around that I haven't seen - including this one, which I love. I think it's her curly hair. Gorgeous card Lisa.
    Beryl xx

  3. I was away from my desk last week and couldn't leave any comments so I'm trying to get around as many of my blogging friends today.
    Live your finished card.
    A x #86

  4. It is a beautiful and very pretty card and in think is more than alright!!! lvely colours.
    Have a great week! Trace x. 58

  5. Chilly down south too - I wore my gloves for the first time today! Beautiful card and I prefer them without so much stuff on them. I love the embossing on the middle layer.

  6. Beautiful card Lisa. I don't think it needs anything more it is perfect. Love the blue and green combo. Hope time is more kind to you - and me! Have a fun week and Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 102

  7. Ohhh your card is gorgeous. I am one of those that likes to hang it all on the right. In my latest canvas I started in the centre and those bits keep pushing to the right. I finally found your smartie calculator took me ages but it was so cute and bright that I completely missed it on your desk. Enjoy your week.
    Sandra @105

  8. I think you card is beautiful and I love the embossing with color co-ordinated with the card. Lovely don't be so hard on yourself.

    Thanks for visiting, it was nice.

    Eliza #45
    Hasppy WOYWW

  9. It’s a good job you can’t really hear me singing Lisa because it’s really out of tune I can tell you, Lol, despite the fact I used to sing in the church and school choir’s.

    Like you, I don’t often do cards with cute little girlies on but you’ve done a great job with your card. The embossed background is really pretty too.

    Thanks for stopping by this week.
    Happy Crafting!

  10. Beautiful card, love the colour blue, great design & detail.. it's perfect!!! some others are toooo much for me.. Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x

  11. your tilda card is gorgeous,love the calculator,does it spit out chocolate as well :)
    thanks for visiting me
    have a super woyww
    kay #54

  12. Gorgeous card made on your busy desk. I always add a face to Tilda and she looks so lovely ... I'm on a quest to get her one!
    Thanks for visiting and I'm 100% now ready for a long weekend with a gang of DH's college pals with trips to the National Arboretum and the Staffordshire Hoard. We all get along so well and after over 45 years we are all still married!!!
    Love Jo x

  13. Very cute card! I have those dies and looking for other ways to use them,very inspiring.Tamika #139

  14. That embossing looks so elegant! Beautiful choice of colors. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #36

  15. Love your card! I've never done a Tilda, and always feel as though there's no point even trying when I see what the Tilda specialists are producing! But this simpler version is just delightful... lovely colouring on the image, and beautiful framing mats! Thanks so much for dropping by and happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  16. Shove it to the right works for me too. your card looks lovely, sometimes this style can be over embellished.
    thanks for stopping by
    janet #45

  17. A sweet card Lisa, and lots going on on and crafty goodies abound. We've had a gloriously sunny day here in the south but I needed a cardigan on too. Thanks for visiting me and for sharing your work space. Have a great and creative end to the week. Happy WOYWW.
    hugs {brenda} xox #99

  18. I think your card is perfect as it is. I like the die cut and embossed layer - it makes a good layer to put Tilda on. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #113

  19. I like your "shove it to the right" idea, must try that one. Gorgeous card, I would be pleased if I coloured so well.
    Hugs, Neet 33 xx

  20. Hi Lisa

    Never mind where did the week go .. .. where did the year go?!?!?!

    I have never known such a quick year. I suppose that must mean I am getting old :-( LOL!!!

    Like you I keep getting up a bit earlier and then a bit earlier.

    Your desk always looks interesting!

    A lovely card and great layout but I have to admit that I would have had to draw a little smile on her face. I struggle when features are missing for some reason.

    Gorgeous colours and great embellishment. This won't stay in your card box very long!

    Hope all is good with you.

    Love Jules xx

  21. Isn't the Great British Bake Off some of the best telly ever? It had everything this week: comedy, bloodshed and drama. Perfect!

    As to your card, it looks very elaborate to me. And gorgeous as well, so well done.

    Thank you so much for stopping by.
    cheers, rachel #62

  22. Lovely card there Lisa. I sometimes wonder about the very decorated cards and how they get through the post? They must cost a fortune to post!

  23. I love those gorgeous big daisies in teh background of this card. I am a Gorjus girl fan, but not overly fond of Tilda, but I like this card very much.

  24. Your card is beautiful! Lovely colours! Happy very late WOYWW!

  25. Hi there Lisa ah do love your card - great share indeed! and am so with you on all the details on other cards like the stamp to do its own work own two Tilda stamps and have coloured them but not made them up, what shame! sh love your wee guillotine just like mine! Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #35

  26. Lovely card!I use the shove it method too, only I shove it right, left and sometimes off. LOL
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #46

  27. Really enjoying my catch really has been too long Lisa. I just love that post box card a few down - fabulous!
    We are still no further on with Caleb and being back at school has proved a bit of a challenge for him and I. Hope has settled in really well which is great. She thinks they spend too much time playing lol.....her teacher definitely has this learning things mallarky sussed! Cheers Claire x

  28. Hi Lisa,

    Oh, your card is just adorable! I think it's just perfect!

    I'm sorry it's taken me forever to come visit - but I made it!



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